
University of Central Arkansas, College of Business Administration

Marketing Management (MKTG 4355) - Fall 2004

12:00noon - 12:50pm, MWF

BBA, Room 205

Professor: David Kim

Office BBA 210D

Office Hours: 9:00am - 12:00noon (Tuesday & Thursday), and by appointment

Office Phone: 450-3149, or 450-5346


Pre-requisites: At least nine (9) hours of marketing courses completed including MKTG 3350, or consent of instructor.

Course Overview: This is the writing intensive course that is required of all marketing majors. This is an integrative course that focuses on the application of marketing concepts and techniques to solve marketing problems. It is integrative in that concepts learned from previous courses will be applied in the analysis and discussion of selected topics. Students are expected to develop an ability to make decisions with appropriate analysis, and learn to communicate ideas both orally and in writing.

Course Objectives: This course has the following objectives: 1) to teach students how to analyze business situations, identify fundamental problems, and recommend solutions; 2) to apply marketing management concepts to the identification of problems; and 3) to communicate the above accurately, both in speech and in writing.

Course Format

Teamwork: Students will work in teams for the exercises and cases assigned. There is much to be recommended involving working together as a group. Not only do we learn from each other, but learning to work with other people and developing communication and cooperation skills are some of the most important ingredients to success in business. Groups consisting of three or four members will be assigned.

Classroom Professionalism and Civility: Classroom professionalism and civility are to be maintained at all times. To create an environment that is conducive for education, appropriate social conduct is required. Pagers and cellular phones are to be turned off or set to vibrate. No eating, drinking, sleeping or chatting when class is in session. No walking-out when class is in session without prior permission.

Attendance will be taken. Also, attendance or in-class assignments may be used as a portion of your exam grade.

Required Text: Kotler, Philip, A Framework for Marketing Management, second edition, Prentice Hall, 2003. Also, other marketing textbooks for reference are highly recommended.

Attendance/Tardiness: In accordance with University policy, you are expected to punctually attend all class meetings. If a student exceeds 4 absences, except for exceptional reasons (e.g., severe illness), his/her final grade will be adjusted downward one letter grade for each additional absence. After six (6) absences, your grade will automatically be adjusted to a W/F or W/P. Specifically, the following will apply:

Number of Absences Adjustment to final grade in the course

4 Drop one letter grade

5 Drop two letter grades

6 Drop three letter grades

7 W/F or W/P

Grading Scheme


3 Exams 300

Group presentation 100

Individual Case Analysis 100

TOTAL 500 points

Final grades in the course will be based on the following distribution of total points obtained in the course: 450 and over- A; 400 to 459--B; 350 to 399--C; 300 to 349--D; and below 300--F.

Students with Disability: The University of Central Arkansas adheres to the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act. If you need an accommodation under this Act due to disability, contact the Office of Disability Support Services at 450-3135.

Student Handbook: Students should familiarize themselves with all policies listed in the 2003 - 2004 student handbook, including specific policies on sexual harassment (pp. 109-113), general academic policies (pp. 34-39), and academic dishonesty (pp. 34-39).



Week 1 (Aug 20)

Introduction to Course

Week 2 (Aug 23)

Chapters 1 & 2: Marketing for the 21st Century;

Adapting Marketing to the New Economy

Case analysis – assignment and expectations

Group project – assignments and expectations

Week 3 (Aug 30)

Chapter 3: Building Customer Satisfaction, Value, and Retention

Week 4 (Sept 6)

Sept 6 - Labor Day (No Class!)

Chapters 4 & 5: Winning Markets Through Strategic Planning, Implementation, and Control; Understanding Markets, Market Demand, and the Marketing Environment

Week 5 (Sept 13)

Sept 13 - Exam 1

Chapters 6 & 7: Analyzing Consumer Markets and Buyer Behavior; Analyzing Business Markets and Buyer Behavior

Week 6 (Sept 20)

Chapters 8: Dealing with the Competition

Week 7 (Sept 27)

Chapter 9: Identifying Market Segments and Selecting Target Markets

Week 8 (Oct 4)

Chapter 10: Developing, Positioning, and Differentiating Products Through the Life Cycle


Week 9 (Oct 11)

Chapters 11: Setting Product and Brand Strategy

Oct 15 - Fall Break (no class)

Week 10 (Oct 18)

Oct 18 - Exam 2

Chapter 12: Designing and Managing Services

Week 11 (Oct 25)

Chapter 13: Designing Pricing Strategies and Programs

Week 12 (Nov 1)

Chapter 14: Designing and Managing Value Networks and Marketing Channels

Week 13 (Nov 8)

Chapter 15: Managing Retailing, Wholesaling, and Market Logistics

Week 14 (Nov 15)

Chapter 16: Designing and Managing Integrated Marketing Communications

Week 15 (Nov 22)

Nov 22 – Exam 3

Nov 24 - Thanksgiving Break - no class

Nov 26 - Thanksgiving Break - no class

Week 16 (Nov 29)

Nov 29 - Wrap-up

Dec 3 - Reading Day - no class

Week 17 (Dec 6)

Take Home Final: Individual Case Analysis Due


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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