Assessment Tools Used in Kindergarten Entry Assessments ...

[Pages:6]CEELO Fast Fact ? January 2017

KEA Assessment Tools

Assessment Tools Used in Kindergarten Entry Assessments (KEAs) STATE SCAN1

GG Weisenfeld, EdD January 20172

Information Request

At the request of a state early education administrator, CEELO developed a national scan on the current assessment tools that are used in states to assess the development of children at kindergarten entry. This information could be useful to other states that are in the process of developing or revising their KEAs.


A growing number of states are interested in tracking the readiness of children entering kindergarten. In 2010, just seven states (Alaska, Connecticut, Florida, Hawaii, Maryland, Minnesota, and Vermont) collected KEA data for the purposes of aggregating data at the state level. Since this time, most states report they are using statewide, piloting, developing, or revising their KEA.

In 2013, three consortia were awarded federal Enhanced Assessment Grants (EAGs) to support the development or enhancement of high-quality KEAs that would collect, at kindergarten entry, valid and reliable information on each child's learning and development across the essential domains of school readiness. In addition, states that

Context The state wanted to learn about KEA assessment tools in order to inform their process in selecting one. Methodology Self-reported state data on the name of the kindergarten entry assessment tool were gathered from the annual NIEER State of Preschool Yearbook. CEELO also accessed and reviewed the Center for Standards and Assessment Implementation (CSAI)'s interactive map, which provides a snapshot of states' kindergarten entry assessment tools. Additionally, a request by a member was made to the NAECS-SDE listerv for information about KEAs and current research. Responses as shared by members are included in this FastFact.

1 This document provides information on assessment tools for KEAs that come from a review of documents. CEELO

does not endorse a particular tool. This document is for reference on what tools states are using. This information

may change. For updates, please email info@

2 Table 2 was updated March 2017.



CEELO Fast Fact ? January 2017

KEA Assessment Tools

received Preschool Development Grant funding are expected to report the degree to which children enter kindergarten ready.

What We Learned

Sixteen states that are implementing a kindergarten entry assessment (KEA) are using a commercially developed tool as part of their KEA system (see Table 1). Three state consortia funded through the EAG are developing a measure to be used in kindergarten (Table 2). Thirteen states have developed a KEA, sometimes in conjunction with a commercially made tool (Table 3).

This information was collected in November and December 2016, and, therefore, some resources and links may not be the most up-to-date. Updates can be sent to info@.

Commercially Developed Assessment Tools Sixteen states use a commercially developed tool as part of their KEA system. Table 1 identifies six commercially developed assessment tools used by states as part of their KEA system. Weblinks to both the publisher of the assessment tool and states using the tool are provided.

Table 1: Commercially Developed Tools

Name of Tool BRIGANCE Early Childhood Kindergarten Screen III

Desired Results Developmental Profile (DRDP)

Phonological Awareness Literacy Screening for Kindergarten (PALS-K) Qualls Early Learning Inventory (QELI)

States Using as KEA Kentucky

Nevada (beginning 2017-18) California

Illinois (KIDS)3 Virginia


STAR Early Literacy


Teaching Strategies GOLD

Alabama (pilot) Colorado Delaware Hawaii (pilot) Massachusetts Michigan (pilot) Minnesota (pilot) New Jersey Washington4

Weblinks Publisher Information State example - Kentucky

Publisher Information State example ? Illinois

Publisher Information State example ? Virginia Publisher Information State example ? Arkansas Publisher information State example ? Mississippi Publisher information Using Teaching Strategies GOLD? within a Kindergarten Entry Assessment System [CEELO FastFact]

3 Illinois adopted and renamed the DRDP as the Kindergarten Individual Development Survey - KIDS

4 In addition to GOLD, Washington uses a parent survey and a child's prior early childhood education information.



CEELO Fast Fact ? January 2017

KEA Assessment Tools

State Consortia

There are the three Enhanced Assessment Grant consortia that are developing measures to be used in the kindergarten year (note: the North Carolina Consortium is also developing a K-3rd grade formative assessment). Table 2 identifies the state partners and some information about their work, including Weblinks.

Table 2: Enhanced Assessment Grant Consortia

Name of Consortium Maryland-Ohio Consortium

State Members

Charter members: Ohio Maryland (fiscal agent) Connecticut Tennessee5

Advisory members: Michigan Nevada Indiana Massachusetts


Kindergarten Readiness Assessment (KRA) was developed by WestEd (Division of Standards, Assessment, and Accountability Services).

This assessment has been developed by OH and MD as part of the RTT-ELC and is now being enhanced by developing an improved 2.0 version of it.

Currently, OH and MD are implementing statewide; MI in some school districts.


