Executive Summary

Executive Summary (1.0) 2

Rationale (1.1) 2

Project Overview (1.20) 3

Subject (1.21) 3

Genre/Competion/Target (1.22) 3

Overview (1.23) 3

Design Overview (1.30) 5

Top Level Design (1.310) 5

Node Description (2.0) 15

Node Map (2.01) 15

Node 1: Bumper Screen (2.1) 16

Node Summary: 16

Assets 16

Node 2: Title Screen (2.2) 16

Node Description: 16

Assets 17

Node 3: Create Player Screen (2.3) 17

Node Summary: 17

Screen Description: 18

Sounds and Music: 18

Interaction: 18

Assets: 19

Node 4: The Main Menu (2.4) 21

Node Description: 21

Screen Description: 21

Sound Music Description: 21

Interaction: 22

Assets: 24

Node 5: The Club Menu (2.5) 25

Node Description: 25

Screen Description: 26

Sound and Music 26

Interactions: 26

Assets: 29

Node 6: Dart Game (2.6) 30

Node Description: 30

Screen Description: 30

Sound and Music: 31

Interaction: 31

Assets: 32

Node 7: Fight the Bouncer Game (2.7) 34

Node Description: 34

Screen Description: 34

Sound and Music: 35

Interaction: 35

Assets: 37

Node 8: Hitting on Playmates (2.8) 39

Node Description: 39

Screen Description: 40

Sound and Music: 40

Interaction: 41

Assets: 41

Node 9: Anna Kournikova (2.9) 42

Node Description: 42

Screen Description: 43

Music and Sound: 43

Interactions: 44

Assets: 44

Node 10: Sports Center (2.10) 45

Node Description: 45

Screen Description: 46

Sound and music: 46

Assets: 46

Scripts (4.0) 47

Main Menu (Intro_Joe.wav) (4.1) 47

Larrycat (Larryfight.wav) (4.2) 47

Memory (Memory.wav) (4.3) 48

Darts (Darts.wav) (4.4) 48

Executive Summary (1.0)

Rationale (1.1)

Trends in gaming clearly show that there is a desire for simulation style games on the market. It is also clear that sports games are hot items, if they are created properly. Sim Athlete attempts to converge these genres into one game. Similar to your usual sim game, the player has the ability to essentially play God, but now they must manage the life of a superstar athlete.

Project Overview (1.20)

Subject (1.21)

Sim Athlete is a CD-ROM choose your own adventure that allows you to live the life of a pro athlete off of the field. Not recommended for children under 15, Sim Athlete allows you to receive the benefits of today’s pro athlete while tackling their problems from week to week. Instead of catching touchdown passes or hitting homeruns, you must manage millions, sign endorsement contracts, avoid alimony suits, and somehow finds a way to make it to practice on time.

Genre/Competion/Target (1.22)

This is a game that is intended to directly compete with other simulation games, such as the Sims, as well as rather salty teenage games, such as GTA3. Sim Athlete is intended to combine the simulation game play of the Sims with the “hardcore” attitude of a game like GTA3. This game is designed to be a satire on the current state of professional sports in America. The overall game experience is designed for a college-aged male, as this target audience is most captivated by sports, sex, and drugs.

Overview (1.23)

To start the game you choose the sports in which you wish to become a professional, your vital statistics (gender, height, weight, position, college, etc.), and even gives the option to upload a digital picture of yourself. You then view a short live-action Sports Center vignette. The Sports Center anchor’s comment on, “the league’s new highly praised rookie,” and then cut-away to a graphic that tells your vital statistics (which includes any uploaded pictures) and salary.

After the conclusion of the Sports Center vignette, you find yourself at the games main menu. The main menu consists of an image of your new home city. On the menu there are also four clickable scenarios or locations, a thrill meter, health meter, player rating and the timer telling you how long before your next game or practice.

Right away, you get a call on your cell phone, which is part of your control panel at the bottom of the screen, from one of your sport’s hall-of-famers. Your hall-of-famer offers you advice and helps you navigate through the dream world of a professional athlete. He or she then explains the object of the game: to earn one million thrill points in order to solidify an endorsement deal with NIKE and keep your player rating above 95 % during your rookie season. If you fail to earn one million thrill points, the NIKE Corp. will reject your multi-million dollar endorsement deal because of your lack of celebrity. Keep in mind your thrill points and your player rating have an inverse relationship, so keeping a balance in crucial. One more thing, thrilling behavior is often risky, so dying, getting arrested, suspended, or excessive behavior could have a result of your athletic level.

You earn thrill points by interacting with the environment in different scenarios that are offered in the main menu. These include your mansion, the club, and the Porsche dealership. Within each scenario there are sub-games in which you can earn thrill points, consume raw thrills, and view a plethora of live-action vignettes. The sub-games relate to each scenario. For example, in the club scenario one of the sub-games is attempting to pick up as many hot dates as possible, but at your mansion one of the sub-games is trying to clear all of the guests out after a party has gotten out of control. The raw thrills are quick adrenaline rushes such as drugs, alcohol, or starting a fight. But be weary, as the cheap bounty of raw thrills has a direct effect on your health, player rating, money, and perception of time.

You can periodically see how your thrill points and player ratings are affecting your on-the-field performance by clicking on the television set in the control panel. This display updates you of your career via Sports Center vignettes and newspaper clippings. In addition, you will also receive other career updates and advice via calls from your agent, lawyer, buddies, women, teammates, coaches, and your hall-of-fame-mentor. Through the television set and your cell phone you learn about the consequences of your riskier behavior, such as child support payments, law suits, or league suspensions.

At the end of the season you can print out your own trading card which will have the statistics from your season. The card will be further personalized with the possibility of using your own uploaded image.

Design Overview (1.30)

Top Level Design (1.310)

Create a Player Screen (1.311)

After the bumper, you are brought to the Create a Player screen. This is where you start your career by filling out the screen’s form. The immediate options for player creation include:

1. Player name

2. Age

3. Sport (Football, Basketball, Baseball, Hockey)

4. Hometown

5. College

6. Nickname

7. Position

8. Hobbies

The player has the ability to create the player’s graphical appearance throughout the game. An image of your character appears on the left-hand side of the screen, as you change your appearance options this image changes. These options include:

9. Height

10. Weight

11. Body build

12. Skin color

13. Hair color

14. Hair style

15. Tattoos

16. Dress style

In addition to the appearance option you can also import a digital image to represent yourself in the game’s close-ups. For example, Sports Center would use your image when talking about your player. The form itself is matted on a grass background, contains an image representing the sport you select to play (for example if you select baseball there is an image of a baseball, if you select football there is an image of a football), and text boxes for your personal information. There is an import image button; and after clicking on it you browse through your disk(s) and select an image file you wish to import.

