Medical Safety Template- Emergency Codes and Staff Response

Emergency Codes and Basic Staff Response

(see department policies and procedures for additional details)

| | | | | |

|Problem |Description |Initial Response |Secondary Response |Follow Up |

|Bomb Threat | |Obtain as much information as possible |Report all information to your |Search the area for a bomb; do |

| |Notification of a bomb in the |using the Bomb Threat Form –Where is |Supervisor and Security |not touch if found; report |

|CODE ORANGE |hospital, possibly by an |the bomb? When will it go off? What |Division immediately |anything suspicious; complete |

| |outside caller |does it look like? Why was it placed? | |the bomb threat form in the |

| | |Etc |after duty notify (AOD) |Security Management Plan |

| | |Rescue those in immediate danger |Extinguish flame with fire |Assist fire department |

|Fire | |Activate fire alarm, call 911 |extinguisher |personnel if requested |

| |Fire, smoke or burning smell |Contain the fire (close doors) |Pull the pin | |

|CODE | |Evacuate/Extinguish |Aim the hose | |

|RED | | |Squeeze the handle | |

| | | |Sweep from side to side | |

| |Incident spill |Consult the MSDS |Appropriate dispose of | |

|Hazardous Materials| |Trained user cleans up spill with |materials; consult Material |Complete report of the incident|

|Spill or Release |Small spill presenting NO |appropriate personal protective |Safety Data Sheet |(Memorandum for Record) |

| |hazard to trained employee or |equipment/ decontamination materials | | |

| |the environment | | | |

| | | | | |

| |Emergency Spill |Isolate the spill areas (evacuate); | | |

| | |deny entry to others; notify the fire |Seek/coordinate medical |Complete report of the incident|

|CODE |Any spill which may present a |department; notify your supervisor; |treatment of decontaminated |(Memorandum for Record) |

|YELLOW |hazard to people or the |call the Safety Office |victim | |

| |environment, and the effects | | | |

| |are unknown |Assist contaminated victims in | | |

| | |decontamination process if you can do | | |

| | |so safely | | |

| |An individual is being held |Clear the area to avoid others from |Report all pertinent |Complete incident report form |

|Hostage |against their will by an |becoming a hostage |information to supervisor and |located in the Security |

| |unarmed/armed perpetrator | |Security Division |Management Plan |

|CODE | | | | |

|GRAY | | | | |

| |An infant is missing or is |Go to closest exit and watch for a |Ask to verify infant identity |Immediately report information |

|Infant Kidnap |known to be kidnapped |person with an infant that is not being|(wrist name tag) or see |on any suspect to the Nursing |

| | |escorted out, or with a package which |contents of package; get clear |supervisor and Security |

|CODE | |could hold an infant |description of adult and note | |

|PINK | | |direction of travel | |

| | | | | |

|Radioactive |See Hazardous Materials Spill/|Isolate the spill area (evacuate); deny|Notify Nuclear Medicine, who |Complete report of the incident|

|Incident |Release procedures above |entry to others; notify supervisor |will coordinate response | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

|CODE PURPLE | | | | |

|Unusual Incident |Not covered by other plans |Clear the area; notify supervisor |Follow instructions from |Complete report of the incident|

| | | |leaders | |


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