Job Description - Shamokin Area School District

SAHS Alumni Association – Last Updated 04/24/2020

Job Descriptions

This document provides Job Descriptions for Officers of the Shamokin Area High School Alumni Association. It was created to document the ongoing process being used at each position. It covers the following officers:


Vice President






• Use email with officers or other committee members when possible to coordinate activities and to communicate questions, comments or needs. If you don’t use email or the person you wish to contact is not available via email, pick up the phone. A personal phone call is always a good idea.

• It is recommended for general knowledge and purpose, that you review the alumni by-laws and charter located on the web.

• Don’t be afraid to ask questions. Many past Presidents who attend meetings have a wealth of history and insight into the process, which will not be listed in this document.

• This document will be stored electronically on the website under “Policy and Procedures”. If you have any changes (as of 2018) see John Clutcher to update the website.

• The alumni website is being used more and more to save data, which is being used in the newsletter or other documents. If you have any updates to items which are on the website, please inform the website committee.

Job Description

President - SAHS Alumni Association



• Postcards for the fall, winter and spring meetings are to be sent out 3 weeks prior to each event. Coordination of that activity is with the Registrar, who will produce the labels, get the cards printed and see that they get mailed. Postcards are sent to class reps, officers and past alumni presidents. As of 2017, the alumni association produces the postcards. John Clutcher has been developing the postcards using Vistaprint and has them mailed to Jeff Clutcher (registrar) to attach the labels, place the stamp and see that they get mailed.

• For the fall business meeting, you need to determine where to hold the dinner/meeting. OIP in Shamokin has been used in the past but other locations are possible. You will need to make arrangements with the restaurant to see if they have room for about 20 to 25 alumni in a private meeting area. Dinner starts at 6pm with the business meeting starting around 7pm. Postcard being sent out will reflect dinner and business meeting start times, location, ordering from the menu, payment on your own, phone and email address of the president who will collect the count to pass along to the restaurant and cutoff date when they need to reply.

• All meetings need an agenda, which you put together. This can be something verbally communicated at the meeting or a paper handout. Topics may include, but are not limited to:

1. Call to Order

2. Principal’s Report

3. Secretary’s Report

4. Treasurer’s Report

5. Communications

6. Committee Reports

➢ Banquet

➢ Afterglow – not planned for 2020

➢ Entertainment

➢ Invitation/Newsletter

➢ Programs

➢ Auditing

➢ Awards

➢ By-Laws

➢ Class Representatives

➢ Education Fund

➢ Memorabilia

➢ Nominations

➢ Publicity

➢ Website

7. Old Business

8. New Business


10. Adjournment


• Participate in Banquet Program as Vice President.

• Accept gavel from President for 1 year (not sure if there is a real gavel).


• Select a location for fall dinner/meeting. Confirm date, time, location, menu and cost. Since 2015 we have had alumni order off the menu and pay on their own, rather than collect a flat fee. Coordinate efforts with restaurant, including arrangements for individual checks and on when they need to have a final count. Within reason, pick your favorite restaurant location in the Shamokin area and a date that is good for you.

• Work with the registrar to send out postcards for the fall meeting. Include dinner and meeting time and a deadline to reply to your contact information provided, if attending. This is needed to provide a head count for the restaurant.

• Confirm all committee chairs prior to and/or during the first meeting.


• Lead the Fall Meeting. Establish when and where the winter and spring meetings will be held. Confirm date/time and location for banquet.


• Contac the High School Principal to obtain the Senior class advisors’ names and e-mail addresses.

• Contact the Senior class advisors and invite them to the Winter planning meeting in January.


• Work with Registrar to send out postcard with details for the Winter Meeting.


• Lead Winter Meeting. Announce any deadlines for newsletter material - details would come from the Invitation/Newsletter Committee.

• Write President’s Message for newsletter. Get a photo - digital picture may work fine - for newsletter. Provide both items to the Invitation/Newsletter Committee. Work with that committee or publisher if question on the photo.

• Arrange with high school guidance counselor or principal to speak with seniors about scholarships. This process will need to be coordinated with the Education Committee as they could have something already in place (how to give the test, who will give the test, when/where it is scheduled and how it is promoted/advertised by the guidance counselor).


• President and Vice President should speak to the seniors about the scholarship exam or get someone to make this happen when needed. See “SAHS Senior Class Assembly Discussion Points” document on the website (under Policy and Procedures) for more detail.


• Work with Registrar to send out postcard with details for the Spring Meeting.

• Check to make sure internal audit is complete (ask Treasurer if needed).


• Lead Spring Meeting.

o Confirm final report of nominating committee for next year’s officers.

o Confirm participation of clergy for invocation and benediction at banquet.

o Confirm date/time for banquet with principal and superintendent.

o Confirm any speakers for the banquet, such as high school principal for the “annual report of graduating seniors” and high school music director to provide student entertainment for the banquet.

o Review details of banquet with banquet committee. Are we set in terms of setup help, catering for dinner/afterglow, entertainment for business meeting/afterglow, material for the program, prize drawings, gifts for the golden anniversary class, etc?

o Confirm items completed in March concerning scholarship testing and share with group (how to give the test, who will give the test, when/where it is scheduled and how it is promoted/advertised by the guidance counselor).

o Confirm who will represent the alumni association at the high school scholastic awards ceremony held at the end of the school year. That information may need to be shared with the guidance counselor or school officials. This ceremony acknowledges those who won the scholarships awards and presents checks to students for those other scholarships the association maintains. Coordinate this information with the Treasurer. See ‘Scholastic Awards Ceremony Policy/Procedure’ document.

o Provide any job description changes need to be made to this document, which is stored on the website.

