SIX BAR RANCH - Pima County, Arizona


ACQUISITION Welcome to the Six Bar Ranch. Six Bar Ranch was purchased by Pima County in 2006 for the purpose of protecting a diversity of wildlife and continuing the historic southern Arizona practice of cattle ranching. Through the preservation of this ranch, open space is conserved and the sprawl of urban development is reduced. Six Bar Ranch contains both private and state lands with 3,330 acres owned by Pima County and 9,000 acres under a state grazing lease.

WILDLIFE Six Bar Ranch has a unique diversity of wildlife because of numerous riparian areas along Edgar Canyon, a major tributary leading to the San Pedro River. The lesser long-nosed bat, Mexican long-tongued bat, western red bat, rufous-winged sparrow, Swainson's hawk, lowland leopard frog, desert box turtle, and giant spotted whiptail are just a few of Pima County's priority vulnerable species to look for while visiting the ranch. More common wildlife you may see includes gila monsters, gopher snakes, mule deer, redtailed hawks and coyotes.

ACCESS Pima County and the Arizona Game and Fish Department have developed a cooperative recreational access agreement on Six Bar Ranch. When entering and exiting the Six Bar Ranch, please be sure to sign the in and out sheet in accordance with this access agreement. Also, the area around the historic house is still private land so please respect that private property right.

REPORTING PROBLEMS OR VIOLATIONS ? For Law Enforcement Emergencies, please call 911 ? For Property Violations, call Pima County NRPR: 520-724-5000 M-F 8:00 a.m. ? 5:00 p.m. ? For Vandalism or Wildlife Violations, call AZ Game and Fish OGT Line: 1-800-352-0700

RULES ? Stay on the designated roads and trails; all off-road travel is prohibited. ? Please keep all gates closed unless wired open. ? Do not discharge firearms within a ? mile of occupied buildings or posted areas. ? Do not camp near water holes or livestock waters. ? Do not cut firewood. ? Do not remove or disturb any natural or cultural resources.

Thank you for respecting Pima County's Six Bar Ranch. For more information and complete Park rules, please see the NRPR website at: nrpr


Access Sign In/Out Station


Access Sign In/Out Station Locked Gate - No Public Access

County Ranch Boundary

0 0.25 0.5


Y:\Projects\Six_Bar_Ranch\SBRA_access_letter.mxd ?PCNRPR 10/2010 jlp


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