(Curriculum Vita--Revised, 2016)


Appointed to Rank of Full Professor June 24, 1988

Address: Bennett College, Box 62

900 East Washington Street

Greensboro, NC 27401-3239

Tel. (0) 336-517-1524

Summer and Vacation Address: (H)

P.O. Box 35 Bynum NC 27228-0035

Tel. (H) 919-542-4869

Email: rmlucier@

Academic Degrees

Ph.D. University of Maryland 1972

A.B. The University of the Pacific 1961

Years of Service at Bennett College: 32

Professional Experience

1991-Present Director of Interdisciplinary Studies

1988-Present Bennett College, Professor

1978-1985 Bennett College, Director/Coordinator Andrew W. Mellon Grant for Faculty Development in the Humanities

1978-1988 Bennett College, Associate Professor

1973-1978 Bennett College, Assistant Professor

1969. Northern Arizona University, Assistant Professor

1970. Instructor

Faculty and Administrative Load

Twelve to eighteen teaching hours, plus administrative responsibilities as Director of the Bennett College Interdisciplinary Studies Program, and Chair of the Bennett College Lyceum Committee, and Chair of the Bennett College Tenure and Promotion Committee

Other Collegiate Assignments

Undergraduate Advisor for Interdisciplinary Studies, Past

Co-Advisor with for the International Student Association,

Current Member of Bennett Ethics and Animal Research Committee, Member of the Bennett College General Education Committee, the Bennett College Global Studies Committee (2000-present), the Don’s Honor’s Tutorial Committee (2012), and the Bennett College Strategic Planning Committee.

Current Professional and Academic Association Memberships

*International Society for Value Inquiry

*American Society for Value Inquiry

*International Development Ethics Association

*American Philosophical Association

*North Carolina Philosophical Society

*Triangle Ethics Group

Current Professional Assignments and Activities

Executive Council Member, International Development

Ethics Association

Past Membership Information and Resources Chair, current Secretary/Treasurer, and Web Page Editor, International Society for Value Inquiry (see )


(Scholarly work: Books, Journal Articles, and Scholarly, Published, Abstracts)

Editorial Work for International Volumes:

Invited Consultant for:

Value Inquiry: A Masterpiece of Value Philosophy in Chinese Academia by LI Deshun (in English translation) forthcoming, Springer

Invited Consultant and author of forward for:

The Plaint of Lady Wang, by Jinfen Yan (in preparation)

An English Translation of Alexis Kagame’s Bantu Philosophy with Dede Adote (forthcoming upon approval by UNESCO)

Academic Articles:

“A Defense of Reconstuctionist Ontology,” (in preparation)

“The Earth Charter: Philosophical Implications for Social Transformation,” invited for Ethics, Place and Environment, (in preparation)

“Purchasing Moral Victory,” an invited Book Review for Peter Singer’s Corporate Warriors (in preparation)

“Violence of Ambiguity,” In Special Issue: Alternatives for Global Governance, Concerned Philosophers for Peace Newsletter (V.24, No.1), Greg Moses and Deb Peterson, editors, Spring-Summer 2004, pp. 3-4

“The Earth Charter and Beyond: Prioritizing Natural Space,” in Worldviews: Environment, Culture, Religion, Forthcoming Vol. 8.1, edited by Clare Palmer. Lancaster, England: Center for Philosophy, Culture and Religion at Lancaster University, UK, 2004, pp. 101-111.

“The Earth Charter, Servant-Leadership and Philosophy: Valuing the Earth by Implementing Ideals,” with Rubye Howard Braye, in Just Ecological Integrity, edited

by Peter Miller and Laura Westra. NY: Rowman & Littlefield Publisher, Inc, 2002, pp. 74-81

“Teaching Moral Values through Demonstration,” (in Russian translation) in School Technologies, Vol. 5, Moscow University, 2000.

“Educational Models and Democratic Values: Conceptual Connections”, in New Educational Values, Volume 7, Ruth M. Lucier, Tamara Anokhina, and Marina Kniazeva, Editors, Moscow, Institute for Services to Education, 1997.

“Guided Design Curriculum,” in New Educational Values: Thesaurus for Teachers and School Psychologists, Vol. 1, 1995.