Main Menu Screen (1.312)

The Main Menu screen is the epicenter of Sim Athlete. It is a computer-generated image of a city skyline. On this screen you can choose between the five scenarios in the game: the club, your mansion, buying stuff, or the casino. There is an arrow hotspot that will serve as a link to each of these scenarios. In addition to the scenario links, the Main Menu screen is the first time that you are introduced to the global controls and status meters. The status meter is situated down the left-hand side of the screen and includes meters for:

17. Thrill points

18. Health

19. Money

20. Player Rating

21. Time

Along the bottom of the screen is the Control Panel. The Control Panel contains the games utilities such as updates through your cell phone and Sports Center, communication with other characters, your inventory, starting a new game, saving, and quitting.

Scenarios (1.320)

Each scenario has its own stage or background. These backgrounds are designed in the same manner as the Main Menu. Each one will display your metrics, the Control Panel, and its own hotspots. The hotspots of each scenario consists of clickable sub-games.

The Club (1.321)

The club is one of the four scenarios where you can earn thrill points. The stage or background of this scenario will be a CG image of a scene from a nightclub. The sub-games in this scenario are:

Trivia with Anna Kournikova:

After you approach the celebrity bombshell you realize that it will not be too easy to get her home. Anna has quite the attitude and demands you show her that you respect her career. You must answer trivia questions about the celebrity’s career. If you get over 95% of the questions right you bring home the celebrity. If not you get slapped.

Hit On Playmates:

You realize this will not be so easy either. In a “memory-like,” or “classic concentration like” game, you match the faces of eight random playmates with their names. If you cannot match each one in two tries or less you again get slapped. If you can you score…some dates and thrills. Though, be careful, as too many random hook-ups lead to random alimony payments.


You play a game of darts against your teammate. Each player is must use three darts per round to compile a score. The player who reaches exactly 101 points with the least amount of darts wins.

Fight the Bouncer:

This game is an animated dueling match with boxing legend Larry Holmes. As a popular athlete, you must show how tough you are in and land more blows than the bouncer. If not, you end up on the pavement outside the club.

Your Mansion (1.322)

Your mansion is another scenario where you can earn thrill points. The stage for your mansion will be CG image of the exterior of your enormous home. The sub-games are:

5. Remove all of your “guests” during an out of control party:

You have to find and remove all of the guests from your house. But be careful, because these freeloaders are excellent at hiding.

6. Save drowning guests and teammates from your pool:

After too much drinking, your houseguests and teammates are jumping into your pool and just sinking like rocks. You have to catch them before they sink to the bottom and drown.

7. Deal with neighbors that file noise complaints:

In a game similar to Arcanoid you have use a paddle to deflect a ball (the noise complaints) and prevent them from hitting your home. When you deflect the complaints, the go toward another neighbor who then files his or her own complaint. Your goal is not let the complaint reach your house and silence your neighbors.

8. Emulate your home security by eliminating thieves:

This game is similar to Space Invaders and you have to shoot rows of thieves before they infiltrate your palatial home.

The Casino (1.323)

Most flashy figures with money get a thrill out of hitting the casino. The players in Sim Athlete are no different. It gives you the opportunity to increase your money while maximizing thrill points. The menu screen appears as a CG of a bustling casino. As an up-and-coming athlete you should have no problem finding a table.

Four clickable icons link to the games available to the player, each represented by a different dealer/operator of a particular table. The games are:

9. Blackjack:

A traditional game of blackjack. The player sees all cards dealt to them while the dealer sees only one. Keep in mind that you are playing against the dealer and not the other members of your table.

10. Poker:

High stokes poker is can earn you money and major thrill points. Beware, our savvy players are ruthless and take no prisoners. Don’t get yourself into a position you can’t get out of.

11. Dice:

Taking you back to the traditional game of dice, just like playing on the corner back home. Add as much money you want to the pile, just don’t complain when you lose.

12. Roulette:

Step up to the table if you wish as a player, or make bets as an outsider. The ladies don’t usually go for the guy in the background.

The Gym (1.324)

The gym functions as a feature where the player can go to improve his player rating. The main interface menu of the gym is a screenshot of an actual workout facility. Various workout equipment can be clicked on to increase the desired trait. The points are accumulated from week to week, as the user attempts to bring their player to the next level by the end of the season. The player is only allotted a few workouts because of time constraints, a driving factor of Sim Athelete. The user has the ability to set up a workout regiment that can be applied throughout the course of the season.

The clickable workout equipment is as follows:

13. Bench Press (Free weights)

-Strength increase

-Speed increase

-Excitement decrease

14. Treadmill

-Endurance increase

-Speed increase

-Excitement decrease

15. Whirlpool/Health Bar (detox area)

-Excitement increase

Although the player has full access to the gym, they do not by any means need to use it each week. Should the user want to focus on more entertaining matters they are free to do so, but at the expense of their career. The amount of time spent in the gym increases their level of play on the field, but their excitement level off the field is decreased. It is up to the user to find a proper balance where they prosper on gameday but have fun during the week. Should the player repeatedly abstain from using the gym facilities, they will receive notices from their coaches and agents.

Features (1.33)

Raw Thrills

Raw thrills are reoccurring-objects that give a quick boost to your thrill rating. These consumables are dangerous though as the significantly affect your player rating, health, money, and perception. Just click on them for some fun. Some raw thrills include:

16. Alcohol

17. Rich foods

18. Violence (starting a fight)

19. Women

Live Action Vignettes and Sound Bites

Sim Athlete utilizes numerous live-action cutaways and sound bites. These appear during Sport Center updates, at the start of each sub-game, when you lose a sub-game, when you win a sub-game, when you receive calls on your cell phone, or when you click on interactive characters. These are satirical in nature, add humor to the game, and drive the story line. There will be about 60 different vignettes and sound clips.

Additional Features:

• Four exciting game scenarios (16 games!)

• Create your own player

• Upload your own picture

• Design your own printable trading card

• Live-action vignettes from Sports Center

• Cell phone from which you receive advice and career updates

• Keep a balance between excitement on and off the field

• Go shopping for all your athlete’s material needs

• Easy to use Control Panel

• Ability to save your progress

• Finally do all the things athletes really do

Look and Feel (1.34)

Sim Athlete relies heavily upon large graphical icons as navigation tools for the user. Each screen has a background pertinent to the context of the scenario (i.e. each game played in the club is placed on a background image of a club). The theme of the game itself is upbeat, which is reinforced through the use of hip-hop and techno music (actual music TBD). The game itself is meant to satirize the life of a professional athlete. In addition to the humor of each game, random sportscenter vignettes add to the game’s fun and realism.

