STARTING Fall 2016

NAME:____________________________________________BANNER ID#____________________


NOTE: Any student entering Rowan University with an AA/AS Degree is assumed to have completed all 31 of the state’s general education requirements.

A. 6 credit hours are required in Writing Arts

COMP 01.111 College Comp. I OR Integrated CC ____ 3 s.h.

COMP 0l.112 College Comp. II ____ 3 s.h.

B. 7 credit hours are required in Mathematics and Science**

Laboratory Science Course ____ 4 s.h.

Mathematics Course ____ 3 s.h.

C. 6 credit hours are required in the Social and Behavioral Sciences (SBS)**

____ 3 s.h.

____ 3 s.h.

D. 6 credit hours are required in History, Humanities, and Language Arts (HHL)**

____ 3 s.h.

______________________________________________ ____ 3 s.h.

E. 6 credit hours are required in Non-Program Courses (Any non-Law and Justice courses)

_______________________________________ ____3 s.h.

_______________________________________ ____3 s.h.

**All specified required non-program courses (Section IV) are also General Education electives and may be used to satisfy Gen Ed requirements on this page (e.g., Social Problems, American Government and Essentials of Psychology are all Gen Ed SBS electives, Logic of Everyday Reasoning is a Gen Ed HHL elective, and Elementary Statistics is a Gen Ed mathematics elective). Students who take these courses can list them on this page and substitute other Gen Ed electives in their place in Section IV.


NOTE: All students must complete the Rowan Experience. Only FRESHMEN are required to take the Rowan Seminar. Rowan Seminar is waived for transfer students and may be replaced with a non-program course elective.

A. 3 credit hours are required in Public Speaking

CMS 04. 205 Public Speaking ____ 3 s.h.

B. 3 credit hours are required in a Literature course

_______________________________________ __ ____ 3 s.h.

C. 3 credit hours are required in Artistic and Creative Experience

_______________________________________ __ ____ 3 s.h.

D. 3 credit hours are required in a Rowan Seminar (non-program elective for transfer students)

_______________________________________ __ ____ 3 s.h.

NOTE: The Rowan Experience Mutlicultural/Global Course is fulfilled by LAWJ 05.401 Law and Human Rights.

NOTE: The Rowan Experience Writing Intensive Course is fulfilled by LAW 05.400s Senior Seminar.

NOTE: It is strongly recommended that Law and Justice Studies students take at least one online course.


_________________________________________ _____3 s.h.

_________________________________________ _____3 s.h.

_________________________________________ _____3 s.h.

_________________________________________ _____3 s.h.

_________________________________________ _____3 s.h.

_________________________________________ _____3 s.h.

____________________________ ______________ _____3 s.h.

_________________________________________ _____2 s.h.


A. SOC 08.221 Social Problems** _____3 s.h.

B. POSC 07.110 American Govt. OR

POSC 07.100 Intro to Gov’t/Politics** _____ 3 s.h.

C. PHIL 09.110 The Logic of Everday Reasoning OR

PHIL 09.241 Philosophy and Society** _____ 3 s.h.

D. PSY 01.106 Psych of Sci Thinking OR

PSY 01.107 Essentials of Psychology** _____ 3 s.h.

E. STAT 02.100 Elementary Statistics**____________________ _____3 s.h.

F. _____________________________________________ _____3 s.h.

** If used to fulfill a general education requirement, students may substitute another general education elective.



← All Law and Justice majors must earn a C- or better in all courses used for the major.

← No community college courses with D grades may be transferred in to the major.

← Internships are graded on a Pass/No Credit basis and are limited to those students who have successfully completed 60 semester hours of credit (including 24 s.h. within the Law and Justice Studies major, and Comp. I and II).

A. Required Courses (24 s.h.)

Any ONE of the following:

LAWJ 05.202 American Police ____ 3 s.h.

LAWJ 05.201 Introduction to Courts ____ 3 s.h.

LAWJ 05.200 Introduction to Corrections ____ 3 s.h.

ALL of the following:

LAWJ 05.175 Survey of Criminal Justice ____ 3 s.h.

LAWJ 05.255 Criminal Law ____ 3 s.h.

LAWJ 05.369 Theories of Crime & Criminality* ____ 3 s.h.

LAWJ 05.380 Criminal Justice Research** ____ 3 s.h.

LAWJ 05.356 Criminal Justice Internship*** ____ 3 s.h.

