Proclamation - Special Olympics


WHEREAS, Eunice Kennedy Shriver was an indomitable champion for those among us who have been neglected and ignored for too long.  Her love for all people, her belief in justice and her relentlessly energetic pursuit of a better life for people with intellectual disabilities serves as an example for all of us; and 

WHEREAS Thousands around the world will commit to perform Eunice Kennedy Shriver Acts (EKS Acts) of inclusion and acceptance for and with persons with an intellectual disabilities; and

WHEREAS today, more than 1,100 Wyoming citizens currently participate in Special Olympics and thousands more have reaped those benefits since 1972; and

WHEREAS, Special Olympics Wyoming gives their athletes continuing opportunities to develop physical fitness, demonstrate courage and participate in a sharing of gifts, skills and friendship with their families, other Special Olympics athletes and the community; and

WHEREAS, participation in Special Olympics activities benefits the athlete as a whole and gives the community an awareness of the athletes’ needs and abilities; and

WHEREAS, across Wyoming, Special Olympics athletes will gain sports skills through the self less act of countless volunteers.

NOW, THEREFORE, I, Dave Freudenthal, Governor of the State of Wyoming, do hereby proclaim September 25, 2010 as EUNICE KENNEDY SHRIVER DAY in our state, and urge all citizens of Wyoming to give their support to this unique program with its message of inclusion and community involvement.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the official Seal of State of Wyoming, Wyoming to be affixed this


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