“Bioethics and Research/Sex Equality and Religion: Possibility and Pradox in Intercultural Appreciation,” in New Pedagogical Values. Victor Slobotchikov and Nata Krylova, Editors, 1995 (English with a translation into Russian by Nata Krylova); pp.

“Cross Cultural Values and the Concept of Community,” (Presidential Address for the American Society for Value Inquiry, 1992) in A Quarter Century of Value Inquiry: Presidential Addresses for the American Society for Value Inquiry, Richard T. Hull, Editor, Value Inquiry Book Series from Rodopi Press, 1994,pp. 414-433.

“Justice and the Moral Self,” abstract in Book of Abstracts of the XIX World Congress of Philosophy, Moscow, 1993, p. 11.

"Heritage, Surrogacy and the Ethics of Community: Choice and Avoidance in the African and African-American Tradition," Issues in Reproductive Technology. Helen Bequart Holmes, Editor. NY and London: Garland Press, 1992, pp. 333-349

“Policies for Hunger Relief: Moral Considerations,” in Inquiries into Values, Edwin Mellen Press, 1988, pp. 477-493

"Transforming Religious Studies: Strategies for Adding the perspectives of Women and Minorities to Traditional Philosophy of Religion Courses," Insight: An Interdisciplinary Review, volume 1, 1985, pp. 15-18

“Famine, Development, and Preferential Food Distribution: A Rights Based View of Moral Obligation,” in Collected Papers of the Second International Conference on Ethics and Development, Vol. II (Ethics of International Development), International Development Ethics Association, 1989

“Dynamics of Hierarchy in African Thought," on ethical concepts and their status in the African tradition, in Listening: A Journal of Religion and Culture, (Donald F. Duclow, volume editor), Vol. 24, Winter 1989, pp. 29-40

“Inalienable Rights: A Plea for Option Options,” abstract in Proceedings and Addresses of the American Philosophical Association, Nov. 1988, pp 506-507

Rights Revisited,” American Philosophical Association Newsletter on Philosophy and Medicine, 1988, p 36-37

“Policies for Hunger Relief: Moral Considerations” in Inquiries into Values, Sander H. Lee, Editor, Edwin Mellen Press, 1988, pp. 477-494

“Potentiality and Rights: A Missing Link,” American Philosophical Association Newsletter on Philosophy and Medicine, November, 1987, p 2-3

“Sharing Surplus Food: Grounds for Moral Choice” in Insight: An Interdisciplinary Review, Volume 2, 1987, pp. 22-28

“Transforming Religious Studies: Strategies for Adding the Perspectives of Women and Minorities to Traditional Philosophy Courses,” in INSIGHT: An Interdisciplinary Review, Volume 1, 1985, pp.15-18

Advocate Articles

North Carolina Christian Advocate Articles based on the Fulbright Summer Seminar Abroad Experience in 2002 (with photographs)

“Entering Egypt,” NCCA, September 24, 2002, p.1.

“Wondrous Stones: Offerings on the Nile,” NCCA, December 10, 2002, p.4.

“Facing Pharaoh,” NCCA, January 28, 2003, p.9

“Crossing the Blue Red Sea,”. NCCA, February 25, 2003, p.8.

“Meeting the Bedouins,” NCCA, January 13, 2004, p. 8.

“Sunrise on Moses Mountain,” NCCA September 21, 2004, p.

Other Discipline-Relevant Articles (Selected)

“Mrs. King Opens Lecture Series at Bennett College,” NCCA, October 25, 2002, p. 1.

“Flames of Pentecost: A North Carolinian/Peruvian Adventure, NCCA, July 24, 2001, p. 4.

“Bennett Women Lead March to Commemorate Civil Rights,” NCCA, Oct 21, 1997, p. 5.

“Following Words,” NCCA, September 23, 1997. p. 6.

“A Kaleidoscope of Missions,” NCCA, February 6, 1996, p. 9.

Methodists in China: Church History and the NGO,” NCCA, October 10, 1995, p. 7.

China Conference Examines Rights of all Women, NCCA, November 7, 1995, p. 7.

“Critters Bring Love,” NCCA, January 1993, p. 3.

Methodist Women in Ministry,” NCCA, September 1986, p. 5.

