Bible Trivia Questions & Answers - Thought Catalog

[Pages:26]Trivia Questions

Bible Trivia Questions & Answers

Trivia Question: Where was Jesus born? Answer: Bethlehem

Trivia Question: How many books are in the New Testament? Answer: 27

Trivia Question: Paul was shipwrecked on what island? Answer: Malta

Trivia Question: Who recognized Jesus as the Messiah when he was presented to the Temple as a baby? Answer: Simeon

Trivia Question: After Jesus fed the 5,000, how many baskets were left over? Answer: 12

Trivia Question: In the Gospel of Mark, how does the Virgin Mary learn of her pregnancy Answer: From the angel Gabriel

Trivia Question: Who is the high priest of Jerusalem that put Jesus on trial? Answer: Caiaphas

Trivia Question: According to the Gospel of Matthew, where does Jesus give his first public sermon? Answer: On the mount

Trivia Question: How does Judas notify the Roman Officials of Jesus' identity? Answer: Judas kisses Jesus

Trivia Question: Which insect did John the Baptist eat in the desert? Answer: Locusts

Trivia Question: Who were the first apostles called to follow Jesus? Answer: Peter & Andrew

Trivia Question: After Jesus was arrested, which apostle disowned him three times? Answer: Peter

Trivia Question: Who wrote the book of Revelation? Answer: John

Trivia Question: Who asked Pilate for Jesus' body after he was crucified? Answer: Joseph of Arimathea

Trivia Question: What is the shortest book in the New Testament? Answer: 2 John

Trivia Question: Who worked as a tax collector prior to preaching the word of God? Answer: Matthew

Trivia Question: Paul says Christians should follow whose example? (Ephesians 5) Answer: Christ's example

Trivia Question: What did Saul encounter when he was traveling to Damascus? Answer: A great and blinding light

Trivia Question: What tribe is Paul from? Answer: Benjamin

Trivia Question: What was Simon Peter's profession prior to becoming an apostle? Answer: Fisherman

Trivia Question: In the Acts of the Apostles, who is Stephen? Answer: The first Christian martyr

Trivia Question: In 1 Corinthians, which is the greatest of the imperishable qualities? Answer: Love

Trivia Question: In the Gospel According to John, which apostle doubts Jesus' resurrection until he sees Jesus with his own eyes? Answer: Thomas

Trivia Question: Which Gospel is mostly speaks on the mystery and identity of the person of Jesus? Answer: The Gospel According to John

Trivia Question: According to the Gospels, which literary genre does Jesus implement to help preach his message? Answer: The parable

Trivia Question: Which biblical narrative is connected to Palm Sunday? Answer: Jesus' entry into Jerusalem before his death

Trivia Question: Which Gospel is written by a doctor? Answer: Luke

Trivia Question: Who baptizes Jesus? Answer: John the Baptizer

Trivia Question: Which group of people are righteous enough to inherit the Kingdom of God? Answer: The Gentiles

Trivia Question: What is the name of the village where Christ turned water into wine? Answer: Cana of Galilee

Trivia Question: How many people boarded Noah's Ark? Answer: Eight

Trivia Question: How many days and nights did Jesus fast for? Answer: 40 days & 40 nights

Trivia Question: Which prophet is known for turning his rod into a bronze snake? Answer: Moses

Trivia Question: What is the Holy Trinity? Answer: Father, Son, & the Holy Spirit

Trivia Question: What did Joshua command to stay still? Answer: Moon & Sun

Trivia Question: How many days did it take God to create the heavens and the earth? Answer: Seven

Trivia Question: What did God use the rib of Adam to do? Answer: Create Eve

Trivia Question: What did the serpent tempt Eve to do in the Garden of Eden? Answer: Eat the fruit from the trees that God forbid them to eat

Trivia Question: Who were Adam & Eve's first children? Answer: Cain & Abel

Trivia Question: What did God divide when He created Earth? Answer: The light from the darkness

Trivia Question: Who is Abraham's wife? Answer: Sarah

Trivia Question: How many books are in the Bible? Answer: 66

Trivia Question: How many books are in the Old Testament? Answer: 39

Trivia Question: Where did God send Moses to deliver the children of Israel out of Egypt? Answer: Pharaoh

Trivia Question: How did God appear to Moses in the book of Exodus? Answer: Through a burning bush on the mountain of God

Trivia Question: How many plagues are in Exodus? Answer: Ten

Trivia Question: What are the ten plagues in order from Exodus? Answer: blood, frogs, lice, flies, livestock pestilence, boils, hail, locusts, darkness and the killing of firstborn children.

