
Marketing Principles

Intro to Sports and Entertainment Marketing

Advanced Sports and Entertainment

Course Description

Marketing Principles is the foundational course for all pathways in Marketing Education. Marketing Principles addresses all the ways in which marketing satisfies consumer and business needs and wants for products and services. Students develop an understanding of the functions of marketing and how these functions influence all businesses. They learn basic marketing concepts and the role of marketing in our economy. Students also develop skills in applying economic concepts to marketing, distribution and logistics, marketing information management, finance in marketing, product/service planning, pricing mixes, promotional strategies, and personal selling.

Instructional Strategies

The main instructional strategies used in the Marketing Education program include: teacher lecture, class discussions, demonstrations, cooperative learning activities, presentations, projects, videos, and handouts.


Unit 1: Professionalism

Unit 2: Marketing Basics

Unit 3: Economics and Marketing

Unit 4: Target Markets and Segmentation

Unit 5: Market Research

Unit 6: Financing Marketing Activities

Unit 7: Distribution

Unit 8: Pricing Products

Unit 9: Product Development and Management

Unit 10: International Marketing

Unit 11: Personal Selling

Unit 12: Promotions

Unit 13: Marketing You!

Materials Required for Each Student:

You will bring the following tools to use in class each day:

• 3-ring Binder to serve as a Marketing Notebook

o Dividers Labeled: Notes, Project Handouts, Returned Grades

• Gmail Account

Daily Procedures

Please do the following when entering the classroom each day…

• As soon as you enter the classroom, gather your materials for class and begin the opening activity on the board.

• Look over daily agenda on the board

• If you are not in the classroom when the bell begins ringing, you will be considered TARDY.

• Once you have completed opening activity and read agenda please wait quietly for further instruction.

Please do the following before you leave the classroom each day…

• Submit your work into the tray labeled for your class period OR to Edmodo

• Straighten up your work area

• Push your chair under your table.

• I will give you time to pack up your belongings before the bell rings. You may not stand at the door before the bell rings!

Classroom Expectations

Be Respectful: Show respect to everyone at all times.

Be Prepared: Come to class with all your materials ready to learn and work

Be Accountable: Learn to follow all school rules and understand the consequences. You are responsible for your own actions.

Be Positive


Evaluation Procedures

Daily assignments 15%

Written Assessments – Tests, Quizzes, SGM, etc. 25%

Projects 40%

Dress for Success 5%

Final Exam 15%


Make-Up Policy

• If students are present, all daily assignments are due before the end of class that day. No exceptions. Failure to submit daily work on time will result in a “0”.

• It is the responsibility of the student to get any work missed after an absence. Please refer to Cobb County policies regarding make up work.

• Any work due on the day you are absent must be turned in when you return, without prompting from the teacher, into class tray or Edmodo.

• Should an assignment/test be scheduled for the day you return from an absence and notice was given before your absence, you are expected to be prepared at the scheduled time.

• Any missing test or projects must be made up within the 6 week grading period. Failure to make up tests or projects during this time will result in a irreplaceable “0”.

Parent Conferences

Parents are encouraged to join me in establishing and maintaining an open line of communication in support of their child and the opportunities for success offered through the learning experiences here at Hillgrove High School. Please feel free to contact me regarding any questions or concerns you might have at Katherine.brink@.



Hillgrove High School

Mrs. Katherine Brink

Mrs. Jolene Render



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