Principles of Business and Personal Finance

Principles of Business and Finance

Course Guidelines

Teacher Info:

Ms. Jennifer L. Haymes

School Phone: 703-6735


Email is the best way to reach me, especially during the school day!


3 ring notebook (1.5 inch will be sufficient)

Notebook paper

Pen or pencil

A positive attitude!

About the Class:

This course introduces students to topics related to business, finance, management, and marketing to cover business in the global economy, functions of business organization and management, marketing basics, and significance of business financial and risk management.

In addition to learning basic business concepts, students will also learn how to manage their own checking/savings accounts, become informed consumers, invest wisely, and manage their own credit card accounts one day. They will also learn how to research a career, develop a marketable resume, and practice vital interview skills. These are all skills that they will use in their everyday lives!


Students will be expected to keep a neat and organized notebook. The student will be responsible for keeping all completed work, as well as class notes for review. Students will have quarterly notebook tests.


The quarter grading scale is as follows:

Tests/Quarter Tests 40%

Participation 30%

Quizzes 15%

Classwork 15%

Class Participation:

The class participation aspect of a student’s grade will be based on a point system. Students can earn up to 10 points a day for participating in class discussion, staying on task, and completing work assigned. The total number of points will be calculated at the end of every grading period.

For example, a student might have earned 10 points a day every day for a quarter. That means they receive 10 points per day for each of the 45 days in that quarter. They will receive a grade of 450 out of 450, which is a 100. Points start over at the beginning of every quarter.

If a student comes to class tardy, they will lose an automatic 3 points that day. They can earn those points back by scheduling a 30 minute before/after school session with Ms. Haymes within 2 days of the tardy.

If a student is absent from class, they will receive 0 points. They can earn those points back by also scheduling a time to meet with Ms. Haymes within 2 days of the absence.

Please note that excessive tardies and absences will be a determent to a student’s grade!

Here are some other “costs” of participation points:

Borrowing a pencil or paper from Ms. Haymes: 1 point each

Needing to go to locker or to go back to another teacher’s class for forgotten items: 1 point each

Bathroom visit: 1 point each

Honor Code:

Students in this class will be expected to adhere to a strict honor code. On many occasions students will be instructed by the teacher that they are allowed to work together on projects or assignments. However, when applicable, each student should write their answers in their own words. Students will be expected to work independently on tests unless otherwise specified. Failure to adhere to the honor code will result in a zero for the assignment (which cannot be dropped) and/or a discipline referral to the office.


If a student is absent from class or missed part of the period, they should refer to the make-up folder for assignments they have missed. Students have 2 days per absence to make up work.

Code of Conduct:

1. Respect one another, yourself, and Ms. Haymes.

2. Display a professional and positive attitude. Ms. Haymes will do the same!

3. Be on time to class and seated when the bell rings. Have your notes and notebook ready to begin as well.

4. Disrespectful behavior or actions towards Ms. Haymes or other students will result in immediate parent contact and/or detention. If such behavior persists after warnings, it will result in an office referral.

5. Cursing is never tolerated in the classroom or in any other school setting! Please watch what you say.

6. All other school rules apply.

7. Use your class time wisely. In the same way, respect my time as well.

Last minute tip: Class participation is absolutely key in this class. I want students to ask thoughtful questions and share stories that relate to the subject matter.

I have read the course rules and procedures and agree to adhere to them for the remainder of this course.

Student Signature: Date:

Parent/Guardian Signature: Date:


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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