• Write President’s Message for Banquet Program and give to Program Committee. Your picture from the newsletter (see January above) should be on file with the printer, but verify that they have the photo to use.


• Review any last-minute to-dos for banquet.

• At banquet - review what items will be covered by the president and vice president on the program with the VP. Note that a few items occur before the dinner, with most events happening during the business meeting.

• Thank appropriate parties and run the business meeting.


• Attend the Senior Scholastic Awards ceremony to present awards.

Job Description

Vice-President - SAHS Alumni Association



• Accept position at annual banquet business meeting.


• Assist President in committee chair verification as needed.


• If needed, lead Fall Meeting.


• If needed, lead Winter Meeting.


• Along with the President speak to the seniors about taking the Scholarship exam. See “SAHS Senior Class Assembly Discussion Points” document on the website (under Policy and Procedures) for more detail.


• If needed, lead Spring Meeting.


• At business meeting of banquet, announce anniversary classes, distance awards and distribute gifts for anniversary classes.


• Attend the Senior Scholastic Awards ceremony with the President to present awards.

Job Description

Registrar - SAHS Alumni Association



• Provide printouts and labels to class reps as requested.

• Update alumni database records as information is provided. GED and new graduates need to be verified through the school district before being added to the database.

• Review local newspaper as schedule permits to note change of name, address or death notices.

• Maintain class rep additions or deletions.

• Backup alumni database on a regular basis, keeping a backup copy offsite.

• Maintain yearbooks and alumni library.


• Accept position at the annual business meeting.


• Work with the President to confirm details of Fall Meeting. Print meeting notice postcards and send to class reps, past Presidents and officers. Get check from Treasurer to pay for postage.


• Attend fall meeting.


• Work with the President to confirm details of Winter Meeting. Print meeting notice postcards and send to class reps, past Presidents and officers. Get check from Treasurer to pay for postage.


• Provide class reps and necrology to Invitation/Newsletter Chair for newsletter.


• Work with the President to confirm details of Spring Meeting. Print meeting notice postcards and send to class reps, past Presidents and officers. Get check from Treasurer to pay for postage.

• Create “.tsv” mailing file for newsletter mailing. Separate instructions to create this file reside on the Registrar’s PC.


• Get printout of senior class/graduation program from Principal’s Office. Get the names for 2 class representatives, yearbook and class pennant.

• Note any additions (from March through May) for necrology listing for banquet program. Also, note any changes for class representatives and changes resulting from newsletter mailing.

• Review last minute banquet to-do’s list.

• Bring pennants and class numbers for tables at banquet and return to alumni office afterwards.

Job Description

Secretary - SAHS Alumni Association



• Accept position at banquet.


• Take minutes at Fall Meeting. Send proof copy of minutes to website chair for publishing.


• Take minutes at Winter Meeting. Send proof copy of minutes to website chair for publishing.


• Take minutes at Spring Meeting. Send proof copy of minutes to website chair for publishing.


• Take minutes at banquet. Send proof copy of minutes to website chair for publishing.

Job Description

Historian - SAHS Alumni Association



• Clip articles from local paper and maintain memorabilia associated with the SAHS Alumni Association.

Job Description

Treasurer - SAHS Alumni Association



• Backup treasurer database on a regular basis, keeping a backup copy offsite.

• Enter receipts, make deposits, pay outstanding bills, print reports and reconcile bank statements on a monthly basis as needed.

• Pay annual officer salary when due.


• Accept position at the banquet.


• Enter all monies received at the banquet and through the mail into the computer database.

• Make deposits to the General, Educational and Special Funds as needed.

• Have new officers sign bankcards, print reports and reconcile bank statements if needed.


• Prepare financial statements for Fall Meeting.

• Write checks for Homecoming donation and Totem Pole advertisement.


• Close out books. Prepare for fiscal financial reports.


Prepare financial statements for Winter Meeting.

Prepare information for Newsletter and give to Invitation/Newsletter Committee.


• Get info from Guidance Counselor on award winners. Estimated to have 12 award winners, of which 4 are paid through the Coal Township Alumni Association.

• Money is withdrawn from accounts and money orders are obtained for other awards (this may not be a complete list):

o H. Richard Hillbush Scholarship Fund

o Peter J. Malifi Scholarship Fund

o Scott Bramhall Salutatorian Memorial

o Mal Paul Wrestling Memorial Fund

o Gillespie Family Trust - 2 awards

o Class of 1913 Savings

o Robert Metzer Memorial Fund

o Stella Olcese Award

o Sara Wiest Hall

o Harry Strausser Award

o Albert Fetzko Award

o Van Gasken Schrider Scholarship Award

o Leona Adams Trust (In Memory of Charles and Lulu Venn)

o Leona Adams Trust (In Memory of Isaac & Louise Rothermel)

o Garnet Willow Award

o Jane Sarge Bastress Award

o C.Q. McWilliams Award

o Miriam Birchard Award

o Mildred Sharp Award

o The Vincent P. DePiante, Jr. and Elvira Mirarchi-DePiante Memorial Scholarship Fund


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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