
Lesly GarciaWRI 1010 October 2018Attempting to Reduce Gun Violence at Schools Issue: Recently, in our nation we are in a debate on whether or not we should tweak the second amendment in the efforts of reducing gun violence. In the past year there has been a frightening increase in gun violence within our nation. There have been many massive shootings like the Orlando night club shooting and the terrifying shooting in Las Vegas. Alarmingly, these massive shootings also occur within schools, meaning that there’s a threat to the innocent lives of this nation’s children. Over time, in the United States, there have been multiple major school shootings that are well-known all across our nation, like the 1999 Columbine High School shooting, the 2012 Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting, and more recently the Parkland, Florida school shooting that occurred early this year. Unfortunately, these major school shootings have taken away the lives of at least 12 people within each school shooting. There are major gaps between each major school shooting, however the issue of gun violence on school campus’ are nowhere near dissolved. Which is why I want to research on this topic; to provide a voice within our nation to prevent gun violence within schools in the future. The issue I want to focus on is how the nation as a whole can reduce gun violence within schools. Are guns the problem or is the person holding the gun the problem? Or is there a flaw within our government that can reduce the gun violence within schools?Establishing the Problem: The problem to this issue has multiple factors: the guns themselves, the person using the gun, and the laws our nation has on guns. However, I specifically want to talk about guns and how America’s gun culture contributes to gun violence on school campus. From personal experience, when gun violence is brought up in an argument there are two extremes, there are the people who are pro-gun and the people who believe that we shouldn’t be allowed to have guns at all. Typically, people who are against guns don’t know much about them but believe that they are dangerous and shouldn’t be allowed in our nation in the efforts to prevent violence. That is a major problem because people who are pro-gun will not support the removal guns. It is important for the people who are against guns to have some knowledge about guns, in this way there will be a safe compromise between the ideas of people who are pro-guns and those who don’t support guns. In this way the lives of children at school will be rmation Needs: In order to understand America’s gun culture, I want to research the differences between guns to understand it’s use and how dangerous they can be. For example, many people believe that an AR stands for assault rifle when it’s actually the abbreviation of the company’s name, ArmaLite Rifle. I would also like to research how extensive the background checks to purchase a gun take, and how they evaluate someone to deem them worthy of purchasing a gun. I would also like to know why someone would purchase a gun, other than hunting because I would like to know the importance of a gun within a household. I would also like to research multiple school shooting tragedies to evaluate the school shooter. Why is the school shooter doing this? Is it because they’re mentally unstable? Or is it because they’re depressed or are trying to get vengeance for something terrible that has happened in their lives? Is there some sort of a correlation between all the school shooters? Research: I would want to look into the ArmaLite website to see how they’re promoting themselves to sell guns and to view their gun selling policy within the different states to investigate what are the differences in policies. I would also want to look at different articles to see and understand the many views on gun control and how it should be addressed.Audience: I think that the audience of my research essay would be parents. When parents drop their kids off at school they expect their children to be safe. This research essay will grab their attention because this topic is a potential life-threatening situation to their children. They would be interested in finding potential solutions to the problem at hand and would probably be the people to advocate these solutions and implement them into our nation.Potential Pitfalls: Some problems I may face in my research would probably be, finding general information about mass shootings opposed to finding statistical evidence that has a primary focus on gun violence within schools. Another problem I can see is that police reports may consider suicide (with the use of a firearm) on campus as gun violence on campus. Although suicide is something awful that should be looked into to prevent even more people committing suicide, it’s not what I’m looking for in my research. ................

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