Rally Coach Worksheet - Primary Source

Rally Coach Worksheet

An Introduction to Algebra

Facts you will need to know:

a = 10 b = 4 c = 5 d = 2

Player 1 ___________________

|1 |a b | |

|2 |2 a | |

|3 |2 a | |

| |b | |

|4 |b 2 | |

|5 |6 a2 | |

|6 |40 – a | |

|7 |ba = | |

| |10 | |

|8 |ab – cd | |

Player 2_______________________

|1 |c d | |

|2 |2 d | |

|3 |2 c | |

| |d | |

|4 |c 2 | |

|5 |5 d2 | |

|6 |40 – c2 | |

|7 |cd = | |

| |10 | |

|8 |ac – bd | |

Please find attached a rally coach worksheet to support an introduction to Algebra for Year 6.

Two children complete by alternating who answers and watching and coaching each other to complete.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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