Functional/Global Controls (1.35)

The game play and navigation for Sim Athlete is mouse driven. The controls to navigate from one screen to another need only a click of the mouse, as all game controls. Certain global features will be seen on all nodes of the game.

The various globals are as follows:

Counters – represented by text

• Health – indicator of player health

• Thrill points – a tally of thrill points earned through the course of a week

• Money – indicator of player’s remaining money

• Player rating –indicator of player rating (overall game score)

Gameplay Globals – represented by icons

• TV – clickable television which brings updates on player news

• Cell phone – clickable cell phone bringing news from your agent and mentor

(note: this features work are only clickable when there is an incoming call or TV vignette)

Navigation Buttons – represented by text

• Main Menu – option to return to Sim Athlete’s main menu

• Back – option to return to the previous page

• New – option to begin a new game of Sim Athlete

• Load – option to load a previously saved game of Sim Athlete

• Save – option to save the current game of Sim Athlete

• Exit – option to exit Sim Athlete

• Web – link to the official Sim Athlete webpage

Each clickable icon/button has three states: standard, mouseover, and mousedown state. These states serve as indicators to the user for their desired action. The mouse also has three states: standard, hand (mouseover), and finger (mousedown). As the user plays they will easily become accustom to these various states. While the user is playing one of the subgames, the web link, TV, and cell phone are disabled.

Logical Structure/Screen Structure (1.36)

It is important to a user to have consistency in a program; this familiarity allows the user to become accustomed with the game with minimal frustration. As the game begins, the first four screens are linear. After the bumper screen the user is introduced to the create player menu, where they enter their desired information. This menu gives the clickable options “Load” and “Create”. From there, the user is introduced to their player through a Sportscenter Quicktime video clip. The next screen is the game’s main menu, a screen which the user will become quite familiar with while playing. On the main menu the user is introduced to the graphical buttons and various counters which will remain through the course of the game.

The left hand side of the screen contains the counters (health, player rating, thrill points, and money). Because these are the main components driving the game, they will remain in clear view throughout the many games. The bottom left area of the screen contains clickables available to the user. While the cell phone and TV remain on the screen for the game, the user will be indicated of updates when the icons flash. The bottom right area of the screen contains the six navigation buttons (as described in section 1.35).

Sim Athlete Web Page (1.37)

Sim Athlete’s webpage works both as a promotional feature as well as an interactive forum for our players. The main screen has links to the following categories: game features, player forum, downloads, and buy sim athlete. Players everywhere have the ability to internet online and share hints. The users also have the ability to create their own game mods and skins and upload them to our server.


Node Description (2.0)

Node Map (2.01)

Node 1: Bumper Screen (2.1)

Node Summary:

This is a non-interactive screen. The purpose of this screen is to introduce the production company, 19th Hole Productions. A golf ball flies across a black screen, while a golfer yells fore. Then the company’s logo fades onto the screen and after five seconds fades to black.


|Asset |Description |Comments |

|19hole.jpg |PICT |Companies logo |

|Golfball.jpg |PICT |Golf ball that flies across screen |

|Golfball.mov |MOV |Golf ball flying across screen |

|Fore.wav |WAV |Golfer yelling fore |

Node 2: Title Screen (2.2)


Node Description:

This is a non-interactive node, which features an animation that displays the product’s title Sim Athlete. The node fades from black to a screen that is covered by grass, the song Bling Bling is playing. Then a logo of a dollar sign layered behind the words Sim in metallic font fades onto the grass. Then the word Athlete, also in metallic fonts flies in from the bottom of the screen; it has a whoosh sound as it flies. Upon impact with the grass the word cracks and loud smashing sound is heard. After five seconds the screen fades to black and the music fades out.


|Asset |Description |Comments |

|Grass.jpg |PICT |Grass background |

|$sim.psd |PICT |$ logo on “SIM” |

|Title.mov |MOV |“Athlete” stamps onto the $, cracking on impact |

|Ath1.psd |PICT |“Athlete” uncracked |

|Ath2.psd |PICT |“Athlete” with cracked letters |

|Blingbling.wav |WAV |Background music of Bling-Bling |

Node 3: Create Player Screen (2.3)


Node Summary:

This is an interactive screen in which you choose the attributes of your character to start the game. After the bumper, the game fades to the Create a Player screen. This is where you start your career by filling out the screen’s form. The immediate options for player creation include:

22. Player name

23. Gender

24. Height

25. Weight

26. College

27. Position

28. Sport (Football, Basketball, Baseball)

In addition to the appearance option you can also import a digital image to represent yourself in the game’s close-ups. For example, Sports Center would use your image when talking about your player.

Screen Description:

The form itself is matted on a grass background, contains an image representing the sport you select to play (for example if you select baseball there is an image of a baseball, if you select football there is an image of a football), and text boxes for your personal information. There is an import image button; and after clicking on it you browse through your disk(s) and select an image file you wish to import. The images of the sport you choose are contained in a silver metallic frame with a black background. The Sim Athlete logo is in the upper left corner of the screen. The labels and text of the screen are metallic Impact font. You can also reload a previous game or exit out of the product from this screen.

Sounds and Music:

The music that plays during this mode is short hip-hop beat that is on a continuous loop. Each time you change the sport icon, a sound plays that represents that sport.


As with the entire product you means of physical interaction with the game are with the keyboard and the mouse. Your means of logical interaction with this node are the screens buttons and text fields.

|Point of Interaction |User Interaction |Function |

|Start button |Click button |Starts the game after all the screen’s fields are |

| | |completed and brings you to the main menu |

|Load button |Click button |Loads a previously saved game |

|Change sport button |Click button |Cycles through the icons that represents your professional|

| | |sport |

|Import Image button |Click button |Imports a picture to be your likeness |

|Exit button |Click button |Quits the product |

|Name text field |Click in field and type data |Stores your name information |

|Gender text field |Click in field and type data |Stores your gender information |

|Height text field |Click in field and type data |Stores your height information |

|Weight text field |Click in field and type data |Stores your weight information |

|Position text field |Click in field and type data |Stores your position information |

|College text field |Click in field and type data |Stores your college information |


|Asset |Description |Comments |

|Form2.psd |PICT |Contains grass background, title, labels, frame for choosing sport icons, |

| | |frame for imported images |

|Nameffield |Director field |Field to type player name |

|Genderffield |Director field |Field to type player gender |

|Heightffield |Director field |Field to type player height |

|Weightffield |Director field |Field to type player weight |

|Positionffield |Director field |Field to type player position |

|Collegeffield |Director field |Field to type player college |

|Football.psd |PICT |Football icon used in choose your sport |

|Baseball.psd |PICT |Baseball icon used in choose your sport |

|Basketball.psd |PICT |Basketball icon used in choose your sport |

|Load button |Button |Loads previous games |

|Start button |Button |Starts game when fields are completed |

|Change sport button |Button |Toggles through available sports |

|Import image button |Button |Allows user to import his or her image |

|Exit button |Button |Quits game |

Node 4: The Main Menu (2.4)


