Nutrition Webquest Worksheet

Nutrition Webquest Worksheet


List 15 essential nutrients and the Recommended Dietary Allowance for your gender and age.

List the 3 macronutrients and give an example of a GOOD source of each.

What are the two types of micronutrients?

Looking above at the examples of micronutrients, what food group(s) do you think would be the best source of micronutrients?

Which provide the energy that your body uses, macronutrients or micronutrients?

Food Guide Pyramid

Sketch below the pyramid, including the number of servings recommended from each.

Now take the “Quiz” and keep track of your answers below (don’t worry, this isn’t for a grade).

Wrong answers Right answers

Final score ___________

Water is one of the most important elements in a healthy diet. How much water should you drink each day?

List 3 reasons your body needs water.

Give examples of food that are also good sources of water.

Dietary Guidelines

What are the 7 Dietary Guidelines for All Americans?

What are 6 health problems that have been contributed to a poor diet?

Use the space below to plan your menu:






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