You can cut a hole in this sheet of paper large enough for ...

Paper Cutting Magic

Bet anyone that you can take a regular sheet of paper and cut a hole in it large enough for you to walk through. It is actually possible to make that cut and here’s how to do it. Print this page, and fold the paper in half along the dotted line below. Then cut through both folded halves of the paper along all of the solid lines marked below. Don’t pick the paper up while cutting – it is much easier if you let the table support it. Finally, with the paper still folded in half, slide the scissors between the two halves of the page from the right and cut along the dotted line of the fold up to the point marked “stop here.” Carefully open up the paper and step through! If you memorize the cutting pattern, you will be able to do this trick with a blank sheet of paper. The number and width of the strips in the pattern is not important, however, the more strips that you cut, the larger the hole will be. BTW, if you bet a large amount of money and collect, please send half of it to . Thanks.

Stop the final cut here. (The final cut is through the dotted line.)

Fold this sheet of paper in half along this dotted line.

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