Santa Ana Unified School District / Overview

Name: _______________________________________ Date: __________________ Due: ________________ Period: _________Worksheet for writing CounterargumentDue to Tii on Monday 12/3/12 at 12:59 pmTo help you write your counterargument, please use the following framework. Remember these will help you with your district Benchmark essay on Wednesday of next week.The Issue (circle one)A. You are against Abortion (so your counterargument is for abortion)B. You are in favor of legalizing marijuana (so your counterargument is against legalizing marijuana)C. You are in favor of the Dream Act (so your counterargument is against the Dream Act)D. You are in favor of reducing the drinking age to 18 (so your counterargument is against reducing it)E. You are in favor of eliminating the dress code at Segerstrom (so your counterargument is against it)ProConIn this box, list at least three things that support your position on the issue you chose above[type here]In this box, list at least three things that argue against your position on the issue you chose above[type here]Model persuasive essay structureIntroduction:In the introduction you introduce the issue, perhaps using a theme statement and then state your opinion using a thesis statement.Body paragraph #1In the first body paragraph you state your first claim and then back it up using evidence. Your evidence can be research based, experiences you've had, conversations with friends, etc. The more evidence you have, the stronger your argument will be. For each claim you make, you should have at least two pieces of evidence to support it.Body paragraph #2In this paragraph, state your second claim and two pieces of evidence supporting it.Call to ActionIn this paragraph, you tell the reader what he or she can do to support your argumentCounterargumentIn this paragraph, you begin with a concession and end with a refutationConclusionIn this paragraph, you restate your thesis using different words and then make a general theme statement about the importance of you opinionFocus on only the CounterargumentThis is what you will submit to Tii, in other words.My opinion statement: [type here]My first claim (look at your list of pros): [type here]My second claim (look again at your list of pros): [type here]My counterargument (which has two parts, remember)The concession (look at your list of cons)(this will start with one of the following transitions: One might object here that…; It might seem that…; It is true that…; Admittedly…; Of course,…; Some may say that…)[type your concession here]The refutation (look again at your list of pros) (which will start with one of the following transitions: However,… but,…; Yet,…; Still,…; Nevertheless,…; In spite of this,…)[type your refutation here] ................

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