Module 1- Principles of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy


Module Descriptor

|Title |Module 1 - Principles of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy |Code (if known) |

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|Level |11 (SCQF)Masters |Semester & Mode of |1 P/T |Credit Rating |

| | |Study | | |

| | | | |15 |

|Module Co-ordinator |Dr Leeanne Nicklas |

|Module Team |Dr Sean Harper, Melanie Sharp, Dr Leeanne Nicklas, Fiona Switzer |

| |Massimo Tarsia, Eileen Riddoch |

|Pre-requisites |N/A |

|Co-requisites |2-3,4 |

|Prohibited Combinations | |

|Aims |

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|To provide students with a critical understanding of the underpinning theories, principles and literature relating to core therapy and specific CBT|

|therapy processes and to facilitate reflection on practice. |

|Learning Outcomes |Assessed in this module |A |B |C |D |

|On successful completion of the module the student will be able to: | | | | | |

|L1 |To use efficient search strategies and appraisal tools to systematically appraise evidence| | | √ | | √ |

| | | |√ | | | |

|L2 |To review and critically appraise the literature associated with core therapy processes | | | | | |

| |and specific CBT techniques. | |√ |√ | |√ |

|L3 |Critically reflect on values, bases, underlying models, processes and skills and ethical | | | | | |

| |issues arising from practice. | |√ |√ |√ |√ |

|L4 |Demonstrate awareness of the theory of critical reflection and its application. | | | | | |

| | | |√ |√ | |√ |

A – Knowledge and Understanding

B – Intellectual Skills

C – Practical Skills

D – Transferable Skills

|Learning Experiences |

|The module will engage the student in the following types of learning experiences: |

|Time allocation |

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|Direct teaching contact 49 hours (7 teaching days/workshops) |

|Clinical supervision 6 hours |

|Direct patient contact 10 – 15 hours |

|Self directed learning 81-86 hours |

|Total hours 150 |

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|Learning experiences |

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|Modified lectures, workshops, interactive peer discussions, role play, supervisory sessions, therapy sessions, maintenance of clinical log, self |

|study. |

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|Assessment Pattern |

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|Formative essay (500 words) ‘Critically appraise the evidence for the specific effect of homework in CBT.’ |

|Essay (2,000 words) Weighting 100% L1, L2 |

|‘Critically appraise the generic versus specific components of CBT and synthesise the evidence supporting the particular effect of CBT.’ |

|Can this Module be Anonymously marked? Yes/No If No please provide an explanation. |

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|Content: |

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|The components of and evidence for the core CBT model |

|An outline of the assessment structure and nature of CBT interventions |

|Therapeutic alliance: engaging, structuring, managing, concluding |

|Theoretical applications of the interpersonal skills for the engagement and maintenance of therapeutic relationships. |

|A background to therapeutic processes: patients’ perspectives, assessment, communication. |

|The theory of case formulation and conceptualisation in CBT |

|The theory of reflection and its application within training. |

|Literature searching and accessing electronic sources of information. |

|Critically reviewing literature and synthesising the evidence. |

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|Main Texts Books |

|Hawton, K (1989). Cognitive Behaviour Therapy for Psychiatric Problems: A Practical Guide. Editor. Oxford University Press. |

|Beck, A.T; Rush, A.J; Shaw, B.J; Emery,G. (1979) Cognitive Therapy of Depression Guilford Press, New York |

|Persons, J.B. (1989) Cognitive Therapy in Practice Norton, New York |

|Stone,R; Drummond,L. (1991) The Practice of Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy Cambridge University Press |

|Beck, J. S. et al ( 1995) Cognitive Therapy: Basics and Beyond Guilford Press |

|Roth, A; Fonagy, P. (2005) What works for whom? Guilford Press, New York |

| |

|Articles General: |

|Roth, A.D. & Pilling, S. (2007). The competencies required to deliver effective cognitive and behavioural therapy for people with depression and |

|anxiety disorders. London: DOH |

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|Scottish Government (2011) The Matrix: A Guide to Delivering Evidence-based Psychological Therapies in Scotland. Accessed at |

|. |

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|Therapeutic relationships |

|Duncan et al (2003). The Session Rating Scale: Preliminary Psychometric Properties of a “Working” Alliance Measure.  Journal of Brief Therapy, 3, |

|1, 3-12 |

| Sexton, H. C., Hembre, K., & Kvarme, G. (1996). The interaction of the alliance and therapy microprocess: A sequential analysis. Journal of |

|Consulting & Clinical Psychology,64, 471–480 |

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|Formulation |

|Dudley R, Kuyken W in Johnstone L, Dallos R, (2006). Formulation in Psychology and Psychotherapy. Making Sense of People’s Problems, Chapter 2, |

|London, Routledge |

|Kuyken W, Padesky C A, Dudley R, (2009).  Collaborative Case Conceptualization. New York, Guilford Press. |

|Laidlaw K, Thompson LW, Gallagher-Thompson D, (2004).  Comprehensive Conceptualization of Cognitive Behaviour Therapy For Late Life Depression.  |

|Behaviour and Cognitive Psychotherapy (32) p389-399. |

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|Websites |

| Patient/client site |

| Practitioner site |

| patient/practitioner site |

| patient/practitioner site |

|.uk – practitioner site with audio relaxation downloads in English, Urdu and Polish |

| – patient site with quizzes, relaxation and information |

| – practitioner resource site |

| – a gateway to evidence based information |

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|Academic writing and reflective practice |

|Biggs, J. 2003. Teaching for Quality Learning at University. 2nd ed. Buckingham: SRHE and OU Press |

|Johns, C. 2000. Becoming a Reflective Practitioner: A reflective and holistic approach to clinical nursing, practice development and clinical |

|supervision. Oxford: Blackwell Science Ltd. |

|Yorks, L. and Marsick, V. 2000. Organizational Learning and Transformation. In Mezirow & Associates. 2000. Learning as Transformation: Critical |

|Perspectives on a Theory in Progress. London: John Wiley & Sons Inc. |

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|Critical appraisal of the literature |

|Coughlan et al. 2007. Step by step guide to critiquing research, (part 1) BJN 16 (11) 658- 663. |

|PHRU (2005) Critical Appraisal Tools, Public Health Resource Unit, Oxford, |

|Institute for Excellence, London, .uk/publications/knowledgereviews/kr03-summary.pdf |

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|Other relevant details |

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|Signed Dr. Leeanne Nicklas |Date 12/03/14 |

|Registry use only |Date received |


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