Week of: - Home - Teaching Strategies
Week of: Teacher:
Study: Pets Exploring the Topic: What do we know about pets? What do we want to find out?
| |Monday |Tuesday |Wednesday |Thursday |Friday |
|Interest Areas |Library: photos and books about |Art: large, close-up photos of |Blocks: nonfiction books about |Toys and Games: stuffed animals |Toys and Games: stuffed or |
| |domesticated animals and pets |the classroom pet |pets and animals | |plastic animals |
|Question of the Day |Do you have a pet? |Which animal is a pet? (Display |How many pets do you think we’ll |Have you ever seen a pet like this? |Did you see any pets on your|
| | |pictures of a domesticated animal|see on our walk today? |(Display photos of two pets that you |way to |
| | |and a wild animal—for example, a | |have not yet discussed, such as a parrot|School today? |
| | |hamster in a cage and a zebra in | |and a hermit | |
| | |the wild.) | |crab.) | |
|Large Group |Movement: Leaping Sounds |Game: Hot or Cold 3-D |Movement: Words in Motion |Movement: Let’s Pretend |Movement: Let’s Make Letters|
| | |Shapes | | | |
| |Discussion and Shared | |Discussion and Shared Writing: |Discussion and Shared Writing: |Discussion and Shared |
| |Writing: What Do You Know |Discussion and Shared |Where Can We See Pets Near |What Do We Know About Pets? |Writing: What Do We Want to |
| |About Pets? |Writing: Exploring Our |School? | |Find Out About Pets? |
| | |Classroom Pet | |Materials: Mighty Minutes | |
| |Materials: Mighty Minutes 17, | |Materials: Mighty Minutes 10, |39, “Let’s Pretend”; collection |Materials: Mighty Minutes |
| |“Leaping Sounds”; photos of pets; |Materials: Mighty Minutes |“Words in Motion”; clipboards, |of stuffed or toy animals; two |84, “Let’s |
| |books about pets; items related to |22, “Hot or Cold 3-D |drawing and writing materials |baskets for sorting |Make Letters”; pet supplies |
| |pets (e.g., water bottle, collar, |Shapes”; large, close-up photos | | | |
| |toys) |of the classroom pet | | | |
|Read-Aloud |Selection from the “Children’s |Fiction selection from the |Reread the book from Day 1 |Reread the book from Day 2 |Reread the book from Days 1 |
| |Books” list that features children |“Children’s Books” list that |that features children and their |that features pets |and 3 that |
| |and their interesting pets |features pets |interesting pets | |features children and their |
| | | | | |interesting pets |
|Small Group |Option 1: Making My Name |Option 1: Observational |Option 1: Counting & Comparing |Option 1: Sorting & Classifying |Option 1: Can You Find It? |
| |Intentional Teaching Card |Drawing |Intentional Teaching Card M02, |Intentional Teaching Card M05, “Sorting |Intentional Teaching Card |
| |LL29, “Making My Name”; |Intentional Teaching Card |“Counting & Comparing”; objects |& Classifying”; objects for defining |M51, “Can |
| |marker; envelopes; letter |LL45, “Observational |to sort and compare; card stock |boundaries; toy animals to classify and |You Find It?”; toy animals |
| |manipulatives |Drawing”; photos of |for making labels |sort |from the |
| | |interesting pets; small | | |classroom collection |
| | |clipboards; paper; markers | | | |
| | | | | | |
| | | | | | |
| | | | | | |
| | | |Option 2: Bounce & Count | | |
| | | |Intentional Teaching Card M18, | |Option 2: Stepping Stones |
| |Option 2: Jumping Beans |Option 2: Observational |“Bounce & Count”; variety of |Option 2: Seek & Find |Intentional Teaching Card |
| |Intentional Teaching Card |Drawing |balls that bounce when dropped |Intentional Teaching Card M03, “Seek & |M55, |
| |LL05, “Jumping Beans”; |Intentional Teaching Card LL45, | |Find”; collection of toy animals or |“Stepping Stones”; masking |
| |construction paper; marker; |“Observational | |photos of animals; basket |tape or chalk |
| |can or bag |Drawing”; Internet photos of | | | |
| | |exotic, yet domesticated, | | | |
| | |animals; small clipboards; paper;| | | |
| | |markers | | | |
|Outdoor Experiences: Review Intentional Teaching Card P21, “Hopping.” Follow the guidance on the card. |
|Family Partnerships: Send home a letter that introduces the study to families. Invite families to contribute photos of home pets, books about pets, or toy animals to the class collection. Invite |
|a family member who works with animals to demonstrate how to meet and interact with new pets. Examples of people who work with animals include veterinarian, pet trainer, shelter worker, and |
|groomer |
|Wow! Experiences: Day 3: Walk around the school to look for pets |
Week of: Teacher:
Study: Pets Investigation: 1. What kinds of animals are pets?
