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Printable Daily Schedule Cards (vertical): with pictures, Spanish/EnglishThe following pictures cards can be printed, cut and posted in the classroom to create a visual schedule. Remember to print one sided and make the schedule sturdy so children can use it independently. For further guidance on creating a visual schedule, see Tools of Autonomy for Three Year Old Classes in Exploration One: Our Community.When creating a dual language schedule, use a separate color for each language. Coordinate colors accordingly throughout the classroom. Note that language may vary based on dialect or country. Use the appropriate words and phrases for the children in your classroom. DesempacarUnpackActividades de al llegar al salón de claseArrival ActivitiesDesayunoBreakfast116332011303000Grupo grandeLarge GroupCentros de juego Centers102044580645000101409584645500LimpiezaClean-UpLavarse las manosHandwashing16891003048000-1465580222885007556505143500AlmuerzoLunchDescansoRestHora del cuentacuentosStory TimeCentros de juegosCenters102997071501000102997076263500LimpiezaClean-Up4933957874000Lavarse las manosHandwashing3092451595120RefrigerioSnack00RefrigerioSnackMotricidad GruesaGross Motor10871208318500Reunión de DespendidaClosing MeetingEmpacar/DespedidaPack-Up/ DismissalCelebraciónCelebration565150-170624500Actividad especialSpecials Ba?oBathroom Visitante especial Special Visitor464820240030001822451983740Cambio de programaSchedule Change00Cambio de programaSchedule Change ................

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