Node Description:

After viewing your opening Sportscenter clip (see node 10 for a Sportscenter description) you are brought to the main menu. This is where you are first introduced to the object of the game (see above), when you receive a call on your cell phone from you player mentor. In addition to the global options, you click on buttons to link you to the four scenarios of the game: the casino, the gym, your mansion, and the club. For the prototype the club will be the only working scenario.

Screen Description:

The background of the node is the Pittsburgh skyline. Layered over the background are the global conventions and four icons/buttons representing the four scenarios. The buttons correspond to each of the nodes. Each icon has three states: static, glowing, and selected. The four icons are dice, a barbell, a mansion, and a cocktail. These icons are arranged in a horseshoe shape in the center of the screen. When you roll over each of the buttons, a beveled and embossed, metallic, and stroked metallic impact text, which describes the function of each button appears in the center of the horseshoe.

Sound Music Description:

The background music of the node is a short hip-hop beat on a loop. There is a sound file of your mentor describing the game and the sound of your cell phone ringing. Sounds corresponding to each button/icon/node are played when you select that node.


The physical interaction for this node is solely the mouse. The keyboard is not used at all in this node. The logical interaction is the clicking on buttons arranged in a circle in the center of the screen. You can only click on the buttons if they glow and display cursor 280 while the cursor is over them. Also, when the mouse is over a button, a text description of each button is displayed in the center of the icons is or is not yet clickable. All other interactions are global conventions that are described above.

|Point of Interaction |User Interaction |Function |Notes |

|Dice button |Mouseover |Button lights up with glowing | |

| | |halo, descriptive text and | |

| | |cursor 280 appears | |

|Dice button |Mousedown |Solarizes the image of button, | |

| | |descriptive text and cursor 290 | |

| | |appears | |

|Dice button |Mouseup |Original state of button, | |

| | |descriptive text and cursor 4 | |

| | |appears; links to the dart game | |

| | |node | |

|Gym button |Mouseover |Button lights up with glowing | |

| | |halo, descriptive text and | |

| | |cursor 280 appears | |

|Gym button |Mousedown |Solarizes the image of button, | |

| | |descriptive text and cursor 290 | |

| | |appears | |

|Gym button |Mouseup |Original state of button, | |

| | |descriptive text and cursor 4 | |

| | |appears; links to the fight the | |

| | |bouncer game node | |

|Mansion button |Mouseover |Button lights up with glowing | |

| | |halo, descriptive text and | |

| | |cursor 280 appears | |

|Mansion button |Mousedown |Solarizes the image of button, | |

| | |descriptive text and cursor 290 | |

| | |appears | |

|Mansion button |Mouseup |Original state of button, | |

| | |descriptive text and cursor 4 | |

| | |appears; links to the pick up | |

| | |playmates game node | |

|Club button |Mouseover |Button lights up with glowing | |

| | |halo, descriptive text and | |

| | |cursor 280 appears | |

|Club button |Mousedown |Solarizes the image of button, | |

| | |descriptive text and cursor 290 | |

| | |appears | |

|Club button |Mouseup |Original state of button, | |

| | |descriptive text and cursor 4 | |

| | |appears; links to the date Anna | |

| | |game node | |


|Asset |Description |Comments |

|City.psd |PICT |Background image of the club |

|Citytxt |PICT |Text header of “The Club” |

|hiphop.wav |WAV |Techno background music |

|dice.jpg |PICT |Head and shoulders image of Dice |

|Dicehs.jpg |PICT |Roll-over image of Dice hotspot |

|Dicesel.jpg |PICT |Clicked version of Dice hotspot |

|Gym.jpg |PICT |Image of a barbell |

|Gymhs. jpg |PICT |Roll-over image of barbell hotspot |

|Gymsel. jpg |PICT |Clicked version of barbell hotspot |

|Mansion.jpg |PICT |Image of mansion |

|Mansionhs.jpg |PICT |Roll-over image of Mansion hotspot |

|Mansionsel.jpg |PICT |Clicked version of Mansion hotspot |

|club.jpg |PICT |Image of a cocktail |

|cocktail hs.jpg |PICT |Roll-over image of cocktail hotspot |

|cocktail sel.jpg |PICT |Clicked version of cocktail hotspot |

|Dice.wav |WAV |Sound file when selecting Dice game |

|Gym.wav |WAV |Sound file when selecting gym game |

|Mansion.wav |WAV |Sound file when selecting Mansion game |

|cocktail.wav |WAV |Sound file when selecting cocktail game |

|Clubnoise1.wav |WAV |Random club noises, background noise |

|Clubbuzz.wav |WAV |Steady mummer of voices, background noise |

Node 5: The Club Menu (2.5)


Node Description:

The club is one of the four scenarios in which you can earn thrill points by playing four sub-games. You enter the club after clicking on the club button in the main menu. The four sub-games are playing your teammate in a game of darts, fighting the club’s bouncer (retired boxer Larry Holmes), trying to pick-up one of six playmates in the club, and lastly trying to get a date with Anna Kournikova. Each of these games is a node and is specifically described more in their own node summaries.

Each of the sub-games serves as a level within the club. You ascend through the levels in the order they are listed above, and advance to the next level after conquering the previous level. Depending on whether you conquer or are conquered by the levels, you can continue to the next sub-game, or are sent back to the main menu and lose a day of leisure time. In addition, defeating or being defeated by the sub-games unlocks corresponding Sports Center clips. Once you get a date with Anna Kournikova you have conquered the entire club level.

Screen Description:

The background is a real-life picture of a rave-like night club; full of young people enjoying themselves in a fluorescent hued light. The node title is a large beveled, embossed, metallic, and stroked impact font that says The Club. This is located at the top center of the screen. Four icons/buttons, representing each of the sub-games are arranged in a horseshoe shape in the center of the screen. When you roll over each of the buttons, a beveled and embossed, metallic, and stroked metallic impact text, which describes the function of each button appears in the center of the horseshoe. In addition this node contains all of the global conventions.