| |Monday |Tuesday |Wednesday |Thursday |Friday |
|Interest Areas |Toys and Games: photos of |Dramatic Play: toy animals; |Dramatic Play: boxes or |Dramatic Play: materials for |Library: photos or books that|
| |wild and domesticated animals |containers for grouping and |containers for recreating animal |creating signs or advertisements |show how |
| | |pretend play |shelter cages; writing materials for |for the animal shelter |To approach unfamiliar |
| | | |making labels for the cages | |animals |
|Question of the Day |Do all pets have tails? |How many kinds of animals do |Which pet did you like best? |What animal do you think |Which of these animals makes |
| | |you think we’ll see on our visit to |(Display a few pictures of pets seen |this is? (Display a close-up |a safe |
| | |the shelter? |at yesterday’s site visit.) |photo of an animal’s interesting |pet? (Display photos of wild |
| | | | |characteristic—for example, |and |
| | | | |feathers, scales, or whiskers.) |domesticated animals.) |
|Large Group |Movement: Let’s Stick |Game: 1, 2, 3, What Do I See? |Song: “Two Plump Armadillos” |Song: “I Spy With My Little |Song: “We Like Clapping” |
| |Together | | |Eye” | |
| | |Discussion and Shared Writing: |Discussion and Shared Writing: | |Discussion and Shared |
| |Discussion and Shared Writing: Why|What Will We See at the Animal |Creating an Animal Shelter |Discussion and Shared Writing: |Writing: Visitor Who Is an |
| |Are Some Animals Pets and Others |Shelter? | |Questions for Our Visitor |Animal Expert |
| |Not Pets? | |Materials: Mighty Minutes 44, | | |
| |Materials: Mighty Minutes 67, |Materials: Mighty Minutes 50, “1, 2,|“Two Plump Armadillos”; shoe |Materials: Mighty Minutes 19, |Materials: Mighty Minutes 89,|
| |“Let’s Stick Together”; photos of |3, What Do I See?”; clipboards, |boxes |“I Spy With My Little Eye” |“We Like Clapping”; camera |
| |domesticated and wild animals; two|paper, drawing materials, camera for| | | |
| |hula hoops |shelter, particularly the animals’ | | | |
| | |description labels | | | |
|Read-Aloud |Swimmy |Nonfiction selection from the |Swimmy |Reread the book from Day 2 that |Swimmy |
| |Book Discussion Card 32 |“Children’s Books” list that |Book Discussion Card 32 |includes facts about different |Book Discussion Card 32 |
| |(first read-aloud) |includes facts about different |(first read-aloud) |types of pets |(third readaloud) |
| | |types of pets | | | |
|Small Group |Option 1: Tallying |Option 1: We’re Going on an |Option 1: Huff & Puff |Option 1: Did You Ever See. . .? |Option 1: Storyboard |
| |Intentional Teaching Card |Adventure |Intentional Teaching Card |Intentional Teaching Card LL14, |Intentional Teaching Card |
| |M06, “Tallying”; clipboard; |Intentional Teaching Card M36, |M26, “Huff & Puff”; small, |“Did You Ever See. . .?”; |LL46, “Storyboard”; pictures |
| |paper; pencils or crayons; toy |“We’re Going on an Adventure”; |lightweight balls; measuring |pictures of domesticated and wild|from magazines |
| |animals; photos of animals |several large cardboard boxes, |tools; masking tape |animals; audio recorder | |
| | |sheet; stool; large plant; | | | |
| | |photographs with geographic features| |Option 2: Silly Names | |
| |Option 2: Graphing |Option 2: Can You Find It? | |Intentional Teaching Card LL19, |Option 2: Storyboard |
| |Intentional Teaching Card |Intentional Teaching Card M51, |Option 2: Ice Cubes |“Silly Names”; chart paper; |Intentional Teaching Card |
| |M11, “Graphing”; large graph paper|“Can You Find It?”; small objects |Intentional Teaching Card |sentence strips or sticky notes |LL46, |
| |or chart paper with lines drawn |related to pets |M07, “Ice Cubes”; large | |“Storyboard”; pictures of the|
