Parallelogram Worksheet

Parallelogram Worksheet

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|The Sides |  |  |  |    |

|Opposite sides are parallel | | | | |

|Opposite sides are congruent | | | | |

|Al sides are congruent |  | | |  |

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|Sum of the angles is 360° | | | | |

|Opposite angles are congruent | | | | |

|All four angles are right angles | |  | |  |

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|Diagonals bisect each other | | | | |

|Diagonals are Congruent | |  | |  |

|Diagonals are perpendicular |  | | |  |

|Diagonals bisect opposite angles |  | | |  |

Make a checkmark to indicate which parallelograms below (rectangle, rhombus, square, etc…) have each given property. If all three types (rectangle, rhombus, square) have a given property, then put a check mark under “All Parallelograms.”

Parallelograms Free Math Worksheet

Overview: Students will demonstrate their knowledge of the properties of parallelograms in general, and of the following specific types of parallelograms: the square, rectangle and rhombus. The answers to the worksheet can be found online at the web page below geometry/quadrilaterals/compare-traits-of-types-of-parallelograms.php

When you go this page, you will see a web version of the worksheet, and you can hit the ‘Show Traits’ button to see the properties that your students have (hopefully) filled out.

Screen Shot of web page


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|© 2007 All Rights Reserved |

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|TEACHERS: Feel free to make copies of this worksheet for the sole purpose of use in your own classroom. ENJOY!!! |

|Without prior written permission, redistribution in any other form is prohibited. |

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