The icons are a dartboard, a fist with an illustrated impact, a slightly embossed Playboy Bunny, and a head and shoulders picture of Anna Kournikova. Although the icons have inherently different shapes, they all are approximately the size, around 100x100 pixels.

Sound and Music

While in the club node you hear a loop of a techno-music beat. You also hear random club sounds such as drinks clinking, people laughing, and a steady buzz of conversation. When you click one of the game icons/buttons you hear a corresponding sound. The dartboard produces a thwack, the fist produces the dinging of boxing bell, the bunny produces a voice saying, “Play on, playa,” and Anna produces her voice saying, “Hello.”


The physical interaction for this node is solely the mouse. The keyboard is not used at all in this node. The logical interaction is the clicking on buttons arranged in a circle in the center of the screen. You can only click on the buttons if they glow and display cursor 280 while the cursor is over them. Also, when the mouse is over a button, a text description of each button is displayed in the center of the icons is or is not yet clickable. All other interactions are global conventions that are described above.

|Point of Interaction |User Interaction |Function |Notes |

|Dartboard button |Mouseover |Button lights up with glowing | |

| | |halo, descriptive text and | |

| | |cursor 280 appears | |

|Dartboard button |Mousedown |Solarizes the image of button, | |

| | |descriptive text and cursor 290 | |

| | |appears | |

|Dartboard button |Mouseup |Original state of button, | |

| | |descriptive text and cursor 4 | |

| | |appears; links to the dart game | |

| | |node | |

|Fist button |Mouseover |Button lights up with glowing |Only functional after the dart |

| | |halo, descriptive text and |game is completed (except for |

| | |cursor 280 appears |descriptive text) |

|Fist button |Mousedown |Solarizes the image of button, |Only functional after the dart |

| | |descriptive text and cursor 290 |game is completed (except for |

| | |appears |descriptive text) |

|Fist button |Mouseup |Original state of button, |Only functional after the dart |

| | |descriptive text and cursor 4 |game is completed (except for |

| | |appears; links to the fight the |descriptive text) |

| | |bouncer game node | |

|Playmate button |Mouseover |Button lights up with glowing |Only functional after the fight |

| | |halo, descriptive text and |bouncer game is completed |

| | |cursor 280 appears |(except for descriptive text) |

|Playmate button |Mousedown |Solarizes the image of button, |Only functional after the fight |

| | |descriptive text and cursor 290 |bouncer game is completed |

| | |appears |(except for descriptive text) |

|Playmate button |Mouseup |Original state of button, |Only functional after the fight |

| | |descriptive text and cursor 4 |bouncer game is completed |

| | |appears; links to the pick up |(except for descriptive text) |

| | |playmates game node | |

|Anna button |Mouseover |Button lights up with glowing |Only functional after the |

| | |halo, descriptive text and |playmate game is completed |

| | |cursor 280 appears |(except for descriptive text) |

|Anna button |Mousedown |Solarizes the image of button, |Only functional after the |

| | |descriptive text and cursor 290 |playmate game is completed |

| | |appears |(except for descriptive text) |

|Anna button |Mouseup |Original state of button, |Only functional after the |

| | |descriptive text and cursor 4 |playmate game is completed |

| | |appears; links to the date Anna |(except for descriptive text) |

| | |game node | |


|Asset |Description |Comments |

|Club.psd |PICT |Background image of the club |

|Clubtxt |PICT |Text header of “The Club” |

|Clubmusic.wav |WAV |Techno background music |

|Anna.jpg |PICT |Head and shoulders image of Anna |

|Annahs.jpg |PICT |Roll-over image of Anna hotspot |

|Annasel.jpg |PICT |Clicked version of Anna hotspot |

|Bounce.jpg |PICT |Image of a fist |

|Bouncerhs. jpg |PICT |Roll-over image of fist hotspot |

|Bouncersel. jpg |PICT |Clicked version of fist hotspot |

|Playmate.jpg |PICT |Playboy bunny logo |

|Playmatehs.jpg |PICT |Roll-over image of Playmate hotspot |

|Playmatesel.jpg |PICT |Clicked version of Playmate hotspot |

|Dartboard.jpg |PICT |Image of a dartboard |

|Dartboardhs.jpg |PICT |Roll-over image of dartboard hotspot |

|Dartboardsel.jpg |PICT |Clicked version of dartboard hotspot |

|Anna.wav |WAV |Sound file when selecting Anna game |

|Bouncer.wav |WAV |Sound file when selecting bouncer game |

|Playmate.wav |WAV |Sound file when selecting Playmate game |

|Dart.wav |WAV |Sound file when selecting dart game |

|Clubnoise1.wav |WAV |Random club noises, background noise |

|Clubbuzz.wav |WAV |Steady mummer of voices, background noise |

Node 6: Dart Game (2.6)


Node Description:

The dart game is the first sub-game that you play while trying to earn thrill points and complete the club level. As a right off passage, you must defeat your team’s wily veteran in a game of 201. In 201, the object is to have your dart throws total 201 points exactly. If you reach 201 before your teammate, you win, unlock the fight the bouncer sub-game, and the veteran buys you a beer. If you lose, then you leave the club with wounded pride, just waiting for the next time to beat your teammate. Still, you must be careful of errant throws or else you could hit innocent bystanders.

Screen Description:

The node has a real photo image as a background. The node title is a large beveled, embossed, metallic, and stroked Impact font that says Darts. In the background image the bar of the club runs from left to right, and the dartboard hangs on a pillar on the right of the screen. The bar is populated by images of bar dwellers enjoying themselves. The node shows the player throwing the dart, either you or your teammates, from a profile view. As the player throws the dart, the player’s arm rotates at the shoulder to animate the dart throwing process and upon release a dart travels across the screen hitting the dartboard. In addition to the global conventions, there also is a scoreboard for the dart game along the right margin of the screen. The scoreboard displays your score, your teammates score, and the value of the last throw. The font of the scoreboard is a silver Impact font.

Sound and Music:

The background music of this node is TBD. The background noises used in the club menu will be used here as well (see above). Sound effects for the node are be the thack sound of a dart hitting the dartboard and Sport Center catch phrases that correspond to the action of the game. For example, when you make a shot you might Dan Patrick say, “Simply enfuego.” Also, there will be sound effects of your teammate talking trash and sound effects of bystanders when they get stuck with a dart.