| |for graphing; markers; stickers; | |ice cubes; brown paper or | |classroom pet; magazine |
| |photos of animals; toy animals | |paper towels; bowls or cups; | |photos of scenes in which to |
| | | |measuring tools; chart paper | |place the pet |
|Outdoor Experiences: Review Intentional Teaching Card P16, “Body Part Balance,” or Intentional Teaching Card P26, “Keep It Up.” Follow the guidance on the card. |
|Family Partnerships: Invite families to lend the class clean, unused cages, crates, or aquariums for the classroom pet-supply store. Invite a family member to join the class to share an interesting |
|pet and its enclosure. |
|Wow! Experiences: Day 2: Visit to an animal shelter or pet-supply store |
|Day 4: Visit from a family member to talk about how to safely and appropriately interact with pets |
Week of: Teacher:
Study: Pets Investigation: 2 Where do pets live?
| |Monday |Tuesday |Wednesday |Thursday |Friday |
|Interest Areas |Blocks: photos of various |Discovery: materials for |Library: writing materials |Art: pictures of and books about |Discovery: fish bowl; water; measuring |
| |habitats |creating a “nest” | |the classroom pet’s natural |cups; rulers; plastic fish |
| | | | |habitat; | |
| | | | |materials for creating features to| |
| | | | |add to the habitats of the animals| |
| | | | |in the classroom shelter | |
|Question of the Day|Would you rather sleep [here] or |What kind of pet sleeps in this|Which is the best type of home for|Which is the best type of home for|How many fish can comfortably live in |
| |[here]? (Display two photos |nest? (Display a nest made by |this pet? (Display pictures of a |this pet? (Display a picture of |this aquarium? (Display a picture of or|
| |of pet beds, such as a soft dog bed|an animal other than a bird, |goldfish and an aquarium, a cage, |a rabbit and an aquarium, a cage, |an actual aquarium.) |
| |and a log.) |such as a hamster or guinea |and a dog crate.) |and a dog crate.) | |
| | |pig.) | | | |
|Large Group |Song: “This Is the Way” |Game: My Name, Too! |Game: Oh, Dear! What Can the |Movement: Silly Willy Walking |Game: Listen For Your Name |
| | | |Matter Be? | | |
| |Discussion and Shared |Discussion and Shared | |Discussion and Shared Writing: |Discussion and Shared Writing: How |
| |Writing: What Does Our |Writing: How Do Pets Make Their|Discussion and Shared Writing: Why|Our Pet in the Natural World |Much Space Does Our Pet Need? |
| |Classroom Pet Need in His or Her |Own Beds? |Do Some Pets Live in Cages? | | |
| |Habitat? | | |Materials: Mighty Minutes 05, |Materials: Mighty Minutes 85, “Listen |
| | |Materials: Mighty Minutes 35, |Materials: Mighty Minutes 93, |“Silly Willy Walking”; photos of |For Your Name”; gallon-size pitcher |
| |Materials: Mighty Minutes 06, “This|“My Name, Too!”; photos of pets|“Oh, Dear! What Can the Matter |and nonfiction books about the |or container; empty fish bowl; ruler; |
| |Is the Way”; photo or illustration |with their bedding; basket of |Be?”; examples of different kinds |classroom pet’s natural habitat |colored tape; plastic fish |
| |of a bedroom or a kitchen |towels, sheets, large pieces of|of enclosures | | |
| | |paper, or fabric scraps | | | |
|Read-Aloud |Fiction selection from the |Selection from the “Children’s |Reread the book from Day 1 that |Selection from the “Children’s |Reread the book from Days 1 and 3 that |
| |“Children’s Books” list that |Books” list that features |features families and their pets. |Books” list that talks about |features families and their pets. |
| |features families and their pets |poetry | |feelings | |
