FOI 181230005 Prison population by ethnicity and offence …

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| |January 2019 |

Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Request – 181230005

Thank you for your email in which you asked for the following information from the Ministry of Justice (MoJ):

I would like to request the following information:

- Data on foreign nationals in prisons broken down by race

- For each race category could there be a breakdown into the index offence (main offence eg. showing how many people have been put in prison for violence against person, sexual offence, robbery, theft... etc)

- I would like annual f...igures that go back to 1 January 2010 if possible (If this would take too long to compile then 1 January 2013)

- I would like the most up-to-date figures possible

- I would like the data to be supplied in Excel format

Your email has been handled as a request under FOIA.

I can confirm that the MoJ holds all of the information that you have requested and I have provided it in the attached tables which show:

• Foreign national prison population by specific ethnic and offence group, 30 September 2010 - 30 September 2014, England and Wales

• Foreign national prison population by specific ethnic and offence group, 30 September 2015 - 30 September 2018, England and Wales

Please note that In July 2013, the Office for National Statistics (ONS) re-designed the classifications used to present police recorded crime statistics, following recommendations from the National Statistician’s review of Crime Statistics in England and Wales in June 2011. The changes to classifications were implemented in the ONS statistical bulletin ‘Crime in England and Wales, year ending March 2013’, published in July 2013, alongside a methodological note providing more detail on the changes and their impact on time-series for key measures. No change has been made to the coverage of offences in the police recorded crime series, and most changes are presentational, with some offences moving between classifications or being separated out of existing groupings.

Any foreign national who comes to our country and abuses our hospitality by breaking the law should be in no doubt of our determination to deport them. More than 40,000 foreign national offenders have been removed from the UK since 2010, with a record number of over 6,300 removed in 2016/17.

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