Again, the means of interaction with this node is the mouse. When you are ready to throw a dart, you hold the mouse button down on your likeness’ hand, move the mouse to the left to move its hand back, move the mouse to the right to move its hand forward, and release the mouse button to make your likeness release the dart. Where you let go of the mouse button in the throwing motion determines where the dart will hit on the board and how many points you will receive. All other interactions involve the global conventions are described in the global conventions chapter.

|Point of Interaction |User Interaction |Function |Notes |

|Dart Throwers hand |Mousedown on the hand |Links the movement of the dart | |

| | |thrower’s hand to the movement | |

| | |of the mouse | |

|Dart Throwers hand |Move mouse location to the left |The dart thrower’s hand moves | |

| |of the screen |back | |

|Dart Throwers hand |Move mouse location to the right|The dart thrower’s hand moves | |

| |of the screen |forward | |

|Dart Throwers hand |Mouseup |Releases the dart from the |Where in the range of arm motion|

| | |thrower’s hand, and causes the |the dart is released determines |

| | |dart to fly toward the board |its accuracy |


|Asset |Description |Comments |

|dartbkg.psd |PICT |Background image of dart game |

|you.psd |PICT |Image of player |

|opponent.psd |PICT |Image of opponent |

|Phand.mov |MOV |*Animation of player’s moving hand: made of 7 different jpgs of arm |

| | |position |

|Ohand.mov |MOV |*Animation of opponent’s moving hand: : made of 7 different jpgs of arm|

| | |position |

|dart.psd |PICT |Image of dart |

|dartboard.psd |PICT |Image of dartboard |

|Randomperson1.psd |PICT |Random background person |

|Randomperson2.psd |PICT |Random background person |

|Randomperson3.psd |PICT |Random background person |

|Hit_by_dart.psd |PICT |Person hit by dart |

|dart.mov |MOV |*Animation of dart flying: seven jpgs of dart position |

|Yscore.psd |PICT |Text of “Your Score” |

|Oscore.psd |PICT |Text of “Opponent Score” |

|Yscore field |Director field |Field indicating player score |

|Oscore field |Director field |Field indicating opponent score |

|thack.wav |WAV |Sound of dart hitting board |

|whoosh.wav |WAV |Sound of dart flying |

|Otaunt.wav |WAV |Sound of opponent taunting |

|Beer.jpg |PICT |Image of beer you get when you win |

|Odrink.wav |WAV |Sound of opponent drinking |

|Music.wav |WAV |Looping sound of music |

Node 7: Fight the Bouncer Game (2.7)


Node Description:

This node is an interactive sub-game in which you fight the club’s bouncer, retired boxer Larry Holmes. You must try and land more punches than Larry, or knock him out, in a two-minute round. Be sure to stick and move, because even though Larry is not the quickest in the world, his haymaker packs a wallop. If you manage to put a whooping on Mr. Holmes, then you get to stay in the club. And, due to your fighting prowess unlock the next node, hitting on Playmates. However, if Larry flogs you, like he has to so many others, you are kicked out of the club for the night. And, quite probably you will be publicly humiliated on Sports Center the next day. It is also important to note that if you try to fight Larry too many times he throws a literal killer punch, ending both your career and the game.

Screen Description:

The background for this node is the outside of the club, which will be a brick building. The node title is a large beveled, embossed, metallic, and stroked Impact font that says Fight Bouncer. There is a small crowd gathered on the left and right side of you and Larry. The crowd forms a makeshift ring for the fight. Larry is in his boxing attire and the size of his sprite is exaggerated to make him seem larger than life. He is facing toward you and moves side to side, ducks up and down, and throws punches at you. Your back is showing on the screen and you can move side to side, duck up and down, and throw punches at Larry. There are health meters for both you and Larry along the right margin of the screen.

Sound and Music:

At the start of the node, you receive a call on your cell phone and your mentor explains the object, instructions, and controls of the game. The background music for this node is a portion of a Wu Tang song on a loop. In the background there is also the buzz of the crowd, random shouts of encouragement for Larry, and random mockeries directed toward you. Do not forget this club is Larry’s turf. Other sound effects are the sounds made by the landing of punches, groans, grunts, and guttural noises.


The primary means of interaction for this node is the keyboard. The directional pad controls your character’s possible movements: ducking, fight stance, standing, strafe right, and strafe left. The control key punches with the left hand and the alt key punches with the right hand. You can block by pressing the space bar. If your fist makes contact with part of Larry you do damage to Larry’s health meter. Contact to his head will do the most damage, then the body, and then when the punch is blocked. You can interact with the global conventions by using the mouse.

|Point of Interaction |User Interaction |Function |Notes |

|Directional Pad |Pressing the up button |Moves your character to a fully | |

| | |upright position | |

|Directional Pad |Releasing the up button |Returns your character into the | |

| | |default fight stance | |

|Directional Pad |Pressing the down button |Moves your character to a | |

| | |crouched position | |

|Directional Pad |Releasing the down button |Returns your character into the | |

| | |default fight stance | |

|Directional Pad |Pressing the left button |Your character strafes to the | |

| | |left | |

|Directional Pad |Releasing the left button |Returns your character into the | |

| | |default fight stance | |

|Directional Pad |Pressing the right button |Your character strafes to the | |

| | |right | |

|Directional Pad |Releasing the right button |Returns your character into the | |

| | |default fight stance | |

|The control key |Pressing the control key |Throws a punch with the left | |

| | |hand | |

|The alt key |Pressing the alt key |Throws a punch with the right | |

| | |hand | |

|Space bar |Pressing the Space bar |Puts hands in a blocking | |

| | |position | |

|Larry Holmes’ Head |Hitting these pixels with a |Reduces Larry’s health by a | |

| |punch |factor of 10 | |

|Larry Holmes’ Body |Hitting these pixels with a |Reduces Larry’s health by a | |

| |punch |factor of 5 | |

|Larry Holmes’ Blocking Stance |Hitting these pixels with a |Reduces Larry’s health by a | |