|Small Group |Option 1: Tongue Twisters |Option 1: Calm-Down Place |Option 1: Writing Poems |Option 1: Same Sound Sort |Option 1: Cover Up |
| |Intentional Teaching Card LL16, |Intentional Teaching Card |Intentional Teaching Card LL27, |Intentional Teaching Card LL12, |Intentional Teaching Card M34, |
| |“Tongue Twisters”; |SE03, “Calm-Down Place”; paper;|“Writing Poems”; chart paper; |“Same Sound Sort”; pet enclosures;|“Cover Up”; masking tape; photos of |
| |chart paper; markers |crayons; materials for building|markers; crayons |toy animals; objects whose names |floor coverings; floor covering |
| | |a cozy “nest” | |begin with the same first letter |samples; blocks; paper; crayons |
| | | | |sound | |
| | | | | | |
| | | | | | |
| | |Option 2: Group Problem | | | |
| | |Solving |Option 2: Writing Poems |Option 2: Rhyming Riddles |Option 2: Lining It Up |
| |Option 2: Same Sound Sort |Intentional Teaching Card |Intentional Teaching Card LL27, |Intentional Teaching Card LL11, |Intentional Teaching Card M31, |
| |Intentional Teaching Card |SE08, “Group Problem |“Writing Poems”; chart paper; |“Rhyming Riddles”; chart paper; |“Lining It Up”; variety of pet |
| |LL12, “Same Sound Sort”; variety of|Solving”; paper; crayons; |markers; crayons; audio or video |markers; crayons; props and |enclosures, including watertight |
| |objects related to pets; box or bag|materials for building a cozy |recorder |pictures of objects whose names |enclosures; large containers for |
| |for storing the objects |“nest” | |rhyme |measuring volume of enclosures; water; |
| | | | | |tools for measuring length |
|Outdoor Experiences: Review Intentional Teaching Card P02, “Play Dough Weaving.” Follow the guidance on the card. |
|Family Partnerships: Invite families to contribute toy animals or habitat materials for the classroom pet-supply store. Invite families to contribute empty containers of pet food that have |
|interesting environmental print. |
|Wow! Experiences: Research sites to visit next week where children can see a variety of pet food. |
Week of: Teacher:
Study: Pet Investigation: 3. What do pets eat?
| |Monday |Tuesday |Wednesday |Thursday |Friday |
|Interest Areas |Art: materials for making |Computer: videos or pictures of |Dramatic Play: pretend pet food made by |Dramatic Play: materials similar |Discovery: illustrations of |
| |pretend pet food for the |animals eating |the children; measuring tools |to those found at the pet supply |carnivores’, herbivores’, and |
| |animals in the Dramatic Play | | |store (e.g., cash register, |omnivores’ teeth; birdseed; |
| |area | | |grooming materials) |cotton balls; staple remover; |
| | | | | |flat rocks |
|Question of the|Which pet eats this? (Display a|Do all pets have teeth? |How many times a day does our classroom |What do you want to look for |Do these teeth belong to a |
|Day |photo of or actual pet food and| |pet eat? (Offer multiple choices for |on our visit to the pet-supply |carnivore or an herbivore? (Show |
| |photos of a few different | |children to select from—for example, |store? |a picture or skeleton model of |
| |pets.) | |one, two, three, more than three.) | |animal teeth.) |
|Large Group |Song: “Hello Bingo” |Movement: Jack in the Box |Game: Hickory Dickory Dock |Song: “I Had a Little Nut Tree” |Song: “Clap a Friend’s Name” |
| | | | | | |
| |Discussion and Shared Writing: |Discussion and Shared Writing: How Do|Discussion and Shared Writing: How Much |Discussion and Shared Writing: |Discussion and Shared Writing: |
| |What Do Pets Eat? |Pets Eat? |Do Pets Eat? |Visiting a Pet-Supply Store |Carnivore vs. Herbivore |
| | |Materials: Mighty Minutes 74, “Jack | | | |