LAWJ 05.401 Law and Human Rights (MC/G)* ____ 3 s.h.

LAWJ 05.400s Seminar (Writing Intensive)**** ____ 3 s.h.

Choose from:

LAWJ 05.467 Seminar: Law

LAWJ 05.461 Seminar: Corrections

LAWJ 05.468 Seminar: Police Science

LAWJ 05.465 Seminar: Social Justice

LAWJ 05.469 Seminar: Law and Justice

*Course Prerequisite: Survey of Criminal Justice (05.175) and any 6 Law & Justice credits

** Course Prerequisite: Theories of Crime (05.369)

*** Course Prerequisites: 24 s.h. (8 courses) in Law & Justice Studies & College Comp II

**** Course Prerequisites (for ALL seminars): College Comp II (COMP 01.112), Survey of Criminal Justice (LAWJ 05.275,

Criminal Law (LAWJ 05.255), and Criminal Justice Research (LAWJ 05.380).

B. Law and Justice Studies Electives (12 Required s.h.)

Law and Justice Studies majors must take at least 12 s.h. in Law and Justice Studies electives (any four classes) from the following:


LAWJ 05.120 Introduction to Security ____ 3 s.h.

LAWJ 05.285 Criminal Investigation ____ 3 s.h.

LAWJ 05.290 Forensic Law ____ 3 s.h.

LAWJ 05.320 Civil Aspects of Law Enforcement ____ 3 s.h.


LAWJ 05.276 Parole, Probation & Community Corrections ____ 3 s.h.

LAWJ 05.324 Sentencing & Rights of Convicted ____ 3 s.h.

LAWJ 05.337 Treatment of the Offender ____ 3 s.h.

LAWJ 05.342 Counseling and Guidance of the Offender ____ 3 s.h.

LAWJ 05.395 The Incarceration Experience ____ 3 s.h.


LAWJ 05.305 Law and Evidence ____ 3 s.h.

LAWJ 05.310 Criminal Jurisprudence ____ 3 s.h.

LAWJ 05.335 Criminal Procedure I ____ 3 s.h.

LAWJ 05.312 Criminal Procedure II ____ 3 s.h.

LAWJ 05.290 Forensic Law ____ 3 s.h.

Social Justice

LAWJ 05.205 Minorities, Crime and Criminal Justice ____ 3 s.h.

LAWJ 05.274 Criminal Justice and Community Relations ____ 3 s.h.

LAWJ 05.315 Criminal Justice and Social Conflict ____ 3 s.h.

LAWJ 05.330 Problems in World Justice ____ 3 s.h.

LAWJ 05.346 Women, Crime & Criminal Justice ____ 3 s.h.

LAWJ 05.379 The “Political Prisoner” ____ 3 s.h.

Additional Law and Justice Courses

LAWJ 05.210 Restorative Justice ____ 3s.h.

LAWJ 05.220 Victimology ____ 3 s.h.

LAWJ 05.250 Scholarship of Criminal Justice ____ 3 s.h.

LAWJ 05.322 Drugs and Crime in America ____ 3 s.h

. LAWJ 05.323 Maritime Crime and Criminality ____ 3 s.h.

LAWJ 05.325 Comparative and International Criminal Justice ____ 3 s.h.

LAWJ 05.326 International Terrorism ____ 3 s.h.

LAWJ 05.361 Introduction to Juvenile Justice ____ 3 s.h.

LAWJ 05.367 Theories of Justice ____ 3 s.h.

LAWJ 05.392 Criminal Justice Administration ____ 3 s.h.

LAWJ 05.399 Crime Prevention Analysis ____ 3 s.h.

LAWJ 05.415 Selected Topics in Criminal Justice ____ 3 s.h.

NOTE: Internships can be taken for 6 s.h (as Criminal Justice Internship I and Criminal Justice Internship II) and the extra 3 s.h can be used as Law and Justice Studies or Outside Free Electives.


I. General Education Requirements 31 s.h.

II. The Rowan Experience 12 s.h.

III. General Education Electives 23 s.h.

IV. Non-Major Requirements 18 s.h.

V. Law and Justice Requirements 36 s.h.

TOTAL SEMESTER HOURS 120 s.h. with a minimum 2.0 overall G.P.A.


Transfer: Y N


Credits: _____ 2 Year

_____ 4 Year


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