6360 Minitab Example

6360 Minitab Example

Upload the data from problem 14 on page 118

Lifetime (weeks) of wire specimens tested for thermal endurance according to AIEE Standard 17 from 2 labs using a test temperature of 200oC

1. Editor/Enable Commands

2. Print C1 C2

3. Describe C1 C2

Minitab and Excel

4. Graph/Histogram

Minitab and Excel

5. Graph/Stem and Leaf

6. Graph/Boxplot

7. Sort

8. Q-Q Plot

9. Normal Probability Plots

2. Results for: PROB 14.MTW

MTB > print c1 c2

Data Display

Row Lab1 Lab2

1 14 27

2 16 28

3 17 29

4 18 29

5 20 29

6 22 30

7 23 31

8 25 31

9 27 33

10 28 34

3. Descriptive Statistics: Lab1, Lab2

MTB > Describe c1 c2

Variable N Mean Median TrMean StDev SE Mean

Lab1 10 21.00 21.00 21.00 4.78 1.51

Lab2 10 30.100 29.500 30.000 2.183 0.690

Variable Minimum Maximum Q1 Q3

Lab1 14.00 28.00 16.75 25.50

Lab2 27.000 34.000 28.750 31.500

Excel Output for Descriptive Statistics

|  |Lab1 |Lab2 |

| | | |

|Mean |21 |30.1 |

|Standard Error |1.51 |0.69 |

|Median |21 |29.5 |

|Mode |#N/A |29 |

|Standard Deviation |4.78 |2.18 |

|Sample Variance |22.89 |4.77 |

|Kurtosis |-1.28 |-0.31 |

|Skewness |0.09 |0.56 |

|Range |14 |7 |

|Minimum |14 |27 |

|Maximum |28 |34 |

|Sum |210 |301 |

|Count |10 |10 |

4. Histograms: Graph/Histogram

MTB > Histogram 'Lab1';

SUBC> MidPoint;

SUBC> Bar;

SUBC> Title "Distribution of Thermal Endurance (wks) for Wires in Lab 1";

SUBC> ScFrame;

SUBC> ScAnnotation.

Histogram Lab1


Histogram Using Excel

| | |

|Weeks |Frequency |

|25 |0 |

|27 |1 |

|29 |4 |

|31 |3 |

|33 |1 |

|35 |1 |

|  |0 |


5. Graph/Stem and Leaf

MTB > Stem-and-Leaf 'Lab1'.

Stem-and-Leaf Display: Lab1

Stem-and-leaf of Lab1 N = 10

Leaf Unit = 1.0

1 1 4

3 1 67

4 1 8

5 2 0

5 2 23

3 2 5

2 2 7

1 2 8

MTB > Stem-and-Leaf 'Lab2'.

Stem-and-Leaf Display: Lab2

Stem-and-leaf of Lab2 N = 10

Leaf Unit = 0.10

1 27 0

2 28 0

5 29 000

5 30 0

4 31 00

2 32

2 33 0

1 34 0

6. Graph/Boxplot

MTB > Boxplot 'Lab1' 'Lab2';

SUBC> Transpose;

SUBC> Box;

SUBC> Type 3 2;

SUBC> Color 0 0;

SUBC> Symbol;

SUBC> Outlier;

SUBC> Title "Thermal Endurance (Wks)";

SUBC> Title "Wires in Labs 1 & 2";

SUBC> Overlay;

SUBC> ScFrame;

SUBC> ScAnnotation.

Boxplot 'Lab1' 'Lab2';


Lab 2 produces more precise results.

Cannot comment on accuracy without true long-run average lifetimes

7. Sort

MTB > Sort c1 c4

MTB > Sort C2 c5

MTB > Print c1-c5

Data Display

Row Lab1 Lab2 C3 Lab 1 s Lab 2 s

1 14 27 14 27

2 16 28 16 28

3 17 29 17 29

4 18 29 18 29

5 20 29 20 29

6 22 30 22 30

7 23 31 23 31

8 25 31 25 31

9 27 33 27 33

10 28 34 28 34

* NOTE * One or more variables are undefined.

8. Q-Q Plot


MTB > Plot 'Lab 1 s'*'Lab 2 s';

SUBC> Symbol;

SUBC> Title "Q-Q Plot for Thermal Endurance for Labs 1 & 2";

SUBC> ScFrame;

SUBC> ScAnnotation.

Plot Lab 1 s * Lab 2 s


Using Excel


9. Normal Probability Plots

MTB > Nscores c1 c7

MTB > Nscores c2 c8

MTB > Print c1 c2 c7 c8

Data Display

Row Lab1 Lab2 Lab 1N Lab 2N

1 14 27 -1.54664 -1.54664

2 16 28 -1.00049 -1.00049

3 17 29 -0.65542 -0.37546

4 18 29 -0.37546 -0.37546

5 20 29 -0.12258 -0.37546

6 22 30 0.12258 0.12258

7 23 31 0.37546 0.51042

8 25 31 0.65542 0.51042

9 27 33 1.00049 1.00049

10 28 34 1.54664 1.54664


MTB > Plot 'Lab 1N'*'Lab1';

SUBC> Symbol;

SUBC> Title "Normal Plot for Lab 1";

SUBC> ScFrame;

SUBC> ScAnnotation.

Plot Lab 1N * Lab1




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