| |punch |factor of 1 | |


|Asset |Description |Comments |

|Club.psd |PICT |Background image of club |

|Larryneut.psd |PICT |Larry in his neutral stance |

|Larryupright.psd |PICT |Larry stand straight up |

|Larryducking.psd |PICT |Larry Ducking |

|Larryleft1.psd |PICT |Portion of Larry’s left punch animation |

|Larryleft2.psd |PICT |Portion of Larry’s left punch animation |

|Larryleft3.psd |PICT |Portion of Larry’s left punch animation |

|Larryleft4.psd |PICT |Portion of Larry’s left punch animation |

|Larryleft5.psd |PICT |Portion of Larry’s left punch animation |

|Larryright1.psd |PICT |Portion of Larry’s right punch animation |

|Larryright2.psd |PICT |Portion of Larry’s right punch animation |

|Larryright3.psd |PICT |Portion of Larry’s right punch animation |

|Larryright4.psd |PICT |Portion of Larry’s right punch animation |

|Larryright5.psd |PICT |Portion of Larry’s right punch animation |

|Larryblock.psd |PICT |You blocking |

|Youneut.psd |PICT |You in his neutral stance |

|Youupright.psd |PICT |You stand straight up |

|Youducking.psd |PICT |YouDucking |

|Youleft1.psd |PICT |Portion of your left punch animation |

|Youleft2.psd |PICT |Portion of your left punch animation |

|Youleft3.psd |PICT |Portion of your left punch animation |

|Youleft4.psd |PICT |Portion of your left punch animation |

|Youleft5.psd |PICT |Portion of your left punch animation |

|Youright1.psd |PICT |Portion of your right punch animation |

|Youright2.psd |PICT |Portion of your right punch animation |

|Youright3.psd |PICT |Portion of your right punch animation |

|Youright4.psd |PICT |Portion of your right punch animation |

|Youright5.psd |PICT |Portion of your right punch animation |

|Youblock.psd |PICT |You blocking |

|Header.psd |PICT |Header text of “Fight the Bouncer” |

|PPower.psd |PICT |Text of “Player Power” |

|Ppower field |Director field |Field indicating player’s power |

|BPower.psd |PICT |Text of “Bouncer Power” |

|Bpower field |Director field |Field indicating bouncer’s power |

|Bouncer1.wav |WAV |Sound of connecting a punch on bouncer |

|Bouncer2.wav |WAV |Sound of bouncer taunting |

|Player1.wav |WAV |Sound of taking a punch |

|Player2.wav |WAV |Sound of player taunting |

|Rawkus.wav |WAV |Looping sound of Wu-Tang |

|Bouncer.mov |MOV |Animation of moving bouncer |

|Blood.mov |MOV |Animation of blood as a punch connects |

|Win.psd |PICT |Text indicating player winning match |

|Lose.psd |PICT |Text indicating player losing match |

|Win.wav |WAV |Sound indicating player winning match |

|Lose.wav |WAV |Sound indicating player losing match |

|Bells.wav |WAV |Boxing bells to signal start of fight |

Node 8: Hitting on Playmates (2.8)


Node Description:

This node is an interactive sub-game that is reached after defeating Larry Holmes and clicking on the Playboy bunny logo on the club menu. After defeating Larry Holmes, you are the man in the club and you feel like taking advantage of this status. What better to do so then trying pick one of the six playmates at the club. You do this through an interactive game that is similar to Memory or Classic Concentration. There are a total of 12 cards, six with pictures of playmates and six with the playmates’ names and titles (for example Miss January 2002). You get three chances to flip over two cards, hoping to get make a match. If you match the playmate with her credentials, then the two of you leave the club for the evening and get to know each other a little better. However, if fail to make a match in three tries, then you leave the club demoralized and lonely. Each time you take a playmate home she is taken out of the card game, making it easier to match up her friends. If you can make all of your matches before using up all of your leisure time, then you conqueror the level, receive a thrill point bonus, and unlock the next node, trying to date Anna Kournikova.

Screen Description:

The background image of this node is group of attractive young ladies sitting at the bar. The node title is a large beveled, embossed, metallic, and stroked Impact font that says Playmate Memory. Layered over this background are 12 face down cards. The cards are arranged in three rows of four and have the Playboy logo on their backs. Along the right side of the screen is a scoreboard that keeps track of the number match attempts you have made that night and the number of attempts that you have left that night. On the face side of six of the cards are head and shoulders pictures of six playmates. On the face side of the other six cards are the playmates’ names and title.

Sound and Music:

Your mentor explaining the game over your cell phone. The remaining sounds for sound are currently TBD, but there will be three sounds for a successful match and three sounds for an unsuccessful match. The background music is still currently TBD.


The primary means of interaction with node is the mouse. When you click on the back of a card it flips it over. You then can click on a second card and that cards flips. If they match, then you go to a corresponding vignette as you leave the club. If they do not match then use lose a remaining attempt for the evening. Sounds will play depending on the flow of the game.

|Point of Interaction |User Interaction |Function |Notes |

|Face down card |Clicking on the card |Flips the card over | |


|Asset |Description |Comments |

|playmatebk.psd |PICT |Background image of the club |

|playmatetitle.psd |PICT |Text header of “Memory” |

|Cardbank.psd |PICT |Image of available cards (backsides) |

|Girl1.psd |PICT |Image of girl 1 |

|Girl2.psd |PICT |Image of girl 2 |

|Girl3.psd |PICT |Image of girl 3 |

|Girl4.psd |PICT |Image of girl 4 |

|Girl5.psd |PICT |Image of girl 5 |

|Girl6.psd |PICT |Image of girl 6 |

|Girl1name.psd |PICT |Name of girl 1 |

|Girl2name.psd |PICT |Name of girl 2 |

|Girl3name.psd |PICT |Name of girl 3 |

|Girl4name.psd |PICT |Name of girl 4 |

|Girl5name.psd |PICT |Name of girl 5 |

|Girl6name.psd |PICT |Name of girl 6 |

|Takehome.avi |VID |Clip of door shutting upon scoring a girl |

|Attempts.psd |PICT |Text header of “Attempts Remaining” |

|Attemtfield.psd |Director field |Field indicating remaining attempts |

|Cardflip.mov |MOV |Movie of the card flipping |

|Denied1.wav |WAV |Sound 1 of being turned down |

|Denied2.wav |WAV |Sound 2 of being turned down |

|Denied3.wav |WAV |Sound 3 of being turned down |

|Score1.wav |WAV |Sound 1 of scoring |

|Score2.wav |WAV |Sound 2 of scoring |

|Score3.wav |WAV |Sound 3 of scoring |

Node 9: Anna Kournikova (2.9)

Node Description:

This is the final node of the club menu. After unlocking the node by taking all six of the playmates home you are ready to settle down in a more meaningful relationship. So, you try to get a date with another professional athlete, Anna Kournikova. By clicking on the Anna button on the club menu you are linked to the Anna sub-game. However, Anna it takes a little more than just knowing her name to get a date with her. Anna will not go out with you unless she knows that you sincerely are impressed with her professional tennis career. She asks you a series of questions that have to answer correctly. However, you only get one chance with Anna, so you might want to visit the games web site to brush up on your Anna knowledge. If you get a date with her you receive two sizable thrill point bonuses: one for completing the club scenario and another for getting a date with Anna Kournikova.

