Task Three: Pacific principles and values

Task Three: Pacific principles and valuesBefore you start:Important! - Look through the Careerforce Learning Guide – Pacific principles and values: You will need to view the learning guide to complete this assessment task! The learning guide supports your learning and prepares you for the assessment.You can find the Leaning Guide here - Introduction:Now you need to answer similar questions to Task Two, but this time about Pacific principles and values. You must have read and understood the learning guide about Pacific principles and values. You can’t just write, “They Pacific people are similar to Māori”. While they are similar, there are significant differences. Provide answers to the following questions. You don’t need to write long essay answers, but you do need to make sure you address the questions asked. Usually one or two sentences for each answer is enough.(Please note the boxes will expand as you type)Your first and last name:Your email address:The date you did this assessment:1. In this question you have to give information about how you and your workplace have culturally safe Pacific principles and values. You have to answer the questions that relate to the policies your workplace has, the procedures your workplace has and how you as person apply these things at work. TIP: Before you get started, take some time to think about the difference between the policies you have…..and the procedures you have to follow. These are two different things.(25987 1.3)Complete the chart below with your answers. a. How do the policies your workplace offers relate to Pacific principles and values? E.g. Think about the documents your workplace might have like a Quality Manual or Policy document. b. How do the procedures your workplace offers relate to Pacific principles and values? E.g. What processes do you go through to support Pacific cultural needs?2. Write a few sentences to describe how you personally apply culturally safe Pacific principles and values when you are at work with your clients. Tell us what you do.(25987 1.1)3. Think about the clients you have had from at least one Pacific nation (e.g. Tongan or Samoan or Fijian etc.) and write a few sentences to describe the culturally safe Pacific principles and values this group needs. If you have not had clients from a Pacific area, please answer the question about what you “would do” to make sure you looked after the Pacific principles and values these clients would need.(25987 1.2)4. Briefly describe what you say and do to support clients from a Pacific nation group (e.g. Samoan, Tongan, Fijian etc.) to show your respect their values and culture.(25987 1.5)a) What do you say (e.g. your verbal communication – the words and phrases you use) to support Pacific client needs?b) What body language do you use to support Pacific client needs? (e.g. the non-verbal communication – eye contact, hand shake, etc.) c. How do you behave to support Pacific clients’ needs? 5. Look at your workplace’s health strategy document. Write a few sentences to describe how culturally safe Pacific principles and values are addressed or relate to your workplace’s health strategy document.If you do not have a health strategy document, talk about what your strategy document should have in it related to Pacific people. (25987 1.4)6. Describe the importance put on family and kinship by those from Pacific nations. (25987 1.6)7. Discuss this assessment with your manager. Have him or her verify that the work you have described is what you do.Enter your manager’s details below to verify that you are culturally sensitive and follow Pacific principles and values in the work you do with Pacific clients. Note… your manager may be called to provide some examples of what you do.Your manager’s first and last name:Your manager’s email address:The date you discussed this assessment with your manager:You have now completed the task.SummaryPlease save the document using the following:FIRST NAME LAST NAME FP Task Three E.g. - TUI BROWN FP Task ThreeThen email the file to nts@.nz ................

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