FORMULATING SENTENCESLevel DI canrecognise when to ask a questioncommunicate a statement to answer a simple questioncommunicate a statement to ask a simple questionproduce a sentence with a noun and a verbproduce sentences with subject verb objectuse yes/no question words to communicate (eg.can, do,is)Level FI cansay ‘she is,’ ‘he is,’ and ‘they are’ (pronoun, aux. verb)say suffix -ing in words (present tense verbs)say suffix 'ed' in words (regular past tense verbs)use verbs to describe in simple, spoken sentences (Whales swim, a dog barks)use regular plurals in spoken sentencesuse common irregular plurals (teeth, feet) in spoken sentencesuse possessives (her, his, Dad’s) in spoken sentencesuse simple connectives (and, because, then) in spoken sentencesuse simple adjectives to describe verballyask simple open ended questions (where, who, what)use simple negatives (__n't, not)use simple irregular past tense verbs (got, went, had) in sentencesdescribe how I feel in a simple sentence (I feel…)use common prepositions in simple commands (put it under..)ask relevant questions and express requests and opinions in ways that suit different contextsrecognise some of the ways we can use speech, gesture, writing and media to communicate feelingsengage in multiple speaking and listening experiences to build vocabularybring vocabulary from personal experiences, relating this to new experiences and building a vocabulary for thinking and talking about school topicsunderstand that word order in sentences is important for meaning (for example 'The boy sat on the dog', 'The dog sat on the boy')order words with picture prompts into a simple sentenceunderstand that English is a language with rules and partsunderstand and use language appropriate for schoollearn that different languages exist; discussing the various languages encountered in the community and at school; acknowledging the home languages of students who speak another language, and valuing the ability to speak more than one languagelearn that language varies according to the relationships between people, for example between parent and child, teacher and student, siblings, friends, shopkeepers and customersLevel 1I can:identify nouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbsunderstand the basic structure of a sentence in English (SVO)understand that all sentences contain a verbuse the correct word for regular and common irregular verbs in spoken sentencesuse the correct word for regular and common irregular plurals in spoken and written sentencesuse regular plurals in written sentences use possessives in spoken and written sentencesuse negatives in spoken and written sentencesuse simple connectives in spoken and written sentencesuse verbs to describe in simple, spoken and written sentences (Whales swim, a dog barks)use the correct specific determiners includingthe definite article: the possessives: my, your, his, her, its, our, their demonstratives: this, that, these, those understand the use of vocabulary in everyday contexts as well as a growing number of school contexts, including appropriate use of formal and informal terms of address in different contextsEngage in conversations and discussions, using active listening, showing interest, and contributing ideas, information and questions, taking turns and recognising the contributions of othersLevel 2In my spoken and written language I can:Identify and use nouns, verbs, adjective, adverbs, connectives and prepositionsunderstand that connectives join ‘mini-sentences’ (clauses)use connectives to join simple sentences/clauses to create complex sentencesuse adverbs in sentencesenhance sentences by adding adjectives and adverbsdescribe my feelings in full sentencesknow which nouns are pronouns and proper nounscorrectly match nouns to pronounscorrectly match verbs to plurals in simple present tense (she jumps, they jump)recognise formal language appropriate for school workidentify a questionidentify a statementchange sentences from questions to statementschange statements into questionsidentify words that go at the beginning of an open ended question (what, when, who, where, which, why, how)identify words that go at the beginning of a yes/no questions (did, would, can, should, does, could, will, is etc.)put jumbled sentences into orderuse a range of connectives to combine informationuse the correct tense for the communication purpose/text typemaintain correct tense across multiple clausesuse comparatives use er for noun descriptors (She is a teacher, writer, singer, dancer)understand that there are different ways of asking for information, making offers and giving commandsexplore differences in words that represent people, places and things (nouns, including pronouns), happenings and states (verbs), qualities (adjectives) and details such as when, where and how (adverbs)Level 3I can:use complex connectives to create meaningcorrectly use reflexive/intensive pronouns to match a noun (herself, himself, myself, themselves, ourselves)ask questions appropriate to the situationuse comparatives and superlatives (er and est with 1 syllable words or 2 syllable ending in le or ly, most or more with multiple syllables)identify that abstract nouns are nouns (adventure, moment, rest)correctly use dummy subject nouns and recognise that they are (abstract) nouns (it was raining)use resources such as word walls and synonym charts to add detaildescribe why I do something in full sentencesdescribe the feelings of others in full sentencesidentify and use specific determiners correctly includingthe definite article: the possessives: my, your, his, her, its, our, their, whosedemonstratives: this, that, these, those interrogatives: whichexplain the rule for using 'a' and 'an'use general determiners correctly includinga, an, other, another, whatexamine how evaluative language can be varied to be more or less forcefullearn extended and technical vocab and ways of expressing opinion including modal verbs and adverbsunderstand how direct types of text vary in use of language choicesrate verbs and adverbs by certainty of conclusionunderstand format of NAPLAN questions and answer correctly at my level of understandingalter formality of grammar depending on my audienceunderstand that grammar acceptable amongst peers is not the same as formal grammar for writingunderstand shortcuts in grammar are used in texts, tweets etc. to decrease number of characters and emphasise main pointsunderstand that successful cooperation with others depends on shared use of social conventions, including turn-taking patterns, and forms of address that vary according to the degree of formality in social situationsLevel 4I can:use and explain purpose of nouns (including pronouns and proper nouns), verbs, adjectives, adverbs, determiners and connectivesunderstand and use modal adverbs to provide a degree of certainty (unlikely, possible, necessary) use a large range of complex connectives appropriatelyuse resources such as word walls, thesaurus and synonym charts to add detaildelete/replace redundant information in complex sentences (eg. The bunny chomped on the grass before the bunny scurried into its burrow because the bunny had seen the hunter – They bunny chomped on the grass before running into the burrow to get away from the hunter it had just seen.)describe other's and my feelings/actions with cause and effect in complex sentencesunderstand how adverb groups/phrases and prepositional phrases work in different ways to provide circumstantial details about an activityuse a range of prepositions and adverbs to create clear, complex instructionsidentify and use direct speech (She said “Please put your books away”.) and indirect speech (She told us to put our books away.) Level 5I can:understand format of NAPLAN questions and answer correctly at my level of understandingidentify, use and explain the purpose of sentences structure in Englishidentify, use and explain the purpose of clauses in complex sentencesuse multiple adjectives in the correct orderunderstand the difference between main and subordinate clauses and that a complex sentence involves at least one subordinate clauseunderstand how noun groups/phrases and adjective groups/phrases can be expanded in a variety of ways to provide a fuller description of the person, place, thing or ideaLevel 6I can:manipulate/alter sentences for different audiences and purposeinvestigate how complex sentences can be used in a variety of ways to elaborate, extend and explain ideasunderstand how ideas can be expanded and sharpened through careful choice of verbs, elaborated tenses and a range of adverb groups/phrases ................

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