Editorial Leadership

Co-editor, The Famine Complex and Women, dealing with interdisciplinary social, political, and philosophical issues concerning global food distribution and women's roles (in preparation)

Editor, An Interdisciplinary Review, 1985 - present (Founding editor, 1985)

Editorial Board, Small College Creativity, Methodist College and Johnson State College Press, 1984

Curriculum Projects

Approaching Egypt: A guided design Curriculum Project submitted to the Bi-National Fulbright Commission in Cairo, Egypt for posting on ERIC under the auspices of the U. S. department of Education, December, 2002.

Issues in Ethics, Religion, and Law, videotaped lecture series and handbook, companion to the Ethics Curriculum and Case Study Workbook, 1984

Gender Difference and the Development of Moral Judgment, author and producer of videotaped lecture series and handbook, 1985

Bioethics and Research: Decision Making for Today, Guided Design Curriculum Project, Exxon Foundation grant project, 1977

Sex Equality and Religion, co-author Guided Design Curriculum Project, Exxon Foundation grant project with Dr. Helen R. Trobian, 1977

Grant Proposals (funded):

(For Postdoctoral Study Abroad)

Fulbright Grant Proposal (independent writer award for travel and study in Egypt) for “Egypt in Transition: From Ancient Tradition to Modern Society,” U.S.Department of Education Summer Seminar, grant, 2002

Fulbright Study Abroad Grant Proposal (for a Greensboro Consortium Seminar in India), 1995

(For general Education Purposes)

New York University Faculty Resources Network: proposal for faculty development in the humanities ($ open), 1990, (Co-author)

Alfred P. Sloan Foundation Grant for faculty development and curriculum development aimed at increasing the use of quantitative analysis in existing courses in social sciences, humanities, and mathematics; consultant for philosophy, critical thinking, and introduction to logic areas, 1987 ($75,000)

Jewish Chautauqua Society Grant for enrichment course in the humanities (Jewish history and culture). Proposal author for a renewable endowment, Fall 1984 ($1,000); Spring 1986 ($1,000)

Proposal for a Major Regional Conference on the Socio-Cultural History of the Black Women. Narrative co-author and conference co-director. Conference grant given by the North Carolina Humanities Committee, Fall 1984 ($7,000)

Proposal for a lecture series on world religions. Narrative author and conference co-director. Conference grant given by the North Carolina Humanities Committee, Fall 1984 ($4,073)

Proposal for Faculty Development in the Humanities. Narrative author and coordinator of the proposal writing effort. Director and Coordinator of funded program for guest speakers, faculty retreats, colloquium, and faculty publications, 1980-1985. Proposal funded by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation ($108,000)

North Carolina Humanities Grant for a program on the economic impact of women as business women and consumers, with emphasis on ethical issues in business and business law. Co-author of narrative; philosophy area consultant, 1978 ($1,300)

Exxon Foundation Grant for development of Guided Design Curriculum projects. (Developer of initial proposal with Dr. Helen R. Trobian). Support given for planning sessions and projects, 1976-1977 ($2,900)

Papers Presented at Professional Meetings

"The Earth Charter and Beyond: Prioritizing Natural Space,” International Society for Value Inquiry Meeting, Florence, Italy, 2003

“Valuing the Earth as a Categorical Imperative,” World Congress of Philosophy, Istanbul, Turkey, 2003

“Inalienable Rights,” International Society for Value Inquiry, Nairobi, Kenya, 1995

“Reflecting on Virtue and Rights: A Comment on Inconsistencies,” a Commentary on the View of William Irvine, American Philosophical Association, Central Division Meetings, April, 1990

"Famine, Development, and Preferential Food Distribution: A Rights Based View of Moral Obligation," Second International Conference on Ethics and Development, Merida, Mexico, July 1989

"Inalienable Rights: A Plea for Open Options," American Philosophical Association Eastern Division Meetings, Washington, D.C., December 1988; and University of Maryland Graduate Colloquium, October, 1988

"Sharing Surplus Food; Grounds for Moral Choice," International Society for Value Inquiry Meetings, Arundel and Brighton, England, August, 1988

"Hunger and Human Rights,” North Carolina Philosophical Society, North Carolina Annual Meeting A&T State University, April, 1987

