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Name_______________________________________________ Date______________________ Period______Civil Liberties and Interest Groups: Gunned Down, the Power of the NRA (from Frontline)Video Summary: In?Gunned Down: The Power of the NRA, FRONTLINE goes inside the politics of America's gun debate. Veteran FRONTLINE filmmaker Michael Kirk investigates the NRA, its political evolution and influence, and how it has consistently succeeded in defeating new gun control legislation.Directions: There are many Interest Groups which serve to protect your Civil Liberties. One of the largest groups is the National Rifle Association (NRA). As you watch the Frontline video, thoughtfully answer the following questions. Vocab and concepts in this video: Interest Group, factions, lobbyist, civil liberties, Vice President of the U.S. voting in Senate, B2L process, interactions between Legislative and Executive branches of gov’t, fear as a motivator (losing rights vs. safety), Previewing QuestionsWhat is/are the purpose(s) of government?Define Civil Liberties:Which Amendment deals with the Civil Liberty issue of a citizen’s right to own a gun?Video Questions:What is a typical response as a nation to national gun stories, such as Congressperson Gifford? What “hidden” message did President Obama give through his speech after Gifford’s shooting? What interest group would he have been facing if he would have gone through with his message? (public outrage vs. political reality)What is the “Gun Show Loophole” and how did that play a role in the Columbine shootings?To be clear, absolutely no one, least of all me, is suggesting that the NRA “likes” when any type of shooting occurs. However, this video suggests that both sides use or politicize such shootings. How do competing Interest Groups use/politicize shootings in their own favor?Pro-gun (NRA)-Gun Control Activists- (Background: the 1990’s were a time known for “high crime.”) Describe how President Clinton tried to crack down on guns:Anti-crime initiateAssault Weapons BanBrady BillIn what ways did the NRA benefit during the Clinton years?How did the NRA “get back” at Al Gore during the 2000 election for his tie-breaking vote in the Senate? How did it affect the election of 2000?How did the election of Bush affect gun rights?How did the NRA react to the Sandy Hook shooting?What happened to the bill to expand background checks (proposed after Sandy Hook)?Post-viewing QuestionsThis video offers a pretty clear bias, but we all know there is another side to the story. We have talked about this before, that there is always another very legitimate argument; examples: would forgo 4th Amendment rights for increased safety (or the perception of increased safety), when do concerns with minority rights become counterproductive to their cause? Does your answer change when safety is up against the 2nd Amendment? Please consider these issues and defending the other side to this issue when we conduct our Socratic Seminar. ................

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