California Pro-Life

Internship with California ProLifeInternship requires you to fully understand and articulate the answer to the question, ‘What is the Right to Life?’ You must be able to make the important distinctions necessary to effectively assert the premise of the right to life in the public realm. If you have questions, let us know.It also requires a thorough understanding of the role and nature of the National Right to Life Committee and its state affiliate, the California ProLife Council.CPLC and NRLC are non-profit, non-sectarian and non-partisan. The right to life cause is dedicated to restoring a civil right. The right to life of the innocent to be alive, and to have that right assured by the government is one of the essential premises of any just government. We work through the law to change the law. Please spend time reviewing the nature and functions of California ProLife Council () and the National Right to Life Committee ()Because this issue became one of sweeping legal import and national significance in 1973, we are committed to restoring the legal protections of the law that were lost via the Roe v. Wade and Doe v. Bolton decisions.Please review and understand these decisions.Life Matters. Radio show and podcast focuses on particular aspects and issues affected by the Roe v. Wade Inversion of American jurisprudence. There are nearly 100 different Starting points for interns…Study and be conversant in what it means for an organization to have a non-sectarian nature. (This is not the same meaning as ‘secular’). Study and be conversant in Roe and Doe and California laws regarding the right to life.Study and be familiar with how this initial dismissal of the Right to Life nationally is now affecting other vulnerable people and the laws that historically protected them.Facebook and Social media - spend time contributing to social media anize a Life presentation that addresses the law and why it the RTL needs to be restored.Areas to be sensitive to:We are a civil rights organization made up of different people with varying church backgrounds, or perhaps none!While each of us take our faith personally, this debate is not about ‘my faith” or any denominational interpretations. We direct ourselves to the objective facts available to all, and to the self-evidentiary nature of how the American Founders established the law-making process in a Democratic-Republic. The facts are on our side, don’t waste them!We support caring for those in need, but ours is not a ‘social work’ organization, just as Lincoln did not promote ‘social work’ as an answer to slavery. If the ongoing historical tragedy of legalized, government promoted, human abortion is to come to an end, then the laws must be addressed.Once you understand the parameters of our movement and this public debate:Be able to answer these questions… What is the ‘Triune’ nature of CPLC/NRLC?Why do we use hat structure?Lincoln never pushed for a civil war, and in fact made clear that that would not end slavery; he was adamant that the real battle was with, ‘ballots not bullets’. (For more insight on Lincoln’s approach read the Lincoln-Douglas debates, particularly the debate at Alton, Illinois. You may also watch Spielberg’s Lincoln or D’Souza’s America to better understand how slavery was ended and why the Republican party was essential to that goal. ................

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