California State University, Fullerton

Driving directions to the CSUF Marriott Hotel:

You can request detailed driving directions from the following site (scroll down and enter your address):

Generic Directions:

From LAX Southern route: Take the 91 Freeway East Toward Riverside. Transition to the 57 Freeway, North toward Pomona. Exit the 57 Freeway at Nutwood Drive. Turn West on Nutwood Drive (You will turn left on Nutwood and go under the freeway). You will see the Hotel on your right. About 50 yards ahead on your right past the Freeway ramps is the Marriott hotel entrance.

From Los Angeles Central Route: Take the 5 freeway (Santa Ana) South toward San Diego. Transition to the 91 Freeway East Toward Riverside. Transition to the 57 Freeway, North toward Pomona. Exit the 57 Freeway at Nutwood Drive. Turn West on Nutwood Drive (You will turn left on Nutwood and go under the freeway). You will see the Hotel on your right. About 50 yards ahead on your right past the Freeway ramps is the Marriott hotel entrance.

From Los Angeles, Valleys, Pasadena: Northern Routes: Take ANY of these freeways East: 134/210 OR the 10 Freeway toward San Bernadino, OR the 60 Freeway toward Riverside. Transition to the 57 Freeway South toward Orange. Exit at Nutwood Drive. Turn right (West). You will see the Hotel on your right. About 50 yards ahead on your right past the Freeway ramps is the Marriott hotel entrance.

From Irvine, San Diego: Southern Routes: Take 405 to the 5 freeway transition toward Santa Ana (North), transition to the 57 Freeway toward Pomona. OR you can take the 405 to the 55 freeway north to 5 Santa Ana Freeway North to 57 Freeway toward Pomona. Turn West on Nutwood Drive (You will turn left on Nutwood and go under the freeway). You will see the Hotel on your right. About 50 yards ahead on your right past the Freeway ramps is the Marriott hotel entrance.

Driving directions to the Visitor’s kiosk at CSUF:

Exit the 57 Freeway at Nutwood Drive. Turn West on Nutwood. Drive past the Marriott hotel (0n your right) and past the main entrance to campus (Commonwealth). Turn right at the next corner and then right again. You will be on S. Campus Drive. The visitor’s kiosk will be about 100 yards ahead, just before Commonwealth.

Directions to the Meeting Site:

We will meet from 9-5 Thursday and Friday in Humanities H-326B. A campus map is shown below, and a Printable PDF version is linked here. Humanities (H) is the 8-story building labeled H on the East side of the main Quad. From the hotel (lower right corner of the map) exit the front door, turn right, cross at the signal and walk North-west toward the Humanities building. There are elevators on the East and West sides of the building.



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