“Healthy U Wellness Bingo! Directions: You have from ...

It's Time For Healthy U "Wellness Bingo!"

Starts November 2 November 30th!

Don't Forget This Counts a Healthy U Wellness Activity!

Thanks for Choosing a Rousing and Personal Wellness Challenge of "Healthy U Wellness Bingo! Your Goal Over the Next 30 Days Is to Completely Fill Up Your Bingo Card and make a Black-Out!! Directions: Each Time You Successfully Complete A Square, Simply Date

It, Then Put An "X" Over The Square You Just Completed! You have from November 2nd-November 30th to Complete The Wellness Bingo Card!!






Get 10,000 Steps Today! __________

Make Today Soda Free ________

Log In to The Wellmark Website.

Click on the My Health Tab, check out Member Perks!


Get Scheduled for your Biometric Screening! (give

yourself credit for completing this month or having already done!


Read The Nutrition Label on 3 Different Foods Today & Check

the Sodium Content! __________

Get An Extra 30 Minutes of

Activity Today! _________

Eat 2 Servings of Fruit Today! ___________

Log In & Visit the Wellmark WebMD Wellness Center, Click On The

Healthy Living Tab, Select Recipes, Check out the Great

options! ____________

Do a Random Act Of Kindness For Someone Today! __________

Take 30 Minutes For Yourself Today! It's a "ME" Day!


Take Your Blood Pressure!


Check Out Our Magellan EAP Program website!



FREE Space!!

Go To Bed Early And Go For Some GREAT Sleep



Eat A Dark Green Vegetable!


Log In and Visit the Wellmark WebMD Wellness Center, Click

Rewards, and Self-report an Activity from Step 3


Visit a Park! _________

Have A Cell Phone Free Evening or Day!


Make Today CaffeineFREE! _______

Try A New Recipe or New Food

Today! _________

Bring and Eat a Healthy Snack To

Work ________

Eat 5 servings of fruits and Vegetables today!


Do Something Active and Adventurous!


Drink Eight Glasses

Of Water Today! _________

Check Out A Food Label for the serving Size and Calorie Content of a favorite Food or Snack!



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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