Non Refundable Credit Application Fee $40.00

Rental Location Applying For: Date:


* App.-Full Name: ________________________________Email Add__________________

Applicant's Phone #: (_____)______________ Cell # / Other Ph #: (_____)_____________

SS #: ________________________________ DOB: _____________________________

** Co App.-Full Name: ______________________________Email Add__________________

Co App.'s Phone #: (_____)______________ Cell # / Other Ph #: (_____)______________

SS #: ________________________________ DOB: ____________________________

Present Address: __________________________________________________________

City: _______________________ State: ____________________ Zip: _____________

Length of Residence: ____________________ yr./yrs. _____________________ months

Landlord or Agent: ____________________________ Phone #: ____________________

Current Rent Payment: ____________ Reason for moving: ___________________________

Previous Address: _________________________________________________________

City: _______________________ State: ____________________ Zip: ____________

Length of Residence: ____________________ yr./yrs. _____________________ months

Landlord or Agent: ____________________________ Phone #: ____________________

Rent Payment: _________________ Reason for moving: ___________________________

App.-DL #: ___________________ Exp. Date: ______________ State: ___________

App.-Car Make/Model: _____________________________ Year: _________________

License Plate #: ____________________________ Color: _______________________

Co-DL #: _____________________ Exp. Date: ______________ State: ___________

Co-Car Make/Model: ______________________________ Year: _________________

License Plate #: ____________________________ Color: ______________________


App.-Company Name: ______________________________________________________

Employment Address: ______________________________________________________

City: _______________________ State: ____________________ Zip: _____________

Supervisor's Name: __________________________ Phone #: ____________________

Occupation: _______________________ Position held: __________________________

How long: __________________ Monthly Gross Income: _________________________

Co App.-Company Name: ___________________________________________________

Employment Address: ______________________________________________________

City: _______________________ State: ____________________ Zip: _____________

Supervisor's Name: __________________________ Phone #: _____________________

Occupation: ______________________ Position held: ___________________________

How long: ___________________ Monthly Gross Income: ________________________


No. of Occupants: __________ Relationship: _________________________________

Name: ___________________________________________ Age: _______________

Name: ___________________________________________ Age: _______________

Name: ___________________________________________ Age: _______________

Name: ___________________________________________ Age: _______________


Name of Bank: __________________________ Account #: _______________________

Bank Address: __________________________ Phone #: _________________________

Type of Account: ____________________ Date Account Opened: ___________________

Personal Reference: __________________________ Phone #: _____________________

Address: _______________________ City, CA: _________________ Zip: ___________

Nearest Relative: ___________________________ Phone #: _______________________

Address: _______________________ City, CA: _________________ Zip: ___________

Anticipated length of occupancy? ______________ Pets/Kind? _______________________________

Have you ever filed a petition in bankruptcy? __________________ Date: _______________

Have you ever been evicted from any tenancy? ________________ Date: _______________

Have you ever willfully & intentionally refused to pay any rent when due? ___________________


Name of Bank: __________________________ Account #: _______________________

Bank Address: __________________________ Phone #: _________________________

Type of Account: ____________________ Date Account Opened: ___________________

Personal Reference: __________________________ Phone #: _____________________

Address: _______________________ City, CA: _________________ Zip: ___________

Nearest Relative: ___________________________ Phone #: _______________________

Address: _______________________ City, CA: _________________ Zip: ___________

Anticipated length of occupancy? ______________ Pets/Kind? _______________________________

Have you ever filed a petition in bankruptcy? __________________ Date: _______________

Have you ever been evicted from any tenancy? ________________ Date: _______________

Have you ever willfully & intentionally refused to pay any rent when due? ___________________

We, _________________________ & _________________________authorize Merced Property Management to obtain a credit bureau on ourselves for the purpose of renting or leasing. We acknowledge that the credit fee is a non-refundable credit application fee and will put an inquiry on our credit bureau for two years. We declare the foregoing to be true under penalty of perjury. We agree that Landlord may terminate any agreement entered into in reliance on any misstatement made above. Applicants represents that all the above statements are true and correct and hereby authorizes landlord or authorized agents to verify the information, including but not limited to the obtaining of a credit report and agrees to furnish additional credit references on request. If the rental application is accepted, we agree to execute the residential lease or rental agreement as set forth. The applicants understands that if this application is accepted and the applicants fail to execute a rental/lease agreement before the beginning date specified, or to pay the required deposits, and the first month's rent, the deposit will be forfeited as liquidated damages.

___________________________________________ ______________________________

Signature Date

___________________________________________ ______________________________

Signature Date


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