Principles of Management Test 1 - JFK High School of Business

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Principles of Management Test 1

Quiz Directions You will have two attempts to complete this test. Review your answers after the first try and take the test again. This test covers Management Theories, Quality Management, Information Management, Intellectual Property, Human Resource Management, and Knowledge Management.



When a customer considers a product to be worth the money s/he spent on it, the product

1 pt(s). demonstrates which of the following components of quality

A. Excellence

B. Value

C. Conformance to specifications

D. Customer satisfaction


Which of the following is a true statement regarding quality management:

1 pt(s).

A. It involves only upper-level managers.

B. It requires a short-term commitment.

C. It is used mostly in the manufacturing industry.

D. It is an ongoing process.


Which of the following is a process that weeds out defective products after they've been created:

1 pt(s).

A. Quality control

B. Quality improvement

C. Quality assurance

D. Quality command


Which of the following is a system that focuses on preventing defective products from being created in

1 pt(s). the first place:

A. Quality control

B. Quality improvement

C. Quality assurance

D. Quality command

When a customer returns a defective product for a refund, it's a(n)


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1 pt(s). A. prevention cost. B. appraisal cost. C. internal failure cost. D. external failure cost.

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Julie just got a promotion and will be transferring to another city, so she plans to spend some time with

1 pt(s). her replacement, passing on some of her tacit knowledge before she leaves. This is an example of

knowledge management being necessary due to

A. information overload.

B. globalization.

C. innovation.

D. turnover.


Businesses use knowledge management to assist in their efforts to create new and better products all

1 pt(s). the time. This influencing factor is known as

A. information overload.

B. specialization.

C. innovation.

D. enhanced value.


Which of the following is an example of receiving explicit knowledge:

1 pt(s).

A. Reading an instruction manual

B. Learning woodworking from a carpenter

C. Practicing the piano

D. Completing a medical residency


Which of the following is an example of receiving tacit knowledge:

1 pt(s).

A. Reading a history textbook

B. Listening to an instructor's lecture

C. "Shadowing" a person in your desired career

D. Following a recipe


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How do knowledge management and information management differ from each other?

1 pt(s).

A. Knowledge management does not involve the creation of knowledge. B. Knowledge management requires human contribution.

C. Information management focuses on sharing.

D. Information management spreads tacit knowledge.


The process of determining the skills, abilities, and other attributes a person needs to perform a

1 pt(s). particular job is referred to as:

A. Recruiting

B. Training

C. Development

D. Selection


Which of the following activities would a human resource manager be LEAST likely to find included in a

1 pt(s). list of official responsibilities?

A. Conduct background checks of prospective employees.

B. Enroll employees in training programs as needed

C. Maintain evaluation-and-performance files on employees.

D. order parts for a broken machine needed by employees.


You are a human resource manager for a Fortune 500 firm. You have identified a need for sales division

1 pt(s). managers to receive "diversity training." What will the managers be learning?

A. How to implement a wide variety of sales and marketing techniques.

B. How to run their divisions in ways that will avoid harassment and discrimination lawsuits.

C. How to expand their sales offerings to appeal to more segments of the general population.

D. How to reorganize workflow to achieve efficiency of scale

14. What is "intellectual capital?"

1 pt(s).

A. Equivalent to "intellectual property," it is right to the proceeds from creative works and technological developments produced by a firm.

B. the difference between a company's total debt load and the cost of retaining upper management each year

C. the sum of the knowledge and experience possessed by a firm's employees

D. the city in which the firm's headquarters and board of directors are located


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From the point of view of upper management, what is the PRIMARY function of the Human Resource

1 pt(s). Management department?

A. maximize employee performance

B. minimize costs of consumable goods

C. ensure that sick employees do not come to work

D. encourage healthy habits to lower health insurance costs

16. What is a relational database application used for?

1 pt(s). A. writing memos and emails B. researching issues of importance to the firm C. sorting and analyzing large amounts of information

D. creating training presentations for employees


Who is a person who advanced early scientific management principles?

1 pt(s).

A. Weber

B. Taylor

C. Vest

D. Fayol


A reporting relationship in which an employee receives orders from, and reports to, only one supervisor

1 pt(s). is known as:

A. Line of authority.

B. Centralization. C. Unity of direction. D. Unity of command.

19. Theory __ is based on positive assumptions about workers.

1 pt(s). A. Theory Z B. Theory X C. Theory Y

D. Theory C

Theory __ states that the average employee is lazy and will try to do as little as possible.


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1 pt(s). A. Theory Z B. Theory X C. Theory Y D. None

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21. Fayol's theory of equity specifies that:

1 pt(s). A. Employees should be paid equally regardless of their positions B. Managers should be treated equally C. Employees should be treated with respect and justice

D. People should get equal pay for equal work


Which of the following protections for intellectual property is not provided by the government?

1 pt(s).

A. Copyright

B. Trademark C. Trade Secret

D. Patent


The closely guarded formula for making Coca-Cola is an example of what type of information?

1 pt(s).

A. Copyright

B. Trademark

C. Trade Secret

D. Patent


A copyright is registered by the Library of Congress and lasts for how long?

1 pt(s).

A. The live of the author

B. The life of the author plus 70 years

C. Can be renewed annually for a fee D. Lasts forever.

Which of the following is not a trademark.



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