Sixth Grade Mathematics Syllabus

School Year 2018-2019

|Course Name |STEM CAREER CLUSTER |Course Code |48.54300 |

| |3D Modeling and Analysis | | |

|School Name |Chamblee Charter High School |Teacher Name |Mr. Gregory V. Bell |

|School Phone No. |678-676-6902/ 678-676-7001 |Teacher Email |Gregory_Bell@ |

|School Website | |Teacher Website | |

Course Description: Three-Dimensional (3D) Modeling and Analysis is a one-credit course that completes the pathway in Engineering Drafting and Design. Reverse engineering strategies are recommended for third level working drawings. Computer-aided design (CAD) is recommended for use extensively with each standard in the course. Focus is on employability strategies, career studies, applied math, fasteners, working drawings, and assembly drawings. The final culmination is a presentation project that contains information mastered throughout the three courses. The prerequisite for this course is Survey of Engineering Drafting & Design.

TSA, (Technology Student Association), a co-curricular organization provides additional experiences for development of skills in the technology education program. Activities of TSA are a fundamental part of the instructional program and prepare students to be successful leaders and responsible citizens in a technological society. The program promotes communication, leadership and competitive skill development, scholarship and safety in the classroom/laboratory environment and provides experiences with the community’s industrial and technological resources and for recognition for exemplary performance.

Course Prerequisites: On grade level for math and science and Survey of Engineering Drafting & Design.

GPS Standards: Upon successful completion of this course the student will have:

STEM-3DMA-1 Demonstrate employability skills required by business and industry.

STEM-3DMA-2 Identify the disciplines related to engineering graphics and engineering professions.

STEM-3DMA-3 Analyze applied math required by business and industry for engineering graphics.

STEM-3DMA-4 Demonstrate an understanding for fasteners and the correct application in engineering graphics and product design.

STEM-3DMA-5 Produce a working drawing artifact that conveys all of the information needed to manufacture and assemble a design.

STEM-3DMA-6 Evaluate and develop assembly drawings.

STEM-3DMA-7 Construct a 3D assembly model showing criteria, constraints, design, and quality of a final product by creating a presentation or capstone final project.

Curriculum Overview

The following academic concepts will be covered. THIS IS ONLY A GUIDE MAY BE SUBJECT TO CHANGE.


|Unit 1 – Review of Knowledge & skills from the Survey of Engineering Graphics (48.54200) – Employability skills, Portfolio development, TSA, Safety, |

|Tools and Equipment, Career Explorations, Knowledge/Skills review from level 2. |

| |

|Unit 2 – CAD Techniques & Skills – Math applications / Fasteners used in industry |

|Unit 3 – Technical Drawing Standards – Advanced Multiview drawing techniques, dimensions (tolerances, notes, working drawings) |

|Unit 4 – Advanced Technical Drawings – Assembly Drawing Techniques and Applications |

|Unit 5 – Advanced Techniques Application – Capstone Project |


|Title: | Engineering the Future, Engineering by Design, Exploring Drafting by John R. Walker |

| |Goodheart-Wilcox 1972, Additional online resource, |

|ISBN |1-56637-565-7 |

|Replacement Cost |$65 |

|Online book and/or resources |Edmodo |

|Online student access code (school specific) |4th Period – y9wjdy |

GRADING SYSTEM: The DeKalb County School District believes that the most important assessment of student learning shall be conducted by the teachers as they observe and evaluate students in the context of ongoing classroom instruction. A variety of approaches, methodologies, and resources shall be used to deliver educational services and to maximize each student’s opportunity to succeed. Teachers shall evaluate student progress, report grades that represent the student’s academic achievement, and communicate official academic progress to students and parents in a timely manner through the electronic grading portal. See Board Policy IHA.


|Formative Assessment (PreAssessments)- 0% |A 90 – 100 ~P (pass) |

|Assessment During Learning – 25% |B 80 – 89 ~F (fail) |

|Quizzes-10% |C 71 – 79 |

|Portfolio-15% |D 70 |

|Guided, Independent, or Group Practice – 45% |F Below 70 |

|Homework/Classwork-10% | |

|Project and Performance-35% | |

|Summative Assessment or Assessment of Learning– 30% | |

|Formal Post-Assessment Test – | |

|Culminating Project or Performance- | |

|Final or Culminating Exam- | |


|STUDENT PROGRESS |Semester progress reports shall be issued four and a half, nine and thirteen and a half weeks into each semester. |

| |The progress of students shall be evaluated frequently and plans shall be generated to remediate deficiencies as |

| |they are discovered. Plans shall include appropriate interventions designed to meet the needs of the students. See|

| |Board Policy IH. |

|ACADEMIC INTEGRITY |Students will not engage in an act of academic dishonesty including, but not limited to, cheating, providing false|

| |information, falsifying school records, forging signatures, or using an unauthorized computer user ID or password.|

| |See the Code of Student Conduct - Student Rights and Responsibilities and Character Development Handbook. |

|HOMEWORK |Homework assignments are meaningful and an application or adaptation of a classroom experience.  Homework is at |

| |all times an extension of the teaching/learning experience.  It is considered the possession of the student and |

| |will be collected, evaluated and returned to the students. See Board Policy IHB. |

|MAKE-UP WORK |When a student is absent because of a legal reason as defined by Georgia law or when the absence is apparently |

|DUE TO ABSENCES |beyond the control of the student, the student shall be given an opportunity to earn grade(s) for those days |

| |absent. Make-up work must be completed within the designated time allotted. See Board Policy IHEA. |

|Late Assignments: |Late work can be turned in one day late for 70% of grade. |

|Re-do Policy: |Only the testing of projects can be re-done. If the project was turned in, but received lower than a 90%, can be |

| |redone for no more than 90% of the grade. Must be done within one week of original due date. |


|CLASSROOM EXPECTATIONS |Be on time and prepared for class everyday. |

| |Listen to instructions the first time |

| |Turn in work on time. LATE class work will not be accepted without excuse pass. |

| |DO NOT tamper with computer settings. |

| |Clean computer area and log off prior to leaving class. |

| |Clean Engineering Workshop as assigned prior to leaving lab |

| |Follow all safety rules in the lab or classroom |

| |Return tools and supplies to proper storage area. |

| |Do not eat food in the classroom! |

|DETENTION |Detention will be given after two tardies to class, horseplaying in the classroom and failure to perform |

| |housekeeping responsibilities. |

|MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES |Required Materials: USB drive 16GB, Composition Notebooks to be used as the Engineering Design Notebook, Edmodo, |

| |and office 365 e-mail account, livebinder account. |



I have read the syllabus.

Student Signature___________________________________________________________

Parent/Guardian Signature____________________________________________________


Additional information to support continued contact:

|Information |Student |Parent/Guardian |

|Print Name | | |

|Cell / Home Phone Number | | |

|Email Address | | |


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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