| |Materials: Mighty Minutes 77, |in the Box”; classroom pet; pet food;|Materials: Mighty Minutes 80, “Hickory |Materials: Mighty Minutes |Materials: Mighty Minutes 40, |
| |“Hello Bingo”; samples |video recorder; photo of a hamster or|Dickory Dock”; classroom pet’s food; |56, “I Had a Little Nut Tree”; |“Clap a Friend’s Name”; Internet |
| |of the classroom pet’s food; |gerbil lifting food to its mouth; |bowls; measuring cups and spoons; scale |clipboards; paper; pencils |illustrations of carnivores’, |
| |empty containers or jars with |book that features animals eating | | |herbivores’, and omnivores’ |
| |blank labels | | | |teeth; flat rocks; birdseed; |
| | | | | |claw-type staple remover; cotton |
| | | | | |balls |
|Read-Aloud |The Story of Ferdinand |Selection from the “Children’s Books”|Nonfiction selection from the |The Story of Ferdinand |Reread the book from Day 2 that |
| |Book Discussion Card 33 (first |list that features letters of the |“Children’s Books” list that |Book Discussion Card 33 |features letters of the alphabet.|
| |read-aloud) |alphabet |explains how to care for pets |(second read-aloud) | |
|Small Group |Option 1: What Was for |Option 1: Playing With |Option 1: Morning, Noon, and Night |Option 1: Bigger Than, Smaller |Option 1: Fruit Salad |
| |Breakfast? |Environmental Print |Intentional Teaching Card M60, “Morning,|Than, Equal To |Intentional Teaching Card LL35, |
| |Intentional Teaching Card |Intentional Teaching Card LL23, |Noon, and Night”; magazines; chart |Intentional Teaching Card M09, |“Fruit Salad”; ingredients; chart|
| |LL40, “What Was for Breakfast”;|“Playing With Environmental |paper; scissors; glue sticks; markers |“Bigger Than, Smaller Than, Equal |paper; marker; bowl; plastic |
| |sample of the |Print”; variety of packages of pet | |To”; building blocks; standard and |knives |
| |classroom pet’s food; paper; |food and supplies | |nonstandard measuring tools; yarn; | |
| |pencils or crayons | | |dry erase board; marker or pencil; | |
| | | | |paper | |
| | |Option 2: Playing With | | | |
| | |Environmental Print |Option 2: Which Container Holds More? |Option 2: Wash Day |Option 2: Roll-Ups |
| |Option 2: Buried Treasures |Intentional Teaching Card LL23, |Intentional Teaching Card M32, “Which |Intentional Teaching Card M48, |Intentional Teaching Card LL37, |
| |Intentional Teaching CardLL21, |“Playing With Environmental Print”; |Container Holds More?”; sand table with |“Wash Day”; collection of socks of |“Roll- Ups”; ingredients; chart |
| |“Buried Treasures”; magnetic |variety of packages of pet food and |sand; clear containers; paper cup or |various lengths; clothesline; |paper; marker; plastic knives |
| |letters; large magnet; ruler; |supplies; samples of interesting |measuring cup; funnel; paper and marker |clothespins | |
| |tape; sand |types of pet food | | | |
| |table with sand | | | | |
|Outdoor Experiences: Review Intentional Teaching Card P06, “Catching With a Scoop”; Intentional Teaching Card P09, “Up and Away”; or Intentional Teaching Card P22, “Follow the Leader.” Follow the |
|guidance on the card. |
|Family Partnerships: Invite families to allow their children to help feed pets at home or help feed a neighbor’s pet. Encourage families to discuss with their children why different pets prefer |
|specific kinds of food. Invite families to accompany the class on the site visit on Day 4. |
|Wow! Experiences: Day 4: Site visit to a pet-supply store, feed store, or grocery store to see different kinds of pet food Invite a local groomer or a family member who works as a groomer to visit|
|the classroom next week to demonstrate how to keep pets clean and happy. |
Week of: Teacher:
Study: Pets Investigation: 4. How do we care for pets?
