APPROVAL FOR A COURSE TAKEN AT ... - Princeton University

Princeton University Office of the Dean of the College APPROVAL FOR A COURSE TAKEN AT ANOTHER INSTITUTION

Deadline for submission: the Princeton University Dean's Date preceding the term in which the course is offered.

STEP ONE: BACKGROUND INFORMATION (to be filled out by the student)

Name _______________________ Class _____ College.___________ Degree _____ Dept. _____ Date ________

E-mail address _______________ PU ID ______________ Frist Mailbox # ____________ Cell Phone _______________

Institution Offering Course _________________________ Title of Course _____________________________________

Duration of Course: ___weeks, from _______ to _______. Class hours per week _____ Total class hours __________ Lab hours per week _____ Total lab hours __________

Location of summer study abroad program (if applicable)______________________________________

Will this course be used to remove a course deficiency? (Yes or No) ______

Are you requesting to satisfy a specific A.B. distribution requirement at Princeton? __LA __SA __ST (Note: a maximum of two outside courses may be used to fulfill distribution requirements & only one outside course in any single distribution area. Outside science courses with or without a lab may count only for STN credit; you must still complete at least one STL course at Princeton.)

NOTE: You must attach to this form a photocopy of the following information from the catalogue or web page of the college or university you plan to attend (online courses do not qualify): a. a detailed description of the course(s) (if possible, attach a syllabus also); b. a listing of the number of class hours (and lab hours, if applicable) per week; c. an official schedule showing the first and last days of the course session.


1. Review the "Guidelines for Approving Courses at Other Institutions" on the reverse side of this page. Use a separate form for each course (exception: you may use a single form for a two-semester sequence ? e.g., General Chemistry 1 and 2).

2. You must have the course information reviewed and approved by the appropriate departmental representative or program director in the department or program where the outside course would be taught, were it offered at Princeton.

3. This step should be completed only if you wish to have the outside course satisfy a prerequisite or requirement in a department or program other than the home department. Please take the form to the appropriate departmental representative or program director for review.

4. After you have obtained the necessary approvals in Steps Two, Three, and Four, leave this form with your dean or director of studies (or Office of International Programs, for courses taken abroad). A copy of this form will be returned to you as certification that the course was pre-approved.

5. After you have completed your course(s), order a transcript of your grade(s) to be sent to the dean or director of studies of your residential college (or OIP). All transcripts should be received two weeks prior to the start of your next term at Princeton.

STEP TWO: PREAPPROVAL FOR PRINCETON UNIVERSITY CREDIT (to be filled out and signed by the relevant Departmental Representative or Program Director).

This course ____ does _____ does not meet the standards for Princeton credit. Meets __LA __SA __ ST requirement.

Analogous Course at Princeton (if applicable): ________________

If none: is this course equivalent to upper-level (300-400 level) or lower-level (100-200 level) course work?

_____ Upper-Level

_____ Lower-Level

___ This course is approved for Princeton credit but may not be used to fulfill a departmental prerequisite or requirement.

This course will also be used to satisfy the following specific requirements in my department or program (check all that apply):

___ a departmental or program prerequisite ___ a departmental or program requirement ___ a prerequisite for an advanced course

Comments: ________________________________________________ Approval: ________________________________________________

Sign and print name Dept/Program _______________________________Date ___________

STEP THREE: PREAPPROVAL FOR OTHER PROGRAMMATIC OR DEPARTMENTAL PURPOSES (for an outside course to fulfill a requirement for a department or program other than the home department or program for the course at Princeton; to be filled out and signed by a faculty representative from the relevant department or program).

This course will satisfy the following departmental or programmatic requirements:

___ a Teacher Preparation requirement

Sign and print name: ____________________________________

___ a requirement for a certificate in _________________ Sign and print name: ____________________________________

___ a prerequisite or ___a requirement for a department other than the home department.

Name of department __________________________ Sign and print name: ____________________________________

STEP FOUR: S.E.A.S. APPROVAL (B.S.E. students only; to be filled out and signed by the Associate Dean of Engineering)

Comments: _________________________________________________________________________________________________

This course ____ will ____ will not satisfy a B.S.E. requirement.

If so, which one?____________________________________

Approval: __________________________________________ (signature of Associate Dean of Engineering)

Date: ____________________

STEP FIVE: OFFICE OF THE DEAN OF THE COLLEGE APPROVAL (to be filled out and signed by the student's Dean or Director of Studies; or by Dean Kanach for all courses taken abroad.)


Approval: ___________________________________ (signature of Dean/Director of Studies)

Date: _______________________________

GUIDELINES FOR APPROVING COURSES TAKEN AT OTHER INSTITUTIONS 1. The outside course must be offered by an accredited, four-year institution. Study Abroad courses must appear on the transcript

of a four-year institution. Online courses are ineligible for transfer credit. 2. In the case of summer courses, a one-term course must meet for a minimum of 4 weeks and 30 hours or more; a two-term

course must meet for a minimum of 8 weeks (and 60 hours). A course or set of courses proposed to substitute for a course in a foreign language must meet a total of 60 hours. Please note that many departments (e.g. Math, Economics, Physics) impose additional requirements and restrictions: check with departmental or program websites to determine the specifics of what they require. 3. Please note: only the STN distribution requirement can be met by an outside course. But, if you are taking a science course to meet a BSE or science department requirement, the course may require substantial hours of lab time. Check with the appropriate departmental representative or program director. 4. The content of an elective course should fit generally within the range of course offerings in a Princeton department or program. In the case of a course proposed to substitute for a prerequisite or required course in a Princeton department or program, the content should be substantially similar. 5. The Departmental Representative or Program Director may request information about the course beyond the catalog description, such as a reading list, the names of required texts, and the kinds of examinations, reports, lab projects, or papers used to test the student's mastery of the course.

REGULATIONS CONCERNING CREDIT FOR COURSES 1. In any one summer, only two courses can be taken for Princeton credit. 2. Over his or her entire Princeton career, an A.B. student is permitted to count a maximum of three courses taken at other

institutions for credit towards the Princeton degree; a B.S.E. student is permitted to count a maximum of four such courses for credit towards the Princeton degree. 3. A maximum of two outside courses may be used to fulfill A.B. distribution requirements, and only one per distribution area, in the following areas: LA, SA, ST. (Science courses taken away from Princeton will be logged as STN for distribution purposes.) 4. In rare circumstances, a department may approve one outside course to count as a departmental. 5. Credit will be granted only if the student earns a grade of "C" or higher. A "C-" is not acceptable. Courses cannot be taken on a P/F basis. 6. A student cannot receive credit both for a course taken at another institution and for its Princeton equivalent. 7. One course credit can be granted for a beginning language course provided the course/s are preapproved by the department and the department determines at the conclusion of the preapproved summer study that the student has progressed beyond the 102 level. Credit for 100-level language courses beyond 102 may be granted if preapproved by the department and the department determines that the student has proceeded beyond the expected language level for that course. Credit will be given for the final course in an introductory sequence only if the student passes the department placement test. All language courses must have 60 contact hours and meet for a minimum of 4 weeks. 8. Courses approved for Princeton credit and passed with a grade of C or better will appear with transfer credit instead of a grade on the Princeton transcript after the receipt of an official transcript from the sponsoring institution.



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