Impacts of Globalization

Impacts of Globalization (RI 4)

Two groups that can be significantly affected by the impacts of

globalization are women and children.

For this assignment, you will work with a partner to create a pamphlet that will educate people about the issues faced by children and women, and potential solutions to these issues.

The format of your pamphlet will be a three fold document. Your teacher will show you how to fold the document.

The front of the pamphlet should have a cover that will be informative, concise, eye catching and relevant.

On the inside of the document you will have two different areas:

• Problems Caused by Globalization

• Opportunities Created by Globalization (Solutions)

You will find the information in your textbook on the following pages:

• Children and Youth

Textbook pages 299-305, 320

• Women

Textbook pages 306 – 310, 320, 324

The back side of the pamphlet is your chance to put your opinions on the pamphlet. What are your views of the issues created by globalization. Which solutions do you think will be most successful and why. Add your own ideas – and persuade the reader that you are the smartest person they have ever met! Don’t forget to keep it concise and informative.

You will have one full class to work on this – the first ½ of class is to be spent researching the information, and the second ½ will be putting the pamphlet together. (This time may be split over two days to give you time to print off computer images or type your information for homework).

This assignment will be due: _____________________________________________

My partner: __________________________________________________________

We want to research: WOMEN or CHILDREN


Quality of presentation – is it neat, eye-catching? /3

Quality of language – is it easy to understand? /2

Quality of information – is it informative, detailed? /5



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