Weather Instrument Project

Weather Instrument ProjectDue: September 30th, 2015Our unit on weather and the water cycle is wrapping up. As a culminating project, each student will be responsible for making a model of a weather instrument. The following instruments may be created:*Barometer*Rain Gauge*Hygrometer*Anemometer*Wind VaneEach weather instrument must be hand made. Be creative and have fun with this project. Some suggestions as to where you may find weather instrument projects are as follows:**Along with the project itself, 2 other parts are needed: (neatly hand written or typed)Description of the materials used in the project and directions on how to make the instrument.Describe the type of weather your instrument measures and how it works. This part should be written or typed in at least 3-5 4th grade sentences.**This document should be in your own words and not from a book or website.****Look at the Rubric on the back, for reference on how you will be graded.**Rubric for Weather Instrument ProjectCreation of a weather instrument 50 points _____in its entiretyDescription of what the instrument 10 points _____measures and how it works Description of the materials used 20 points _____and the directions on how to makethe weather instrumentNeatness of the written/typed 5 points _____descriptionsProject turned in on or before 10 points _____September 30th, 2015Name on the project 5 points _____Points Possible – 100 Total Points ______ Grade ______**Please turn this sheet in with your project on September 30th, 2015**2247900201295-2476547625461010047625 ................

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