Bible Pictionary Cards - Bible Games | Christian Games

Bible Pictionary


Bible Pictionary

The lost sheep

Bible Pictionary

David and Bathsheba

Copyright ? 2018

Bible Pictionary

Jesus cleanses the temple

Copyright ? 2018

Bible Pictionary

The lost coin

Copyright ? 2018

Bible Pictionary

The prodigal son

Copyright ? 2018

Bible Pictionary

The birth of Jesus

Copyright ? 2018

Bible Pictionary

For God so loved the world

Copyright ? 2018

Bible Pictionary

Jesus calms the storm

Copyright ? 2018

Bible Pictionary

Adam names the animals

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Bible Pictionary

The ten plagues of Egypt

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Bible Pictionary

The ten commandments

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Bible Pictionary

Jesus feeds the five thousand

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Bible Pictionary

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Bible Pictionary

Peter denies Christ Manna and quail

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Copyright ? 2018

Copyright ? 2018

Bible Pictionary

The blind can see, the lame can walk

Bible Pictionary

Noah's ark and the flood

Bible Pictionary

Nehemiah rebuilds the wall

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Bible Pictionary

Solomon builds the temple

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Bible Pictionary

Joseph's colorful coat

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Bible Pictionary

Isaac and Rebekah

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Bible Pictionary

John the Baptist

Copyright ? 2018

Bible Pictionary

Zacchaeus climbs a sycamore tree

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Bible Pictionary

Moses parts the red sea

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Bible Pictionary

Abraham sacrifices Isaac

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Bible Pictionary

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Bible Pictionary

Jericho's walls come tumbling down

Daniel in the lion's den

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Bible Pictionary

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Bible Pictionary

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Bible Pictionary

Elijah fed by ravens

Jacob and Esau

Old wineskins

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Copyright ? 2018

Bible Pictionary

Road to Emmaus

Bible Pictionary Bible Pictionary

Samson and Delilah

The transfiguration of Jesus

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Bible Pictionary

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Bible Pictionary

Moses saved by Pharaoh's daughter

Cain and Abel

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Bible Pictionary

Adam and Eve

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Bible Pictionary

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Bible Pictionary

Copyright ? 2018

Bible Pictionary

Queen Esther

King Solomon

David kills Goliath

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Bible Pictionary

Peter walks on water

Copyright ? 2018

Bible Pictionary

Five loaves and two fishes

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Copyright ? 2018

Bible Pictionary

Jesus heals the ten lepers

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Bible Pictionary

Jesus heals a paralyzed man

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Bible Pictionary

Parable of the hidden treasure

Copyright ? 2018

Bible Pictionary

Ruth and Boaz

Copyright ? 2018

Bible Pictionary


Bible Pictionary

Parable of the sower

Bible Pictionary

The temptation of Jesus

Copyright ? 2018

Bible Pictionary

Jesus turns water into wine

Copyright ? 2018

Bible Pictionary

The golden calf

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Bible Pictionary

Man shall not live by bread alone

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Bible Pictionary

Copyright ? 2018

Bible Pictionary

Copyright ? 2018

Bible Pictionary

Eye of a needle

Tower of Babel

The last supper

Copyright ? 2018

Bible Pictionary

Copyright ? 2018

Bible Pictionary

Joseph and Mary return to Bethlehem

Sermon on the mount

Copyright ? 2018

Bible Pictionary

Joseph seduced by Potiphar's wife

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Bible Pictionary

There is nothing new under the sun

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Bible Pictionary

Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego in the furnace

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Copyright ? 2018

Bible Pictionary

Jesus washes the disciples' feet

Copyright ? 2018

Bible Pictionary

Let there be light

Copyright ? 2018

Bible Pictionary

Wise and foolish builders

Copyright ? 2018

Bible Pictionary


Bible Pictionary

Mary and Martha

Bible Pictionary

Paul on the road to Damascus

Copyright ? 2018

Bible Pictionary

Fruit of the Spirit

Copyright ? 2018

Bible Pictionary

Jesus heals a centurion's servant

Copyright ? 2018

Bible Pictionary

Copyright ? 2018

Bible Pictionary

Mustard seed

Tongues of fire

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Bible Pictionary

Jacob wrestles with God

Copyright ? 2018

Bible Pictionary

Peter escapes from prison

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Copyright ? 2018

Bible Pictionary

Moses and the burning bush

Copyright ? 2018

Bible Pictionary

Parable of the pearl of great value

Copyright ? 2018

Bible Pictionary

Jonah swallowed by a big fish

Copyright ? 2018

Bible Pictionary

Balaam and the talking donkey

Copyright ? 2018

Copyright ? 2018


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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