| |Monday |Tuesday |Wednesday |Thursday |Friday |
|Interest Areas |Computer: audio recordings, videos, |Dramatic Play: grooming |Sand and Water: toys; mild soap; |Art: materials for making pet care | |
| |or images of Animals communicating |materials; materials to |brushes, sponges, or scrubbers; |plans | |
| |vocally and physically |cut or comb (e.g., yarn, scraps |towels to dry with | | |
| | |of fake-fur fabric, | | | |
| | |drinking straws) | | | |
|Question of the Day |Do animals talk? |Which of these pets should be |Which of these do we use to keep |What kind of pet is this? (Display a | |
| | |brushed? (Display photos of a |our classroom clean? (Show an item|photo of a newborn kitten, chick, | |
| | |turtle, a bird, and a horse.) |that’s used for cleaning, such as |duck, or other young animal that looks| |
| | | |a broom or sponge, and an item |different from its adult counterpart.)| |
| | | |that’s not used for cleaning, such| | |
| | | |as a toy car or a pillow.) | | |
|Large Group |Song: “Paper Towel Rap” |Movement: Listening Story |Poem: “The Litter Monster” |Song: “Baa, Baa, Black Sheep” | |
| | | | | | |
| |Discussion and Shared Writing: How |Discussion and Shared Writing: |Discussion and Shared Writing: |Discussion and Shared Writing: Pet | |
| |Do Animals |Meet the |Keeping Pets’ Habitats Clean |Care Plan | |
| |Communicate? |Groomer | | | |
| | | |Materials: Mighty Minutes 69, “The|Materials: Mighty Minutes 29, “Baa, | |
| |Materials: Mighty Minutes 64, “Paper|Materials: Mighty Minutes 86, |Litter Monster”; obstacles in |Baa, Black Sheep”; photo of a | |
| |Towel Rap”; |“Listening |the large-group area (e.g., books,|description card; photos of newborn | |
| |photos and videos of animals |Story”; camera |clothing, toys) |animals; photos of adult counterparts | |
| |communicating (e.g., | | |to the newborn animals; Intentional | |
| |hissing cat, growling dog) | | |Teaching Card LL04, “Bookmaking”; | |
| | | | |paper; hole punch; markers; yarn | |
|Read-Aloud |The Story of Ferdinand |Nonfiction selection from the |Selection from the “Children’s |Reread the book from Day 2 that | |
| |Book Discussion Card 33 (third |“Children’s |Books” list that features animal |features pets being cared for. | |
| |read-aloud) |Books” list that features pets |habitats | | |
| | |being cared for | | | |
|Small Group |Option 1: Tap It, Clap It, Stomp It,|Option 1: Modeling Clay |Option 1: Dinnertime |Option 1: Memory Games | |
| |Jump It |Intentional Teaching Card M52, |Intentional Teaching Card M01, |Intentional Teaching Card LL08, | |
| |Intentional Teaching Card LL52, “Tap|“Modeling Clay”; recipe chart; |“Dinnertime”; paper or plastic |“Memory Games”; memory game, | |
| |It, Clap It, |ingredients; measuring cups and |dishes; napkins; utensils; cups; |lotto game, or set of duplicate | |
| |Stomp It, Jump It”; name cards; |spoons; table for kneading; |placemats |pictures or objects | |
| |chart with lyrics |large bowl; | | | |
| | |storage container | | | |
| | |Option 2: Oobleck |Option 2: Number Cards Intentional|Option 2: What’s Missing? Intentional | |
| |Option 2: Tap It, Clap It, Stomp It,|Intentional Teaching Card M66, |Teaching Card M04, “Number Cards”;|Teaching Card LL18, “What’s Missing?”;| |
| |Jump It |“Oobleck”; chart paper; markers;|set of cards with numerals and |bag or box with a variety of objects | |
| |Intentional Teaching Card LL52, “Tap|ingredients; measuring cups; |words; small |related to pets; large piece of paper | |
| |It, Clap It, Stomp It, Jump It”; |large bowl; storage container to|manipulatives |or cardboard | |
| |name cards; chart with lyrics; video|store the Oobleck | | | |
| |recorder | | | | |
|Outdoor Experiences: Review Intentional Teaching Card P27, “Galloping.” Follow the guidance on the card. |
|Family Partnerships: Invite families who have pets at home to help their children document what the pets need. Invite families to share grooming materials, such as brushes, combs, and nail |
|clippers, with the classroom. |
|Wow! Experiences: Day 2: Visit from a groomer to demonstrate how to groom pets and to introduce the supplies he or she uses |
Week of: Teacher:
Study: Pets Investigation: 5. How do pets make you feel?
