Dear Parents,

Dear Families,                                                                                3/20/20  

 I miss my students very much!  I send my best and happiest wishes, along with a great big hug to my students!  As you know, to keep our students and staff healthy, we are unable to learn in school together right now.   I will be using this website to update you with things to work on at home.  The information that is posted will reinforce the skills we have been learning and working on all year.  As always, please contact me through remind or e-mail with any questions and/or concerns as I am here to help.  My email is tassa@highland-.  I would love to hear from my students, too.  If you send me a letter, picture, or video from your child, I will be sure to respond!   

 Here are great ideas on what to work on at home: 

• Reading: 

1. Read one book a day!  I sent home 5 books before we left school on Friday.  These books are at your child’s instructional reading level.  If your child read all of the books, have them re-read multiple times for fluency and accuracy.  Work on comprehension questions along the way.  After they read each book (one book per day), they can fill in one of the comprehension sheets that will be in our attachments section on this webpage (one sheet per book).

2. Log onto Raz Kids every school day!  I will attach the site to our webpage.  Your child should read one book per day at home. Please be there to monitor your child’s reading. The children should listen to the book, read it at least one time (I highly recommend two to three times), and if there is a comprehension quiz at the end, they need to take that.  There should be a green check mark in each section before beginning another book. Please message me or e-mail me if you need to know your child’s password.

3. Practice Sight Words!  Please add a new list of then words to your child’s sight words list.  Please work on the new ten words every day together.  The children should be able to read and spell these new words.  You can play fun games if you write the words on cards (or paper). Once they know all ten new words, add them into their current group of sight words.  I gave you their most recent list at Parent/Teacher Conferences. You can also find the master list of words under “printable resources” The more words your child knows, the more fluent their reading becomes! Please practice sight words 10-15 minutes every school day!

• They can play “hot lava.”  Write each word on a card (piece of paper).  Spread the words out on the floor.  You call out one of the words and they have to hop to the correct word and stand on it (have them spell it out loud).  The floor is the “hot lava” and they want to hop on the words on paper as these are the rocks in the hot lava! 

• They can play memory.  Write each word two times (each on their own paper or card).  Flip all 20 cards/papers over and they can play memory.  When they turn over a word, have them read it and spell it. 

• Turn all 10 words on cards/paper upside down.  They children can play a simple game of turning over the card and reading the word.  If they can read the word, they can keep it.  If they cannot read the word, they should turn it back upside down and continue playing until they get them all. 

• Math: 

1. Work on Addition and Subtraction Fluency. The children have been working on this in school. By the end of kindergarten, the children should be able to solve addition and subtraction problems within 0-5 fluently (without their fingers or manipulatives). The more they practice, the more fluent they will become. You can use the cards that we sent home over the past couple of months. You can also find these under “printable resources” or make your own flashcards. If they need to use their math fingers or manipulatives, this is fine! The goal is the more that they practice, the more fluent they will become and then they will not need their fingers or manipulatives.

• Please try to work on these facts for at least 10 minutes every day!

• If you notice that your child is progressing nicely, please feel free to work on addition and subtraction problems 6-10!

• I sent home some practice sheets for your child to practice on Friday. If they completed them you can re-write new problems for your child to complete!

• Make games with cards! Your student can “fish for facts.” Write each equation on a card/paper and turn it upside down on the floor. If you have paper clips, have them put one on each card. You then need a magnet on a string to “fish” for the problems. Once they get one, they should answer it correctly. If they are correct, they keep the card. If it is incorrect, it should go back into the water (the floor). If you do not have paper clips, a magnet, and string, just put them on the floor and their arm and hand can be the fishing pole!

2. Number Bonds Practice- I sent home number bonds practice sheets on Friday to complete. The children should fill in each number bond. After they do that, they should write one addition equation and one subtraction equation for each set. The children can use their math fingers for the number bonds, or cheerios! They should be able to break apart each number in multiple ways. They know how to write the equations for addition, by “part, plus part, equals whole.” They know how to write the equations for subtraction, by “whole, minus part, equals part.”

• If they completed their number bonds packet, please have them continue to work on number bonds and equations on other sheets of paper!

3. Website: -Our class code is 724 086. Please help your child log on to this site. They will have their own page they can click their name. They should use the password “123”. Then they will take a placement test. The children will then work on math skills for kindergarten!

• Science: 

1. The children love learning new facts about animals! Animals and animal habitats are a big part of our science curriculum. Please study some new animals together.

• You can log onto . Have them research new information about an animal that we haven’t studied at home. Help them explore new pictures, videos, and information on the site. After you study an animal together, have them tell you as many facts as they can about the animal. This will then tie into writing! Please study one new animal each week!

2. You can use pebble go or other sites as well to do the same as above.

• Writing: 

1. Please have them write and draw on one page every day that they would have been in school. You can give them topics to write and draw about. Sometimes I give topics, such as, “write about elephants, write about something silly.” Other days they get to do free writing about any topic they want. Encourage them to write to the bottom of the page and draw with details. Encourage them to write as independently as they can. They should sound out their words and spell their sight words correctly. Feel free to use the writing paper under resources or use paper you have at home.

2. After studying a new animal for a couple of days, they can write and draw all about this animal. They can write as many facts as they can about the animal.

Above all else, take care of your family and stay healthy!  Try to enjoy to extra time together as our lives are slowing down a bit and we are spending more time at home.  Have fun playing games, drawing pictures together, playing outside, and spending quality time together!  I certainly hope to be back to school soon as I miss teaching your children!  Thank you for all of the support and guidance you are providing at home!  You are making such a tremendous difference to your child!   


Tina Assa


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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