Review sheet for Solar System Test


Solar System Study Guide

Fill in the blanks.

1. The ________________ is the center of our solar system.

2. The largest body in our solar system is the __________________.

3. Our sun is a star that is made up of burning gases of _____________ and ____________________.

4. The main reason the planets revolve around the sun is because of a strong force or pull called _____________________.

5. The path an object travels in space is called ____________________.

6. The boundary that separates the first 4 planets from the remaining 4 planets is called ____________________ ____________________.

Answer each of the following questions in a complete sentence.

7. Who is the scientist responsible for explaining the Universal Law of Gravity?

8. What is the Universal Law of Gravity?

9. What are the 4 planets closest to the sun called?

10. Describe the surface of the first 4 planets.

11. List the first 4 planets in order from the sun.

12. What are asteroids made up of?

13. What are the four planets that follow the Asteroid Belt called?

14. List the 8 planets in order from the sun. Remember to capitalize the names of each planet.

Multiple Choice

15. The planets outside the Asteroid Belt are made up of ____________.

A) Gas B) Rocks C) Minerals D) Vitamins

16. The largest planet in our solar system is ______________.

A) Sun B) Saturn C) Earth D) Jupiter

17. The outer planets in order from the sun are ______________.

A) Neptune, Uranus, Saturn, Jupiter

B) Neptune, Uranus, Jupiter, Saturn

C) Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune, Uranus

D) Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune

18. The closet planet to the sun is ______________.

A) Uranus B) Neptune C) Mars D) Mercury

19. What object in space is made out of frozen dust and ice?

A) Comet B) Asteroid C) Moon D) Sun


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