State example - Ohio

State example Maryland

North Carolina Consortium

Arizona Delaware District of Columbia Iowa Maine North Carolina North Dakota Oregon Rhode Island South Carolina (collaborating state)

Texas Consortium


Field testing occurring in Tennessee and South Carolina. North Carolina is currently implementing.

North Carolina Memo re: KEA Implementation, Phase II (April 2016)

NC Kindergarten Entry Assessment To Be Implemented Statewide Fall 2015 (July 2015)

Texas Education Agency (TX's SEA) and researchers from University of Texas, Health Science Center at Houston (UTHealth) are developing and field testing the KEA.

North Carolina K-3 Formative Assessment Process Website State Example ? Texas

5 In 2016, Tennessee joined the Maryland-Ohio consortium as a charter state.



CEELO Fast Fact ? January 2017

KEA Assessment Tools

Self-Developed Assessment Tools

Thirteen states have developed their own measures. identified in Table 3. Weblinks and the year of implementation or revision, if available, are provided.

Table 3: Self-Developed Tools used for KEA

State Alaska

Name of Tool (with Weblink) Alaska Developmental Profile

Notes Implemented 2009

Connecticut Kindergarten Entrance Inventory [KEI]

Implemented 2007

Florida Georgia

Florida Kindergarten Readiness Screener [FLKRS] Georgia Kindergarten Inventory of Developing Skills

Implemented 2006; revised 2014 Implemented 2008

Hawaii Indiana

Hawaii State School Readiness Assessment

Indiana Standards Tool for Alternate Reporting of Kindergarten Readiness

Implemented 2008 statewide; no longer required Revised 2012


Formative Assessment System for Teachers

Implemented 2014


Developing Skills Checklist

New Mexico Kindergarten Observation Tool

Based on the English Language Development Assessment (ELDA), Developed 2004 Implemented 2016


Oregon Kindergarten Assessment

Implemented 2013

Pennsylvania Kindergarten Entry Inventory [KEI]

Implemented 2014

Utah Vermont

Utah State Office of Education Kindergarten Assessment

Ready for Kindergarten! Survey

Unknown Implemented 2015



CEELO Fast Fact ? January 2017

KEA Assessment Tools


States are using a variety of assessment tools in their Kindergarten Entry Assessment systems. The tools being used are continually evolving and many states look forward to seeing the KEAs produced by the three EAG consortia. Once an assessment tool is selected, states are able to plan for professional development for both teachers and administrators; communicate findings with parents and other stakeholders; and create written policies and guidance to support implementation, including data governance. Some of these next steps are identified in the following resources.


Case Studies of the Early Implementation of Kindergarten Entry Assessments. (2016). This is a case study on MD, OR, PA, and WA's KEA.

Fast Fact: Information and Resources on Developing State Policy on Kindergarten Entry Assessment (KEA). (2014). This Fast Fact provides information on how states are approaching the development and implementation of KEA as part of a comprehensive assessment system. Includes links to states' KEA policies and resources.

How Kindergarten Entry Assessments are Used in Public schools and How they Correlate with Spring Assessments. (2016). This study examined how public schools used kindergarten entry assessments, what types of public schools used kindergarten entry assessments, and whether the use of kindergarten entry assessments was correlated with student early learning assessment scores in reading and math in spring of the kindergarten year.

Using Teaching Strategies GOLD? within a Kindergarten Entry Assessment System. (2016). This Fast Facts describes how states are using GOLD as part of their KEA.



CEELO Fast Fact ? January 2017

KEA Assessment Tools

ABOUT CEELO: One of 22 Comprehensive Centers funded by the U.S. Department of Education's Office of Elementary and Secondary Education, the Center on Enhancing Early Learning Outcomes (CEELO) will strengthen the capacity of State Education Agencies (SEAs) to lead sustained improvements in early learning opportunities and outcomes. CEELO will work in partnership with SEAs, state and local early childhood leaders, and other federal and national technical assistance (TA) providers to promote innovation and accountability.

Permission is granted to reprint this material if you acknowledge CEELO and the authors of the item. For more information, call the Communications contact at (732) 993-8051, or visit CEELO at .

Suggested citation: Weisenfeld, G. (2017). Assessment tools used in kindergarten entry assessments (CEELO FastFact). New Brunswick, NJ: Center on Enhancing Early Learning Outcomes.

This FastFact was produced by the Center on Enhancing Early Learning Outcomes, with funds from the U.S. Department of Education under cooperative agreement number S283B120054. The content does not necessarily reflect the position or policy of the Department of Education, nor does mention or visual representation of trade names, commercial products, or organizations imply endorsement by the federal government.

The Center on Enhancing Early Learning Outcomes (CEELO) is a partnership of the following organizations:




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