American History Semester One Final Exam

American History Semester One Final Exam Study Guide

Instructions: The first semester final exam will greatly resemble this study guide. It is up to you and your team mates to seek and find the correct answers to the question and to prepare yourself. Due to shortened exam periods this year, this will be a closed note, closed book exam.


1. What would be the best title for this map?

a. British domination of the Americas

b. Colonial trade routes

c. Spanish colonies in the New World

d. The United States in 1750

2. Which geographic factor had the greatest influence on early patterns of industrialization in the United States?

a. Scarcity of flat land on which to build factories

b. Shortages of timber and coal

c. Desire of workers to live in mild climates

d. Availability of water power to operate machines

3. Which geographic advantage did the United States gain by purchasing the Louisiana Territory from France in 1803?

a. Warm water ports on the Atlantic coast

b. Rich fishing areas on the Great Lakes

c. Full control of the Mississippi River

d. Vast coal reserves in the region west of Pennsylvania

4. Which group benefited most from the United States acquisition of the port of New Orleans?

a. Farmers in the Ohio Valley

b. Native American Indians in the Southwest

c. Fur trappers in the Columbia River Valley

d. Gold miners in northern California

5. This development made it possible to operate three eight hour factory shifts:

a. The time clock

b. The incandescent light bulb

c. Electrical distribution grids

d. Taylorism

6. The notion that “A simple, inert continent” could become a “complex nervous system” can be characterized by the 19th Century white American attitude toward

a. Expansion

b. Progress

c. Cultural superiority

d. Nationalism

7. The President of the United states during the First Great Removal was

a. William McKinley

b. Rutherford D. Hayes

c. Ulysses S. Grant

d. Andrew Jackson

8. All of the following contributed to the growth of slavery in the early 19th Century except

a. The invention by Eli Whitney in 1793 of the cotton gin

b. The British Industrial Revolution caused an increase in the demand for American cotton

c. The profit margin on cotton was higher than on grain crops

d. Northern factory owners’ need for cheap labor increased significantly

9. The best example of vertical integration among the following choices is

a. John Smith buys several iron ore mines, a coke field, railroads, and a shipping company; he joins these as “John Smith Steel Company”.

b. James Jones buys up cattle ranches all across the West, and then combines them as the Cold Iron Cattle Company.

c. Paul Thomas purchases several iron ore mines, purchases coke from John Smith, then ships the materials to the Paul Thomas Steel Company for processing.

d. None of the above – all of these are examples either of horizontal integration or open competition.

10. Compare and contrast the ways that Indians and white settlers saw the westward expansion. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

11. Beginning in the 1880s, Southern states and cities began to pass a series of laws that deprived Blacks of many of their constitutional rights. These were called

a. Apartheid Restrictions

b. Jim Crow Laws

c. Black Codes

d. Lynch Laws

12. In 1896, the Supreme Court ruled that separate, segregated facilities were constitutional as long as they were equal. This was the case of

a. Plessy v. Ferguson

b. Dill v. Watson

c. Ripley v, Hamilton

d. Brown v. Board of Education

13. Slavery in America was outlawed by

a. Amendment XVI of the Constitution, ratified on June 5 of 1866

b. Amendment XIII of the Constitution, ratified on December 6 of 1865

c. Amendment XIX of the Constitution, ratified on July 4 of 1866

d. Amendment XVI of the Constitution, ratified on May 21, 1865

14. Name one specific feature of American geography that facilitated (aided) westward expansion, and one geographic feature that impeded (slowed down) westward expansion. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

15. What is “sharecropping”? Why was it harmful to the economic liberty of freed slaves? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

16. Congress passed the _______________________ Act in 1890, during the presidency of ___________________

a. Sherman Antitrust Act, Theodore Roosevelt

b. Clayton Anti-trust Act, William McKinley

c. Sheridan Anti-conglomerate Act, Warren G. Harding

d. Sherman Antitrust Act, Benjamin Harrison

17. The combining of several competing firms under a single head is known as a

a. Conglomeration

b. Merger

c. Spinoff

d. Consolidation

18. The late 19th Century corruption of big city political “machines” is most closely associated with

a. Bill “Boss” McGuire

b. Jim “Bossman” Plunkett

c. William “Boss” Tweed

d. Andrew “Steeleye” Carnegie

19. Which of the following issues was the most controversial in national politics during the years 1800 to 1850?

a. Exploration of the Louisiana Territory

b. Employment of women in textile mills

c. White settlement of native American lands

d. Increased tariffs to nurture American manufacturing

20. Which of the following was not a result of the westward expansion of the railroad?

a. Improved living conditions for Native Americans

b. Increased immigration from Ireland and China

c. Settlement of lands along the railroad lines

d. Increased movement of freight across the country

21. A group formed in 1867 that lobbied for railway freight rate reform and that formed agricultural sales cooperatives was the

a. Patrons of Husbandry, also known as the Grangers

b. National Alliance of Farmers and Ranchers, known as NAFRAN

c. Patrons of Agricola, known as the Grange

d. National League of Dairy, Farm and Ranch Workers, known as the NLDFW.

22. All of the following were progressive reforms in the early 1900s except

a. Passing child labor laws

b. Winning civil rights for African Americans

c. Regulating public utilities

d. Enacting workers’ compensation laws

23. Identify three social problems brought about by the rapid expansion of laissez faire capitalism in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

24. “There would come all the way back from Europe old sausage that had been rejected, and that was moldy and white – it would be dosed with borax and glycerin, and dumped into the hoppers, and made over again for home consumption.” The author of this passage is most likely

a. A settlement worker

b. A muckraker

c. A suffragist

d. A social scientist

25. President Woodrow Wilson’s Fourteen Points were intended to

a. Make the United States, Great Britain, and France into leading world powers

b. Redistribute Germany’s colonies among the Allied nations

c. Prevent international tensions from leading to war

d. Punish Germany for causing World War I

26. Which United States foreign policy action resulted from the close geographic relationship between the United States and Latin America?

a. The Gadsden Purchase

b. The Monroe Doctrine

c. The Open Door Policy

d. Dollar Diplomacy

27. After World War I, the opposition of some Members of Congress to the Versailles Treaty was based largely on the idea that the Treaty

a. Did not punish the Central Powers harshly enough

b. Did not give the United States an important role in world affairs

c. Would require the United States to join the League of Nations and might result in a loss of United States sovereignty

d. Would require the United States to assume the cost of rebuilding the war-torn European economies

28. Which action best demonstrated the United States effort to isolate itself from European conflicts after World War I?

a. lowering tariff rates

b. attempting to improve relations with Asia

c. failing to sign international disarmament agreements

d. refusing to join the League of Nations

29. The purpose of this organization was to assist freed slaves with food, medical care, resettlement, and education:

a. The National Association for the Assistance and Resettlement of War Refugees and Freedmen, established in January of 1865.

b. The Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen, and Abandoned Schools, established in May of 1865

c. The Bureau of refugees, Freedmen, and Abandoned lands, established in March of 1863

d. None of the above

30. Explain why the Germans bore so much resentment over Article 231 of the Versailles Treaty. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


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