

To: Dr. Scott C. Kelley

Executive Vice Chancellor for Business Affairs

Via: Mr. Michael O’Donnell

Associate Vice Chancellor for Facilities Planning and Construction

From: President’s Name


Reference: Project Title

The University of Texas at [Institution Name]

Project No. XXX-XXX

Subject:: Request for Award of Construction Manager-at-Risk Agreement

(Document Type 201)

This memo is to request approval to award the Construction Manager-at-Risk (CM-R) agreement for the referenced project to [Construction Firm Name, City, State], as the “best value” proposer.

Proposals for selection of the CM-R construction company were received on [month/date/year], and evaluated per the attached procedure. Based on the results of the selection process, I recommend award of a CM-R Agreement to [Construction Firm Name].

With the above approval, OFPC and [Institution Name] will establish, by negotiations with the CM-R, the Guaranteed Maximum Price (GMP) for the project to support a Design Development approval in [month] of [year]. Thereafter, we will jointly receive proposals for construction of the project, and anticipate commencement of construction in [month] of [year].

The OFPC Project Manager has determined that no special issues, risks, or related financial interests were involved in the RFQ/RFP selection process.


The OFPC Project Manager has determined that the following risks, or persons of related financial interests were identified and reported in the RFQ/RFP selection process: _______________________.

The present breakdown for the Total Project Cost (TPC) is comprised of the following elements:

Pre-Construction Phase Fee $000,000

CM-R GMP (Est. w/Construction Phase Fee) $00,000,000

Architectural Fees $000,000

Movable Furnishings, Institution-Managed $000,000

Other Work, Institution-Managed $000,000

Other Work, OFPC-Managed $00,000

Miscellaneous Expenses $00,000

Project Contingency $000,000

OFPC Management Fee $000,000

Total Project Cost $00,000,000

This project is included in the current Capital Improvement Program at a Total Project Cost of $00,000,000 with funding from [identify funding sources].



Scott C. Kelley

Executive Vice Chancellor for Business Affairs


xc: [Appropriate EVC: (choose one)]

Dr. Steven Leslie,

Executive Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs OR,

Dr. Raymond S. Greenberg

Executive Vice Chancellor for Health Affairs


The University of Texas System

Request For Proposals for Construction Manager at Risk Services

The University of Texas Campus Name

Project Name

Project No. 000-000


Selection Committee Members

Name Title

Name Title

Name Title

Name Title

Name Title

Name Title

date Request for Qualifications document was posted on OFPC website. Total contacts approximately number of contacts.

date Pre-Submittal Conference was conducted at UT Campus Name.

date Qualification submittals were received at OFPC, Campus Name office, from twenty (20) firms. A HUB Sub-Contracting Plan was submitted by each firm and all were acceptable to HUB Coordinator. Copies of the submittals were distributed to each Selection Committee member along with evaluation forms for preliminary scoring of the firms. Firms who submitted qualifications statements were:

Firm Name

Firm Name

Firm Name

Firm Name

Firm Name

Firm Name

date OFPC HUB Program Manager advises that the firm name submittal is non-compliant in Good faith Effort and will be considered “no response”. Firm notified by letter dated date.

date Committee meets at UT campus name to score, evaluate and rank the remaining nineteen (19) submittals per the qualification criteria in the RFQ. Four (4) firms are judged best qualified to proceed to Step 2 submittals, are declared to be “short-listed” and are so notified on date and year. These four are:

Firm Name

Firm Name

Firm Name

Firm Name

date Request For Proposal document distributed to the short list of firms:

Firm Name

Firm Name

Firm Name

Firm Name

date Proposals were received at OFPC offices from number firms (eight copies from each firm). Each Selection Committee member received a complete set of the Proposals. The architectural firm of architectural firm also received a copy of the proposals. Selection Committee Members also received evaluation forms and were requested to complete their preliminary scoring of the firms.

date Selection Committee working session held to review preliminary scoring and to determine the agenda, attendees and final questionnaire for the interviews.

date OFPC e-mails notification letters to the three firms indicating the agenda, attendees and final questionnaire for the scheduled interviews.

date Private interview sessions involving Selection Committee members and teams representing each of the three proposed companies was conducted by OFPC at the UT Campus name. Each interview session was 50 minutes duration. Following the completion of the interviews the Selection Committee finalized the scoring and ranking of the proposals. The Selection Committee member’s individual evaluation forms were then tabulated and collected by OFPC. The firm of firm, city was judged by the Selection Committee members as the apparent best value.

The OFPC Project Manager has determined that no issues, risks, or related financial interest were involved in the selection process.


The OFPC Project Manager has determined that the following risks, or related financial interests were identified and reported to the EVCBA

End of Procedure

Request For Proposals

The University of Texas Campus Name

Project Name

Project No. 000-000

Construction Manager at Risk Ranking Matrix

Final Selection Committee Ranking |Evaluator A Rank |Evaluator B Rank |Evaluator C Rank |Evaluator D Rank |Evaluator E Rank |Evaluator F Rank | |Average Rank | |1 | Short-List Firm’s Name |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  | |2 |  Short-List Firm’s Name |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  | |3 |  Short-List Firm’s Name |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  | |4 |  Short-List Firm’s Name |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  | |5 |  Short-List Firm’s Name |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  | |


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