Shortcut to run command prompt as administrator


Shortcut to run command prompt as administrator

Shift-click to open a command prompt window from File Explorer. Click to enlarge Each version of Windows contains its own command processor, Cmd.exe. Opening this program gives you access to the full range of command-line tools and utilities in Windows.The slow way to open this important power user's tool is to dig through the Start menu (Start > Windows System > Command Prompt). Here are a handful of faster ways that also give you control over startup folders and whether you're running the command session as an administrator. Right-click Start and choose Command Prompt or Command Prompt (Admin) from the Quick Link menu. You can also use keyboard shortcuts for this route: Windows key + X followed by C (non-admin) or A (admin). Type cmd in the search box, and then press Enter to open the shortcut with the highlighted command prompt. To open the session as an administrator, press Alt+Shift+Enter.From File Explorer, click the address bar to select its contents. then type cmd and press Enter. A non-administrator command prompt session opens in the current folder. In a file explorer window, shift hold down a pathfinder window while right-clicking a folder or drive. A non-administrator command prompt session opens at the selected location. To open an administrative command prompt window in the current folder, use this hidden Windows 10 feature: Go to the folder you want to use, and then press Alt, F, M, A (the keyboard shortcut is the same as switching to the File tab on the ribbon, and then choose Open Command Prompt as administrator). If you're a PowerShell user, you can open a command prompt session from PowerShell by typing cmd and pressing Enter. To return to PowerShell, type exit and press Enter. Previous tip: More hibernation secrets to save time and disk space Next week: Another Windows 10 tip from Ed Bott Much of the time, opening Command Prompt like a regular user is all you need. However, sometimes you need to open the command prompt as an administrator so that you can run commands that require administrative privileges. Windows offers many different ways to open the command prompt, and with many of these methods, you can also open the command prompt with administrator privileges. We've shown you how to do this in Windows 7 and Vista in the past, so here we'll focus on three quick ways to open the command prompt with administrator privileges in Windows 8 and 10. Option 1: Use the Users of Large Users menu (Windows+X) Both Windows 8 and 10 offer a non-user menu that you can access by pressing Windows+X or just right-clicking the Start button. Choose Command Prompt (Administrator) from the Power Users menu. Note: If you see PowerShell instead of Command Prompt on the Large Users menu, it's a parameter that occurred with the Creators Update for Windows 10. It is very easy to back to display the command prompt in the Power Users menu if you want, or you can try PowerShell. You can do just about anything in PowerShell that you can do at Command Prompt, Command Prompt, a lot of other useful things. RELATED: To set the command prompt back to the Windows+X Users menu when you start the command prompt with administrator privileges, you are likely to see the User Account Control window asking for permission to continue. Click Yes. After you open the Administrator: Command Prompt window, you can run a command, whether or not it requires administrator privileges. Option two: Use the Start menu You can also open an administrative command prompt by using the Start menu (or start screen in Windows 8). Hit Start, type command, and you want to see Command Prompt set as the main result. Right-click that result and select Run as administrator. Option three: Use the Run box If you're used to using the Run tile to open apps, you can use it to start Command Prompt with administrator privileges. Press Windows+R to open the Run box. Type cmd in the box, and then press Ctrl+Shift+Enter to run the command as an administrator. And with it, you have three very easy ways to run commands in the Command Prompt as administrator window. By default, when you run a command prompt in Windows, it runs in user mode and has no administrator privileges. If you need to execute commands as an administrator from your user account, run the command prompt with administrator privileges. An easy way to access the command prompt as an administrator is to create a shortcut to the command prompt and set it to run as an administrator. Create administrator command prompt shortcut To create this shortcut, right-click the desktop and select New | Shortcut from the pop-up menu. In the Create Shortcut dialog box, type the following text in the Type the location of the item edit box, and click Next. C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe Enter a name for the shortcut, such as . The shortcut is added to the desktop. Rightclick the shortcut and choose Properties from the pop-up menu. In the Properties dialog box, make sure the Shortcut tab is active, and click the Advanced button. The Advanced Properties dialog box appears. Click the Run as administrator check box to enable the setting, and click OK. When you double-click the new shortcut to open a command prompt with administrator privileges, the following dialog box may appear warning you to run a program that makes changes to your computer. Click Yes to continue opening the prompt. You get this prompt every time you try to