Infant/Toddler DRDP-R Portfolio

Student’s Name: (Fall (Winter (Spring Year:

Site: (AM (PM

Program: (HS (HB (SP (Wrap (FD

Preschool DRDP (2010) Anecdotal Note Organizer

Self and Social Development:

|Measure 1: Identity of self |Measure 2: Recognition of own skills and accomplishments |

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Preschool DRDP (2010) Anecdotal Note Organizer

Self and Social Development:

|Measure 3: Expressions of empathy |Measure 4: Impulse control |

|Measure 5: Taking turns |Measure 6: Awareness of diversity in self and others |

|Measure 7: Relationships with adults |Measure 8: Cooperative play with peers |

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Preschool DRDP (2010) Anecdotal Note Organizer

Self and Social Development:

|Measure 9: Socio-dramatic play |Measure 10: Friendships with peers |

|Measure 11: Conflict negotiation |Measure 12: Shared use of space and materials |

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.Preschool DRDP (2010) Anecdotal Note Organizer

Language and Literacy Development:

|Measure 13: Comprehension of meaning |Measure 14: Following increasingly complex instructions |

|Measure 15: Expresses self through language |Measure 16: Language in conversation |

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Preschool DRDP (2010) Anecdotal Note Organizer

Language and Literacy Development:

|Measure 17: Interest in literacy |Measure 18: Comprehension of age-appropriate text, presented by |

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Preschool DRDP (2010) Anecdotal Note Organizer

Language and Literacy Development:

|Measure 19: Concepts of print |Measure 20: Phonological awareness |

|Measure 21: Letter and word knowledge |Measure 22: Emergent writing |

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Preschool DRDP (2010) Anecdotal Note Organizer

English Language Development:

|Measure 23: Comprehension of English (receptive English) |Measure 24: Self expression in English (expressive English) |

|Measure 25: Understanding and response to English literary |Measure 26: Symbol, letter, and print knowledge in English |

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Preschool DRDP (2010) Anecdotal Note Organizer

Cognitive Development:

|Measure 27: Cause and effect |Measure 28: Problem solving |

|Measure 29: Memory and knowledge |Measure 30: Curiosity and initiative |

|Measure 31: Engagement and persistence |

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Preschool DRDP (2010) Anecdotal Note Organizer

Mathematical Development:

|Measure 32: Number sense of quantity and counting |Measure 33: Number sense of mathematical operations |

|Measure 34: Classification |Measure 35: Measurement |

|Measure 36: Shapes |Measure 37: Patterning |

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Preschool DRDP (2010) Anecdotal Note Organizer

Physical Development:

|Measure 38: Gross motor movement |Measure 39: Balance |

|Measure 40: Fine motor skills |

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Preschool DRDP (2010) Anecdotal Note Organizer


|Measure 41: Personal care routines |Measure 42: Healthy lifestyle |

|Measure 43: Personal safety |

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In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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