| |Monday |Tuesday |Wednesday |Thursday |Friday |
|Interest Areas |Library: books about naming pets |Dramatic Play: photos of people |Library: pictures of and books about working |Library: photos of animals and | |
| | |interacting with pets |animals |people showing affection to one | |
| | | | |another | |
|Question of the Day|Do all pets have names? |Why do we have pets? (Display |Can pets have jobs? |Do you love a pet? | |
| | |multiple-choice answers: because | | | |
| | |they’re cute, because it’s nice to| | | |
| | |take care of animals, because they| | | |
| | |are fun to watch or fun to play | | | |
| | |with.) | | | |
|Large Group |Movement: Freeze |Movement: Counting Calisthenics |Song: “Purple Pants” |Song: “Echo Clapping” | |
| | | | | | |
| |Discussion and Shared Writing: Pet |Discussion and Shared Writing: How|Discussion and Shared Writing: |Discussion and Shared Writing: | |
| |Names |Can We Show Our Pet That We Love |Service Animals |Why We Love Pets | |
| | |It? | | | |
| |Materials: Mighty Minutes 25, | |Materials: Mighty Minutes 03, |Materials: Mighty Minutes 26, | |
| |“Freeze”; |Materials: Mighty Minutes 28, |“Purple Pants”; pictures of service |“Echo Clapping”; book that features | |
| |book about naming pets or about pets|“Counting Calisthenics”; photos of|animals or pets with jobs (e.g., |a relationship between a pet and its owner; | |
| |and |people interacting with pets |service dogs, police horses, goats |magazine or Internet photos | |
| |their names | |wearing packs); book about animals with jobs |of pets and owners showing affection to one | |
| | | | |another; Intentional Teaching Card SE05, | |
| | | | |“Character Feelings” | |
|Read-Aloud |The Stray Dog |Selection from the “Children’s |The Stray Dog |Reread the book from Day 2 that | |
| |Book Discussion Card 34 (first |Books” list that features pets as |Book Discussion Card 34 (second read-aloud) |features pets as friends. | |
| |read-aloud) |friends | | | |
|Small Group |Option 1: The Farmer Builds a Fence |Option 1: Silly Names |Option 1: Rhyming Chart |Option 1: Measure & Compare | |
| |Intentional Teaching Card M50, “The |Intentional Teaching Card LL19, |Intentional Teaching Card LL10, |Intentional Teaching Card M12, | |
| |Farmer |“Silly Names”; chart paper; |“Rhyming Chart”; chart paper; marker; poem or|“Measure & Compare”; nonstandard | |
| |Builds a Fence”; elastic band or |sentence strips or sticky notes; |song with rhyming words; props that |measuring tools | |
| |rope; two-dimensional Shapes |“Laughing Leo” poem written on the|illustrate the poem | | |
| | |chart paper |or song |Option 2: The Long and Short of It | |
| |Option 2: Stepping Stones | | |Intentional Teaching Card M25, | |
| |Intentional Teaching Card M55, |Option 2: Did You Ever See…? |Option 2: Rhyming Tubs |“The Long and Short of It”; | |
| |“Stepping |Intentional Teaching Card LL14, |Intentional Teaching Card LL44, |container; pieces of ribbon or yarn | |
| |Stones”; masking tape or chalk |“Did You Ever See…?”; pictures of |“Rhyming Tubs”; plastic tub; bag or box; | | |
| | |familiar animals; audio recorder |pairs of small toys with names that rhyme | | |
|Outdoor Experiences: Review Intentional Teaching Card P23, “Ways to Travel.” Follow the guidance on the card. |
|Family Partnerships: Invite families to attend the end-of study celebration. Send them a letter that explains the event. Invite families to help take the donation items to the animal shelter. |
|Wow! Experiences: Search the Internet for images and videos of pets and owners sharing affection with one another and of working or service animals, such as police dogs and horses, therapy dogs, |
|and pack goats. Arrange a time to deliver the collection of donation items to the animal shelter. |
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