American Sign Language Resources - Fairfax County Public Schools

American Sign Language Resources

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NOTE ? Like spoken English, American Sign Language has regional dialects across the US, so some of the signs you see may be from a region other than Northern Virginia.

Printable Pictures | Sign Video Clips or Animation | ASL in Deaf Education

Resources with Printable Pictures

Enchanted Learning - Search under ASL. Features sign flashcards, crafts, and more. You can access some items for free, or register for a fee.

Lesson Tutor: ASL Picture Index - Sign dictionary with simple line drawings and description of sign movements

Resources With Sign Video Clips or Animation

American Sign Language (ASL) Resource for Country Name-Signs around the World - Extensive country name-signs with indigenous and ASL signs.

American Sign Language Browser http:// - Signs are organized alphabetically. Each entry features a video clip and written description

ASL Browser - Links to several other ASL dictionary sites

ASL Nook - ASL Nook provides instruction in a variety of signs - alphabet, colors, emotions, animals, etc - presented in ASL by a Deaf people.

ASL Preschool - Home, school, and community signs in a child friendly format, created by Ohio School for the Deaf

1 Resources compiled by FCPS ATS teacher Mollie Kropp

ASL Pro http:// - is a free resource for classroom teachers. It includes sign language dictionaries and allows users to create accounts and quizzes for their students. *also has a mobile app

ASL That! - This is a vlog series that discusses and presents a variety of concepts in ASL. Google "ASL That!" and you'll find them! (Facebook Community - )

ASL University http:// features video clip dictionary, dictionary with line drawings, ASL font download, and more!

- American Sign Language and Beyond! -Sign dictionary and Guess the Sign games.

Dr. Bill Vicar's American Sign Language (ASL) Fingerspelling Practice Site Fingerspelling tool and fingerspelling slide show by Dr. Bill Vicar

Handspeak: Sign Language Online http:// - Handspeak has American Sign Language (ASL) online dictionary, ASL grammar, fingerspelling, and others: Baby Talk, International Sign Language, gesture, ASL storytelling and art and features include ASL word of the day and phrase of the week

How You Sign - Links to online sign language dictionaries for general use, as well as STEM resources.

Math Sign Language Dictionary - The Texas School for the Deaf has an extensive sign language dictionary with ASL and SEE signs which can be located by searches in either English or Spanish.

Needs Outreach http:// - ASL video library features subject specific signs. Great for sign interpreters and parents of signing students taking content area subjects

Signing Savvy - Signing Savvy contains several thousand high resolution videos of American Sign Language (ASL) signs, fingerspelled words, and other common signs used within the United States and Canada.

SignwithMe - Online dictionary for first signs.

Start ASL - Free resource that offers a variety of ASL resources.

2 Resources compiled by FCPS ATS teacher Mollie Kropp

Resources in ASL for Deaf Education

1001 Books in ASL - Tons of children's books presented in American Sign Language, Signed English, and gesture.

Academic ASL- From the Center for Bilingual Teaching and Learning, Gallaudet University ? Provides a variety of video resources for bilingual education in ASL and English, including a video series on Academic ASL.

ASLIZED - online source for ASL literature and linguistic research. All materials are presented in ASL.

ASL Rose - ASL/English bilingual resources.

ASL Shakespeare Project - ASL Shakespeare Project is a companion site for an ASL performance of Shakespeare's Twelfth Night by prominent Deaf performers. Materials for teaching the play are available on the site, including plot analysis, character development, etc ? much like you would find on a Spark's Notes site. All information is presented in both ASL and English.

C.A.T.S. (Center for Accessible Technology in Sign) - Center for Accessible Technology in Sign (CATS) is a joint project between the Atlanta Area School for the Deaf and the Georgia Institute of Technology. Features some cool games for learning signs and equivalent written words; includes SMARTSignLibrary ? a repository of ASL videos for popular children's books

Deaf MD - DeafMD is a website providing health information in American Sign Language. This site includes information about illnesses, medical tests and procedures, and links to CDC information to help D/deaf individuals understand medical care. (no captions or English voice-over)

Deaf Professional Arts Network -"D-Pan" - Deaf Professional Arts Network, features film and music videos signed in ASL by Deaf artists

GraphComm4Deaf - GraphComm provides information in English and ASL for aspiring graphic designers. Great for transition and art students.

iDeaf News - National, International, and Deaf Community news and editorials presented in ASL with English voice-over.

OIC News - Free resource for news and information in ASL. *some videos do require a membership

3 Resources compiled by FCPS ATS teacher Mollie Kropp

Peter's Picture: An Educational Video Series in American Sign Language (ASL) - Early childhood website developed for children ages 3-6 particularly for Deaf and Hard of Hearing children to learn ASL and written English through ASL. Includes viewing strategies, lesson plans, research and references. Virginia School for the Deaf and Blind Outreach Services - Resources for ASL, deaf education, and family outreach VL2 Story Book Apps - Interactive and bilingual (ASL, English) story books for children

4 Resources compiled by FCPS ATS teacher Mollie Kropp


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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