IB Areas of Interaction

• Approaches to Learning: using a graphic organizer; learning the writing process

• Health and Social Education: writing about social issues in society

Objectives (6.01, 6.02, 3.02):

• Write an essay that responds to a problem by proposing a solution that includes relevant details.

• Model an understanding of conventional writing expression by using a variety of sentences correctly, punctuating them properly, and avoiding fragments and run-ons.

• Utilize the writing process (prewriting, drafting, revising, editing, and publishing).

PROMPT: Young people in Charlotte and surrounding communities are increasingly witnessing or experiencing varying forms of youth violence – including gang violence, bullying, etc. Examine the causes of violence and how youth violence has impacted you or your community; then write an essay for your teacher about what you can do to help solve the problem of youth violence.

CONTEST: For five extra-credit points on your paper grade, you may turn in this essay and a cover sheet/consent statement for the Do the Write Thing Challenge contest. Do the Write Thing is a program that encourages students to examine the impact of violence on their lives and gives students an opportunity to help break the cycle of violence in homes, schools, and neighborhoods.

Contest Rules:

• Must be the product of one student.

• Entry should address three questions: What are the causes of youth violence? How has violence affected my life? What can I do about youth violence?

• Entries should be 500 to 1,000 words in length for the contest.

• Must be typed or written legibly in black ink.

• Pages should be numbered, and only one side of the paper may be used.

• If the student uses a quotation or another person’s material in his or her entry, the entry must identify whose work is being used by citing the person’s name or citing the source of the material.

• Entries must have a cover sheet with student/parent signature. No personal information (name) should appear on the body of the written entry.

• Entries must be submitted with one photocopy of the writing.


Length: If typed, the paper should be 1 1/4 pages double-spaced min. and 2 pgs. max. If handwritten, the paper should be 2 pages. The essay should be fully developed.

Typed Papers: Use 12-point font and Times New Roman.

Standards: Follow the Rubric Standards for Writing on pgs. 403-404 in LOL textbook

Turn in the following:

First pocket of folder: Prewriting

Second pocket of folder: Rough draft (labeled) and editing sheets

Third pocket of folder: Final draft (labeled) and IB rubric

Create a MLA Works Cited Page to cite your sources:

• See MLA format on pgs. R44-45 in LOL.

• One source min.

• If more than one source, list in alphabetical order. Double space.

• Provide a source for any information that is not common knowledge

Works Cited

Davidson IB Middle School. Personal Survey. 7 October 2006.

Last Name, First Name. Personal Interview. 10 October 2006.


CRITERION A: CONTENT (55 pts.) _________________________________________

• Paper provides a very clear picture of the problem, including the causes/effects of the problem and why it needs to be solved. A clear and sophisticated thesis statement (main idea of paper) is present.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

• Paper presents a reasonable, logical solution to the problem. The paper clearly explains the steps to putting this solution into effect – and provides enough elaboration to explain how to put the solution into effect. The paper does NOT list several solutions but, instead, stays focused on fully developing the best solution. Additional solutions are only acceptable when addressing a different aspect of the problem.

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• Paper provides multiple reasons for why your solution is an ideal solution and how it helps solve the problem. The paper provides enough relevant supporting details (i.e., facts, statistics, opinions, quotes, anecdotes, or other details).

1. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

• The conclusion reiterates why your solution is the best possible solution considering the problem. It does not include new information that should be in the body.

1 2 3 4 5

CRITERION B: ORGANIZATION (10 pts.) ___________________________________

• Utilizes clear topic sentences for body paragraphs; supporting details are related to the topic sentence; uses a variety of transition phrases; avoids a “listy,” formulaic organization

1 2 3 4 5

• Utilizes a clear paragraph structure; contains a strong introduction, body, and conclusion

1 2 3 4 5

CRITERION C: STYLE AND LANGUAGE USE (35 pts.) ____________________

• Always appropriate and greatly varied use of vocabulary and sentence structure; utilizes formal and specific language that considers the audience

1 2 3 4 5

• Very infrequent errors in spelling

1 2 3 4 5

• Very infrequent errors in punctuation and grammar

1. 2 3 4 5

• Sophisticated use of a hook to catch the reader’s attention; maintains reader’s attention with interesting word choice and a sense of voice; writes in essay format as stated in the prompt

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

• Contains a Works Cited page with correct MLA formatting; one source min.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Total points: ______________

(Points deducted if folder is missing required items or if paper does not meet the length requirement.)

_____________ = ___________

L.A. Number Grade Letter Grade IB Grade/Descriptor

0-69 F 1 (Very Poor)

70-76 D 2 (Poor)

77-80 C- 3 (Mediocre)

81-84 C 4 (Satisfactory)

85-92 B 5 (Good)

93-95 A- 6 (Very Good)

96-100 A 7 (Excellent)



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