Welcome to Dr. Tankersley's 7TH GRADE SOCIAL STUDIES ...

WebQuest - History & Civics of AfricaSS7H1) What was the cause of most of Africa's borders today?2) Which European powers played roles in colonizing Africa during the 1800s and 1900s?3) Which resources did the Europeans discover within the interior of Africa?4) How is it possible that the Europeans were able to bring positive activities to Africa during the colonization period?) What is nationalism?6) How did nationalism transform the identities of Africans?7) What do you think these various nationalist movements led to across Africa??) How were non-white South Africans treated during the apartheid era?9) During the apartheid era, which groups were established to separate South Africans based on race?10) How did South Africa change in 1994?11) Why was Nelson Mandela's election as president of South Africa so significant?12) Why would South Africa continue to suffer with so many problems even though apartheid was eliminated over 20 years ago??) Why did proponents of the Pan-African movement want to eliminate the presence of the European colonists?14) Who initiated the Pan-African movement?15) Why will it be so difficult to unify the nations of Africa together?When complete, go to . Click on any of the tutorials in the columns labeled “countries” or “landscape” and play the games with the countries and physical features. ................

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