Trivia Question: Why did God send the ten plagues? Answer: Pharaoh refused to set the Israelites free

Trivia Question: Who did Moses drown by closing the Red Sea? Answer: The Egyptians

Trivia Question: What is the first commandment out of the Ten Commandments? Answer: "You shall have no other gods before me"

Trivia Question: What is the second commandment out of the Ten Commandments? Answer: "You shall not make for yourself a carved image"; Thou shall not make idols

Trivia Question: What is the third commandment out of the Ten Commandments? Answer: "You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain"

Trivia Question: What is the fourth commandment out of the Ten Commandments? Answer: "Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy."

Trivia Question: What is the fifth commandment out of the Ten Commandments? Answer: "Honor thy mother and father"

Trivia Question: What is the sixth commandment out of the Ten Commandments? Answer: "Thou shalt not kill"

Trivia Question: What is the seventh commandment out of the Ten Commandments? Answer: "Thou shalt not commit adultery"

Trivia Question: What is the eighth commandment out of the Ten Commandments? Answer: "Thou shalt not steal"

Trivia Question: What is the ninth commandment out of the Ten Commandments? Answer: "Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor"

Trivia Question: What is the tenth commandment out of the Ten Commandments? Answer: "Thou shalt not covet"

Trivia Question: What did God create on the first day? Answer: Light

Trivia Question: What did God create on the second day? Answer: Atmosphere/Firmament

Trivia Question: What did God create third day? Answer: Dry ground/Plants

Trivia Question: What did God create on the fourth day? Answer: The sun, moon, and stars

Trivia Question: What did God create on the fifth day? Answer: Birds/Sea animals

Trivia Question: What did God create on the sixth day? Answer: Land animals/Humans

Trivia Question: What did God create on the seventh day? Answer: Nothing, He rested

Trivia Question: Who wore clothing made of camel hair? Answer: John the Baptist

Trivia Question: What is the river where John the Baptist did most of his baptizing? Answer: Jordan River

Trivia Question: What is the longest chapter of the Bible? Answer: Psalm 119

Trivia Question: How many Bible books did both Moses and the apostle John write? Answer: Five

Trivia Question: Who cried after hearing a rooster crow? Answer: Peter

Trivia Question: What is the last book of the Old Testament? Answer: Malachi

Trivia Question: Who is the first murderer in the Bible? Answer: Cain

Trivia Question: What was the final wound to the dead body of Jesus on the cross? Answer: His side was pierced

Trivia Question: What was Jesus' crown made of? Answer: Thorns

Trivia Question: Which place is called "Zion" and "the city of David"? Answer: Jerusalem

Trivia Question: What is the town in Galilee that Jesus grew up in? Answer: Nazareth

Trivia Question: Who took Judas Iscariot's place as an apostle? Answer: Matthias

Trivia Question: All who look to the Son and believe in him will have what? Answer: Eternal life

Trivia Question: Which book is the Gospel of the second chance? Answer: Jonah

Trivia Question: What is the area of Palestine where the tribe of Judah lived after the exile? Answer: Judea

Trivia Question: Who is the Savior? Answer: Jesus Christ

Trivia Question: What is the last book in the New Testament? Answer: Revelation

Trivia Question: On which day did Jesus rise from the dead? Answer: The third day

Trivia Question: Which men came from the East to worship Jesus after he was born? Answer: The Magi

Trivia Question: Which group was the ruling council of the Jews who plotted to kill Jesus? Answer: The Sanhedrin

Trivia Question: The Bible has how many divisions and sections? Answer: Eight

Trivia Question: Which prophet was called by the Lord as a boy and anointed Saul as Israel's first king? Answer: Samuel

Trivia Question: What is a violation of God's law called? Answer: Sin

Trivia Question: Which two rivers border Eden in modern day Iraq? Answer: Tigress and Euphrates

Trivia Question: Which apostle walked on water? Answer: Peter

Trivia Question: When was the Trinity revealed? Answer: At Jesus' baptism

Trivia Question: At which mountain did Moses receive the Ten Commandments? Answer: Mount Sinai

Trivia Question: Who is the mother of all living? Answer: Eve

Trivia Question: What did Pilate ask Jesus when he was arrested? Answer: Are you the King of the Jews?

Trivia Question: Where is the birthplace of Paul, also known as Saul? This is now located in modern day Turkey. Answer: Tarsus

Trivia Question: What is the name of a person who is called by God to speak for Him? Answer: A prophet

Trivia Question: How do we give thanks in memory of Jesus? Answer: The Lord's Supper

Trivia Question: God's forgiveness provides what to all people? Answer: Salvation

Trivia Question: In which town did Jesus drive an evil spirit out of a man who called him the Holy One of God? Answer: Capernaum

Trivia Question: In which town did Jesus meet the woman at Jacob's well? Answer: Sychar

Trivia Question: What do you drink from to have eternal life? Answer: Living Water


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