Coach Hornsby's Government Class

Interest groups guided notesEQ: How do interest groups seek to influence US public policy?______________________________- group of people who share common goals and organize to influence government._____________________- paid representatives of interest groups who try to LOBBY (influence) government officials.Special interest group examplesAbortionPlanned parenthood v. National right to lifeEnvironmentGreenpeace v. American Land Rights AssociationNRA (national rifle association) vs. Coalition to Stop Gun ViolenceTop 10 most powerful interest groupsNamemembership$ spent on lobbying (2015)1. National Rifle Association (NRA)5 million$3-4 million2. US Chamber of Commerce3 million$85 million3. American Medical Association200,000$22 million4. AARP (American Association of Retired Persons37 million$8 million5. Americans for Prosperityn/a (501C organization)$36 million (2012)6. 5 million$22 million (2012)7. American Israeli Public Affairs Committee100,000$3.3 million8. AFL-CIO12.5 million$5 million9. NARAL (National Abortion and Reproductive Rights Action League500,000$170,000 10. NAACP (National Association for the Advancement of Colored People)500,000$520,000 Interest groups v. Political PartiesHow do they help each other?Interest groups help political parties-Raise _________________Organize/mobilize votersMedia campaignsEndorsementsPolitical parties, in turn, give interest groups-Access/influence to ______________________Legislation that helps causeTechniques used to reach goals_________________Ex. NAACP for civil rightsCampaign contributionsNRA supports pro-gun candidates______________________________/mass mobilizationMADD lobbying for drunk driving laws 3629039168438Video clip: The Battle Over CrusaderWhy did members of Congress come to the defense of United Defense?What kinds of tactics did United Defense use to fend off efforts to kill the Crusader?In the end, was United Defense successful?What is the iron triangle?Day 2: After watching the short compilation of interviews on Colbert’s Super PAC answer the following questions:What is a Super PAC?How is a Super PAC different from a PAC?What is the name of Colbert’s Super PAC? Why does he give it this name?Who/what is Colbert exposing through creating his Super PAC?For what purpose does Colbert create his Super PAC?What is the message Colbert is sending through his creation of a Super PAC?2571755715Exit ticket: Summarize how interest groups and lobbying impact the political process. Is this good or bad for democracy? Why? ................

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