Promotional Strategy Review Sheet

Promotional Strategy Review Sheet

Exam 1

Understand terminology, theories, and how to apply them including:


What is it? Why is it of value? How does it differ from the traditional

Approach to advertising?

Promotional mix elements (advertising, public relations/publicity, sales promotion,

Direct marketing)

Marketing objectives and sales objectives vs communications objectives

Market segmentation

What is it? Why is it important to consider how a market is segmented?

Segmentation strategies and how they are applied (demographics,

Psychographics, benefit segmentation, product usage, behavioral




Positioning strategy

What is positioning?

What are the criteria for effective positioning?

Positioning strategies and how they are applied

Steps in positioning a product

Perceptual mapping

Consumer Decision-Making process

Multi-attribute attitude model (MAAM)

Evaluative criteria, evoked set, attitudes (what is an attitude and how do you

Change an attitude?)

Behavioral learning theories

Classical conditioning, operant conditioning, shaping

Consumer problem solving

Schram’s Model of Communication

Response models – AIDA, hierarchy of effects, standard learning hierarchy,

Dissonance/attribution model, low involvement hierarchy

FCB Planning model

ELM model, central vs peripheral routes to persuasion

Message structure factors (primacy, recency, etc.), message appeal factors (humor,

Fear, etc.)



Marginal Analysis

Sales response models (concave downward, s-shaped response function)

Methods of allocating advertising funds (% of sales, objective and task, etc.)


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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