Science Career Project Rubric

Earth Science HONORS

Mrs. Mendenall DUE:

GeoSciences Career Investigation Project


1. Select a profession in the field of geosciences.

2. Research your selection and create a promotional item containing the

following info:

a) Title of occupation.

b) Description of profession, including typical responsibilities and skills.

c) Personal qualities that are important for success in this occupation.

d) Type of education and/or training required (include length of education/training and examples of where education/training can be obtained). List any licenses, certificates, credentials, etc., required. Is continuing education required?

e) Employment Outlook – how easy/difficult will it be to find a job in this profession?

f) Approximate pay scale for this profession (preferably in Missouri). Make a chart or graph including: beginning pay; pay after 5-10 years experience; pay after 10-20 years (NOTE:You may not be able to find this specific info for all of the topics.)

g) Describe the typical work environment/setting where an individual in this profession might be found (indoors, outdoors, with lots of people, shift work, in an office, traveling, research, private practice, government, academia, etc.)

h) Cite your sources!

3. More Product Specifics

a) Promotional Item Layout

a. Present information in a neat, interesting, attractive, readable, creative, professional, and colorful manner. Your target audience includes high school and college students.

b) Use photographs, pictures, computer graphics, etc., to enhance your product, but be sure they are appropriate to your topic.

c) Use reputable sources and be sure that all information is current (within last 2-3 years). Be sure to cite your information using appropriate MLA format (see MLA website).

d) PROOFREAD! Have at least 2 different people proofread your brochure before you print it out.

4. Presentation

Be prepared to share your promotion with the class in small groups and answer any question your classmates or your teacher may have about your profession.


Interview someone who is currently

employed in the profession you

have chosen. Submit the questions

you asked (at least FIVE) and his/her

responses (must be typed).

Careers in Geosciences

Archeologists study past human life and culture by the recovery and examination of remaining material evidence, such as graves, buildings, tools, and pottery

Astronomer study of matter in outer space, especially the positions, dimensions, distribution, motion, composition, energy, and evolution of celestial bodies and phenomena.

Economic geologists explore for and develop metallic and nonmetallic resources; they study mineral deposits and find environmentally safe ways to dispose of waste materials from mining activities.

Engineering geologists apply geological data, techniques, and principles to the study of rock and soil surficial materials and ground water; they investigate geologic factors that affect structures such as bridges, buildings, airports, and dams.

Environmental geologists study the interaction between the geosphere, hydrosphere, atmosphere, biosphere, and human activities. They work to solve problems associated with pollution, waste management, urbanization, and natural hazards, such as flooding and erosion.

Geologists study the materials, processes, products, physical nature, and history of the Earth.

Geomorphologists study Earth's landforms and landscapes in relation to the geologic and climatic processes and human activities, which form them.

Glacial geologists study the physical properties and movement of glaciers and ice sheets.

Hydrologists are concerned with water from the moment of precipitation until it evaporates into the atmosphere or is discharged into the ocean; for example, they study river systems to predict the impacts of flooding.

Marine geologists investigate the ocean-floor and ocean-continent boundaries; they study ocean basins, continental shelves, and the coastal environments on continental borders.

Meteorologist The science that deals with the phenomena of the atmosphere, especially weather and weather conditions

Mineralogists study mineral formation, composition, and properties.

Oceanographers investigate the physical, chemical, biological, and geologic dynamics of oceans.

Paleontologists study fossils to understand past life forms and their changes through time and to reconstruct past environments.

Petroleum geologists are involved in exploration for and production of oil and natural gas resources.

Seismologists study earthquakes and analyze the behavior of earthquake waves to interpret the structure of the Earth.

Soil scientists study soils and their properties to determine how to sustain agricultural productivity and to detect and remediate contaminated soils.

Stratigraphers investigate the time and space relationships of rocks, on a local, regional, and global scale throughout geologic time -- especially the fossil and mineral content of layered rocks.

Structural geologists analyze Earth's forces by studying deformation, fracturing, and folding of the Earth's crust.

Volcanologists investigate volcanoes and volcanic phenomena to understand these natural hazards and predict eruptions.