run the program because it gets elevated. If you do not want the request for user of the following rules, you can either disable the user stat?, which I do not recommend or disable using a particular program using a third-party tool. The command window opens with administrator privileges, as shown in the title bar of the window. NOTE: All commands running in this command window make changes to your computer as an administrator, so be careful what you are running in Window. Enjoy! Enjoy! Command prompt has been around forever and it is still a great resource to have at your disposal. Today, we're showing you all the different ways to open the command prompt. We bet you don't know them all. The command prompt is a pretty useful tool. It allows you to do some things faster than you can do them in the graphical interface and offers some tools that you just can't find in the graphical interface at all. And in true keyboard-ninja spirit, the command prompt also supports all kinds of clever keyboard shortcuts that make it even more powerful. While it's easy just to open the command prompt from the Start menu, it's not the only way to do it. So let's take a look at the rest. RELATED: 10 Useful Windows Commands You Should Know Note: This article is based on Windows 10, but most of these methods should work in earlier versions of Windows, too. Open command prompt from the Windows+X Users menu Press Windows+X to open the Store Users menu, and then click Command Prompt or Command Prompt (Administrator). Note: If you see PowerShell instead of Command Prompt on the Large Users menu, it's a parameter that occurred with the Creators Update for Windows 10. It is very easy to switch back to displaying the command prompt in the Users of Power menu if you want, or you can try PowerShell. You can do pretty much anything in PowerShell that you can do in Command Prompt, plus a lot of other useful things. RELATED: How to set the command prompt back to the Windows+X Users menu Open a command prompt from Task Manager RELATED: Seven ways to open Windows Task Manager Open Task Manager with more details. Open the File menu, and then choose Run New Task. Type cmd or cmd.exe, and then click OK to open a regular command prompt. You can also check Create this task with administrator privileges to open Command Prompt as an administrator. Open an Administrator Mode command prompt from Task Manager on the secret easy way To open a command prompt with administrator privileges from Task Manager, open the File menu, and then hold down CTRL while you click Run New Task. This immediately opens command prompt with administrative privileges -- you don't have to write anything. Open command prompt from a search on the Start menu You can easily open the command prompt by clicking Start, and then typing cmd in the search box. You can also click/tap the microphone icon in Cortana's search box and say Show Command Prompt. To open Command Prompt with Administrator Privileges, right-click the result, and then click Run as Administrator. You can also highlight the result with the arrow keys, and then press Ctrl+Shift+Enter. Open command prompt by scrolling through the Start menu Click Start. Scroll down and expand the Windows System folder. Click Command Prompt. To open with administrator privileges, right-click Command Prompt and select Run as Open command prompt from File Explorer in File Explorer, and navigate to the C:\Windows\System32 folder. Double-click the cmd file.exe or right-click the file and choose Run as Administrator. You can also create a shortcut to this file and save the shortcut where you want. Open command prompt from the Run Box Press Windows+R box to open Run. Type cmd, and then click OK to open a regular command prompt. Type cmd, and then press Ctrl+Shift+Enter to open an administrator command prompt. Open the command prompt from the File Explorer address bar, and click the address bar to select it (or press Alt+D). Type cmd in the address bar and press Enter to open the command prompt with the path to the current folder already specified. Open command prompt here from the File Explorer menu in File Explorer, and navigate to a folder you want to open at the command prompt. Choose one of the following options from the File menu: Open the command prompt. Opens a command prompt in the currently selected folder with default permissions. Open command prompt as administrator. Opens a command prompt in the currently selected administrator permissions folder. Open Command Prompt from a folder shortcut menu in File Explorer To open a command prompt window to a folder, move+right-click the folder in File Explorer, and then choose Open Command Window Here. Create a shortcut to the command prompt on the desktop Right-click an empty location on the desktop. Choose New > Shortcut on the shortcut menu. Type cmd.exe in the box, and then click Next. Give the shortcut a name, and then click Finish. You can now double-click the shortcut to open the Command Prompt. Instead, to open the command prompt with administrative privileges, right-click the shortcut and choose Properties from the shortcut menu. Click the Advanced button and select the Run as Administrator option. Close both open properties windows Now just double-click the shortcut to open Command Prompt as an administrator. The above article may contain affiliate links that help support How-To Geek. How-To Geek is where you turn when you want experts to explain technology. 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