Socorro Independent School District

Name _________________________________ period ______ Due Wednesday 10/16/13

CH06-07 reading questions

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Multiple Choice

Identify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.

____ 1. Which of the following statements is(are) generally TRUE of pigments?

|a. |They absorb some photons. |

|b. |They reflect all photons. |

|c. |They absorb photons of all colors. |

|d. |They absorb photons of all wavelengths. |

|e. |They do all of these. |

____ 2. Which of the following are accessory pigments in photosynthesis?

|a. |carotenoids |

|b. |phycobillins |

|c. |anthocyanins |

|d. |chlorophyll b |

|e. |all of these |

____ 3. The two photosystems of light reactions are designated

|a. |type 1 and type 2. |

|b. |type I and type II. |

|c. |photosystem A and photosystem B. |

|d. |photosystem 680 and photosystem 700. |

|e. |photosystem I and photosystem II. |

| | |

____ 4. The electrons for photosynthesis come from:

|a. |ATP. |

|b. |glucose. |

|c. |NADP+. |

|d. |chlorophyll a. |

|e. |H2O. |

____ 5. The CAM pathway

|a. |involves only the Calvin-Benson cycle |

|b. |involves only the C4 cycle |

|c. |is used by plants in humid regions |

|d. |is also known as photorespiration |

|e. |needs day and night for completion |

____ 6. Which of the following requires oxygen to function?

|a. |aerobic respiration |

|b. |anaerobic respiration |

|c. |alcoholic fermentation |

|d. |lactate fermentation |

|e. |all require oxygen |


____ 7. Which of the following is indicated by the arrow as the location of glycolysis?

|a. |cytoplasm |

|b. |Golgi body |

|c. |nucleoid |

|d. |mitochondrion |

|e. |rough endoplasmic reticulum |


Matching. Choose the one most appropriate description.

|a. |uses ribulose bisphosphate; produces PGA |

|b. |uses ATP and NADPH |

|c. |uses two PGAL |

|d. |produces ATP and NADPH |

|e. |uses an electron transfer chain to produce ATP |

____ 8. cyclic pathway of ATP formation

____ 9. noncyclic pathway of ATP formation

____ 10. carbon dioxide fixation

____ 11. the PGA to PGAL conversion

____ 12. the formation of glucose

Classification. The processes listed below represent major chemical pathways in photosynthesis. Respond to the following statements with reference to these five processes.

|a. |light-dependent reactions |

|b. |chemosynthetic reactions |

|c. |carbon dioxide fixation |

|d. |Calvin-Benson cycle |

|e. |C4 pathway |

____ 13. This leads to the formation of a glucose-6-phosphate from two molecules of phosphoglyceraldehyde.

____ 14. In this process carbon dioxide is incorporated first into an unstable intermediate compound and then into phosphoglycerate.

____ 15. This yields NADPH as well as ATP.

____ 16. This is a carbon-fixing system that precedes the Calvin-Benson cycle in some plants.

____ 17. PGAL molecules are formed from the reaction of PGA molecules with ATP and NADPH in this pathway.

Classification. The five reactions listed below occur during the noncyclic pathway of ATP formation. Use them to respond to the following statements.

|a. |reduction of NADP+ |

|b. |phosphorylation of ADP |

|c. |photolysis of water |

|d. |oxidation of chlorophyll |

|e. |reduction of chlorophyll |

____ 18. This process releases electrons to fill "holes" in chlorophyll in noncyclic ATP formation.

____ 19. When light energy is absorbed by a leaf, the first result will be this.

____ 20. The final step that occurs during noncyclic ATP formation is this.

____ 21. High-energy phosphate bonds are formed during this process.

____ 22. Oxygen is produced by this process.

Matching. Select the one most appropriate choice for each.

|a. |produces NADH and CO2; pyruvate oxidized |

|b. |produces ATP, NADH, and CO2 |

|c. |splits glucose into two pyruvate molecules |

|d. |regenerates NAD+ as pyruvate is converted to ethanol or lactate |

|e. |uses a membrane-bound system that sets up production of ATP |

____ 23. glycolysis

____ 24. fermentation

____ 25. acetyl-CoA formation

____ 26. the Krebs cycle

____ 27. electron transfer phosphorylation

Classification. Use the five processes listed below for the following questions.

|a. |glycolysis |

|b. |aerobic respiration |

|c. |anaerobic electron transfer |

|d. |alcoholic fermentation |

|e. |lactate fermentation |

____ 28. In this process, the net energy yield is equal to two molecules of ATP, and the final product is ethanol.

____ 29. In this one-step process, the final product is lactate.

____ 30. This process yields the most energy.

____ 31. This process involves electron transfer phosphorylation.

____ 32. This process precedes the Krebs cycle.

Classification. Use the five compounds listed below for the following questions.

|a. |ethanol |

|b. |pyruvate |

|c. |lactate |

|d. |citrate |

|e. |acetaldehyde |

____ 33. This compound is utilized in alcoholic fermentation and lactate fermentation.

____ 34. This compound is produced by fast-twitch muscle fibers.

____ 35. This compound is an intermediate product of alcoholic fermentation but not lactate fermentation.

____ 36. This compound is the end product of glycolysis.

____ 37. This compound is an end product of anaerobic respiration in exercising muscle.

Short Answer:

Answer on a separate sheet. Number clearly.

38. Any light-driven reaction that attaches phosphate to a molecule is called __________.

39. A trip to space finds a planet rich with green light. Scientists hope to introduce a photosynthetic organsims to this planet. What sort of organism should they choose?

40. The splitting of water produces three products. Name and discuss the role of each.

41. Consider the Calvin-Benson cycle and the noncyclic photosynthetic pathway. Why is the cyclic pathway so important?

42. Both C4 and CAM plants have modified carbon fixation - how do they each do carbon fixation and what is the benefit of each of these types of carbon fixation?

43. Glucose-6-phosphate is trapped within the cell because __________.

44. Acetyl-CoA is produced when __________ is broken down.

45. The electron transport chain begins to function when __________ or __________ are oxidized.

46. During alcoholic fermentation, __________ is converted into ethanol.


(10 points each) For each essay question, write a minimum of 10 sentences as part of your response.

(3 points each)Also include a labeled diagram or illustration for each question.

47. Discuss how photosynthesis is a natural partner for aerobic respiration.

48. Describe the ultimate fate of the carbon atoms in a glucose molecule that goes through aerobic respiration?

49. In a mitochondrion, a mutation occurs such that the protein responsible for accepting electrons from FADH2 no longer functions. How many net ATP will this mitochondrion make in aerobic respiration? Explain.

50. What molecule is the entry point to aerobic respiration for carbohydrates, proteins and fats? Explain your answer choice.


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