GeoSciences Rubric PROOFREADER # 1 __________________________ for _________________

|Category |5 |3 |1 |0 |

| |The title of the occupation is clear to|Title is present but not clear |Title is hard to find |Not included |

|Title of occupation. |the audience | | | |

| |Full Description; including typical |Part of Description missing |Minimal description present |Not included |

|Description of profession |responsibilities and skills. | | | |

| |Qualities that are important for |Qualities that are important for |Qualities are mentioned |Not included |

|Personal qualities |success in this occupation are listed |success in this occupation are | | |

| |and explained |listed | | |

| |Includes length of education/training |Includes length of |Education/training is |Not included |

| |and examples of where |education/training and examples |mentioned. | |

|Type of education and/or training |education/training can be obtained. |of where education/training can | | |

|required |Lists any licenses, certificates, |be obtained. | | |

| |credentials, etc., required. Is | | | |

| |continuing education required? Is | | | |

| |answered. | | | |

| |Clearly discusses how easy/difficult |Mentions the ease/difficulty in |Finding a job is mentioned. |Not included |

|Employment Outlook |will it be to find a job in this |finding a job. | | |

| |profession. | | | |

| |Pay for this profession is listed. |Part of the Pay for this |Chart or Graph not included. |Not included |

| |Chart or graph included: beginning pay;|profession is listed. Chart or | | |

| |pay after 5-10 years experience; pay |graph included: | | |

|Approximate pay scale |after 10-20 years | | | |

| |Thorough description of where an |Description of where an |Briefly mentioned. |Not included |

| |individual in this profession might be |individual in this profession | | |

|Describe the typical work |found working is included. |might be found working is | | |

|environment/setting | |included. | | |

| |All sources are cited correctly. |Most sources are cited |Sources are not cited |Not included |

|Cite your sources! | | |correctly, but mentioned. | |

| |It is apparent that much time and |Time and energy was invested in |Appears to have been thrown | |

|Neatness/Creativity |energy was invested in the appearance |the appearance of the project. |together. | |

| |of the project. | | | |

| |

| |

| |

|TOTAL _________________/45 |

GeoSciences Rubric PROOFREADER # 2 __________________________ for _________________

|Category |5 |3 |1 |0 |

| |The title of the occupation is clear to|Title is present but not clear |Title is hard to find |Not included |

|Title of occupation. |the audience | | | |

| |Full Description; including typical |Part of Description missing |Minimal description present |Not included |

|Description of profession |responsibilities and skills. | | | |

| |Qualities that are important for |Qualities that are important for |Qualities are mentioned |Not included |

|Personal qualities |success in this occupation are listed |success in this occupation are | | |

| |and explained |listed | | |

| |Includes length of education/training |Includes length of |Education/training is |Not included |

| |and examples of where |education/training and examples |mentioned. | |

|Type of education and/or training |education/training can be obtained. |of where education/training can | | |

|required |Lists any licenses, certificates, |be obtained. | | |

| |credentials, etc., required. Is | | | |

| |continuing education required? Is | | | |

| |answered. | | | |

| |Clearly discusses how easy/difficult |Mentions the ease/difficulty in |Finding a job is mentioned. |Not included |

|Employment Outlook |will it be to find a job in this |finding a job. | | |

| |profession. | | | |

| |Pay for this profession is listed. |Part of the Pay for this |Chart or Graph not included. |Not included |

| |Chart or graph included: beginning pay;|profession is listed. Chart or | | |

| |pay after 5-10 years experience; pay |graph included: | | |

|Approximate pay scale |after 10-20 years | | | |

| |Thorough description of where an |Description of where an |Briefly mentioned. |Not included |

| |individual in this profession might be |individual in this profession | | |

|Describe the typical work |found working is included. |might be found working is | | |

|environment/setting | |included. | | |

| |All sources are cited correctly. |Most sources are cited |Sources are not cited |Not included |

|Cite your sources! | | |correctly, but mentioned. | |

| |It is apparent that much time and |Time and energy was invested in |Appears to have been thrown | |

|Neatness/Creativity |energy was invested in the appearance |the appearance of the project. |together. | |

| |of the project. | | | |

| |

| |

| |

|TOTAL _________________/45 |


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