Screen Description:

The background for this node is an unoccupied both in the club. The node title is a large beveled, embossed, metallic, and stroked Impact font that says Impress Anna. Layered over the background is large glowing image of Anna, and damn she looks good. There is also an interactive form on the right side of the screen. In the form, which has silver metallic frame, a black background, and silver metallic text is used within the form. The form is used for Anna to ask you questions and for you to submit your answer. Whether the questions will be short answer or multiple choice is TBD. There is no scoreboard for this node, because once you get a question incorrect the node is completed and you return to the club menu.

Music and Sound:

The node starts with a call from your mentor. He explains the rules and controls of this node. The background music for this node is TBD. There are sounds effects of Anna making approving and disapproving comments.


The mouse and keyboard are the means physical interaction. You can type in your answer for short answer questions and click on radio boxes for any multiple-choice questions. Depending on whether or not you answer the questions correctly Anna makes the appropriate comments. On the form there will be a text field in which you type in answers, for selecting multiple choice answers, and submit button for when you have your final answer.

|Point of Interaction |User Interaction |Function |Notes |

|Answer text field |Types in responses |Stores your answer so it can be | |

| | |validated | |

|Radio buttons |Clicks in one of buttons to |Stores your answer so it can be | |

| |select a multiple choice answer |validated | |

|Submit button |Clicks the button |Submits your answers for | |

| | |validation | |

|Keyboard |Typing |Enters data into text fields | |

|Mouse |Clicking on buttons |(see above) | |


|Asset |Description |Comments |

|Club.psd |PICT |Background image of club |

|Anna.psd |PICT |Picture of Anna |

|QAform.psd |PICT |Question and answer form fream which houses question and answer fields |

|Question field |Director field |Field containing the question |

|Answer field |Answer field |Field containing possible answers |

|Correct.wav |WAV |Sound of Anna indicating correct answer |

|Incorrect.wav |WAV |Sound of Anna indicating wrong answer |

|Jeopardy.wav |WAV |Looping music of Jeopardy theme |

|Win.psd |PICT |Text indicating player winning Anna |

|Lose.psd |PICT |Text indicating player losing Anna |

Node 10: Sports Center (2.10)


Node Description:

This node is a linear node that appears throughout different time in the game. It first appears after completing the Create Player Node. Here the story of the game is set up as the Sports Center anchors describe the huge contract that you are receiving as virtue of being a number one draft pick. The node then cuts to a Sport Center graphic screen that displays the vital statistics that you supplied in the Create Player Node. After the opening vignette, this node can be revisited by clicking on the television icon at the bottom of the screen. You are notified when you have been on Sports Center by the sound of the Sports Center jingle. Click on the icon, the game cuts away to your latest highlight. It is important to note that the highlights correspond to your behavior in the game; and, even if you do not have a new highlight, you still get to view your last highlight. You do not exit the node until the vignette is completed and then you return to the screen in which you clicked the television icon.

Screen Description:

This node consists of live action vignettes filmed on the mock-up of the Sportscenter set. There are two anchors and the shorts are shot in a multi-cam style. The node’s statistic screen resembles the ones used on Sportscenter.

Sound and music:

The music used on this node is the Sportscenter theme. The other sounds are the voices of the anchors.


|Asset |Description |Comments |

|Slack.avi |VID |Sportscenter anchors chastise athlete for slacking (appears after a poor |

| | |week) |

|Enfuego.avi |VID |Sportscenter anchors praise athlete (appears after a good week) |

|Deadplayer.avi |VID |Sportscenter anchors indicate player’s death (occurs after too many thrill|

| | |points in short time) |

|Parternitysuit.avi |VID |Sportscenter anchors indicate a paternity suit (one random suit for each |

| | |ten women picked up) |

|Arrested.avi |VID |Sportscenter anchors indicate player’s arrest (one random arrest every |

| | |three fights) |

|Defeatgame.avi |VID |Sportscenter anchors indicate player success and reaching an endorsement |

| | |contract with Nike |

|SCtheme.wav |WAV |Sportscenter theme song |

|Draftpick.avi |VID |Sportscenter vignette describing the draft pick |

|Vitalstats.psd |PICT |Stat screen displaying vitals from create player screen |

Scripts (4.0)

Main Menu (Intro_Joe.wav) (4.1)

Mean Joe Green: Hey son, this is Mean Joe Green. I remember talking to you at the Nike banquet last week and I tell you what --- I like your style. I think you’ve got what it takes to become a marquee professional athlete. And I’ll tell you what, you’ve got to have some fun out there if you want to get a big Nike contract like me. But you also got to keep your nose clean. So whether you’re at the club, the gym, the mansion, or the casino, have your fun but watch your back. I’ll be checking in with you periodically via cell phone, and be sure to watch your Sportscenter highlights by clicking on the TV at the bottom of the screen. Now go have fun, enjoy, but be careful.

Larrycat (Larryfight.wav) (4.2)

Mean Joe Green: Son, I see you got yourself in some trouble with the Larry Cat, Mr. Holmes. Well I’ll tell you what you have to do: use the right and left arrows to slide back and forth and duck that bad mutha. If you want to pop him one press down and give Larry one right in the schnaz, and tell him Mean Joe Green sent ya. Now go and get it.

Memory (Memory.wav) (4.3)

Mean Joe Green: Hey now. I can hear you’re at the club by the jabbering of all the people about. It sounds to me like you just dropped down the bunny hole trying to round up some playmates. Well I’ll tell you what, when you’re an athlete like Mean Joe Green, it’s as easy as just remembering their first names. So I tell you what --- you go out there and try to work some of your magic. But be careful, if your mojo runs out you’ll be going home alone.

Darts (Darts.wav) (4.4)

Mean Joe Green: Hey, this is Mean Joe Green again. It looks like you’re at the bar ready to play some darts. I’ll tell you what, there’s nothing better for a cheap thrill than knocking down three bulls eyes in a row. I’ll tell you how to do it. Click on that dart at the bottom of the screen, dragging it backwards then pushing it forwards, releasing the mouse button propelling it to the dartboard. Now if you get three in a row you get yourself a nice little thrill and probably will impress some ladies. So good luck to you…and good shooting.



[pic] = Interactive node

[pic] = Optional flow [pic] = Linear node

Your Mansion

Anna K Game

Playmate Game

Fighting Game

Dart Game

The Gym

The Casino

Your Mansion[pic]

The Club

Main Menu


Create Player



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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