"Ungendering Scientific Theory," Southeastern Women Studies Association Meeting, University of North Carolina at Greensboro, April, 1986

"Justice and the Moral Self: Some Emergent Problems in Rawls," Triangle Ethics Group, Chapel Hill, March 1986

"Human Potentiality and Rights: Some Interspecies Considerations,” North Carolina Philosophical Society Meeting, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, February, 1986

"Fetal Status and Women's Roles in the Abortion Debate," American Philosophical Association Eastern Division Meetings, New York, December, 1984

"Inalienable Rights: Three Alternatives," Triangle Ethics Group, March, 1984

"Personal Identity and Authenticity," University of North Carolina at Greensboro, Continuing Education Lecture Series, March, 1983

"John Locke and the Democratic Ideal," Conference on the Afro-American Quest for Freedom, Justice, and Equality, Bennett College, April, 1982

"Speciesism: A Moral Option,: Intermountain Philosophy Conference, Appalachian State University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, April, 1980

"Human Potentiality and the Abortion Question," American Society for Value Inquiry, American Philosophical Association Western Division Meetings, Cincinnati, Ohio, April 1978

"The Bakke Case: Key Issues of Justice in Affirmative Action," Society for Women in Philosophy, American Philosophical Association Eastern Division Meetings, Washington, D.C., December, 1977

"Brains and Persons," North Carolina Philosophical Society, University of North Carolina at Charlotte, April 1977

"Direct Realism and the Perception of Color," Southeastern Regional Meeting of the Society for Women in Philosophy, University of North Carolina in Chapel Hill, April, 1975

"The Pro-Life Argument,” Society for Women in Philosophy, Harvard University, February, 1974

"Thomas Aquinas, Utilitarianism and the Population Control Controversy," North Carolina State University at Raleigh, April, 1972

Community Service

Board Member, Methodist Board of Publication, Inc. 1987-1992. (Author, "Methodist Women in Ministry," North Carolina Christian Advocate, September 16, 1986, and of an over 20 invited articles-including four on Egypt through 2003)

Sanford District Vice President for The United Methodist Women, 2003

President of the Bynum United Methodist Women, Lay Member of Annual Conference of the North Carolina Conference from Bynum United Methodist Church 2003-2004 and Sunday School Superintendent of Bynum United Methodist Church 1995-present

Board Member of the Haw River Assembly environmental preservation organization 2001-present

Program Facilitator and Planning Committee Member, Greensboro Branch, National Council of Christians and Jews -Campus Kaleidoscope programs; Faculty Coordinator for 1988 program hosted by Bennett College on "The Trade Gap,: and for 1988 program, "The Moral Dimensions of AIDS," Spring, 1989

Principal Teaching Areas

History of Philosophy, Ethics, Bioethics, Critical Thinking, Philosophy of Medicine, Philosophy of Religion and Philosophy of Law. Previous experience includes teaching courses in Knowledge Theory, Interdisciplinary Studies, and Humanities

Graduate Study (Duke University)

Advanced graduate level seminar in Ethics directed by Stanley Hauerwas on the work of Michael Waltzer, Robert Nozick and John Rawls, Fall, 1986

On-Going Research to Support Currently Taught Courses

Includes topics in Environmental Ethics, African Traditional Thought, Religion, Global Studies and Women


Academic Awards and Recognitions Received While at Bennett College

National Endowment for the Humanities Awards for study at UNC-Chapel Hill(‘86) and Pacific School of Religion (‘88)

Bennett National Alumnae Association Faculty Service Award for “Teaching Excellence and Dedicated Service to Bennett College” received on May 8, 1993.

Alumni Award nominee, Division Level, 1986-1987; College Level, 1987-1988.

Board of Trustee’s Teaching Excellent Award nominee from the HIPRIS Department for (2010 and 2012)

Who’s Who Among America’s Teachers (selected by student/students of merit as a teacher who “made a difference” in the life of students” and who is thereby “acknowledged for excellence as a distinguished educator” listed in Forth Edition, 1998)

Plaque (2010) and Certificate (2011) for Inclusion in Who’s Who in America, 65th edition (2010-2011)—Inclusion continues in all subsequent editions through 2017.


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