THIRD-TERM ENGLISH EXAM TOPIC ONE STREAM: 3LLE DURATION: 3Hours30mns Part One: Reading :14Pts. Read the text carefully then do the activitiesCounterfeiting in China With the rapid economic growth of China in the last one and half decades, there is a "made in China" product in almost every household in the world. This high demand for "made in China" products is bolstered by the fact that they are cheap compared with similar products made in the developed countries. However, recently, Chinese made products are making the headlines for all the wrong reasons. The high demand for "made in China" products has caused the Chinese to compromise on quality and safety. This has raised alarms all over the world. It has been discovered that many Chinese exports, particularly food products to many parts of the world, have been tainted with chemicals not approved for human consumption. In the case of the well-publicized pet food imports from China to the US, thousands of pets died as a result of eating these contaminated products. This happened not only in the US but also in Canada and South Africa. Imported Chinese toys have high levels of toxicity. This is particularly dangerous because these are toys for children who are likely to put anything into their mouths. This requires that products made for children should be very safe and producers and regulators must both adhere to very high safety standards. Adapted from : Annales EnglishBy Mme Ouzain A/ Comprehension and interpretation: (7 points) 1- Give the general idea of the text.(1pt) 2- Write the letter which corresponds to the right answer.(1.5pts) 1) Chinese products are highly demanded because they are: a- of very good quality b- available c- cheap 2) Pets died because food was a- scarce b- tainted with chemicals c- not destined for consumption 3) Chinese toys are : a- toxic b- adhere to very high safety standards c- attractive 3- Read the text and put the following sentences in the order they appear in the text.(1.5pts) a- The harm caused by Chinese toys . b- The bad effect of Chinese products c- Fake Chinese products 4- Answer the following questions according to the text.(2.5pts) a- When did the economic development of China start? b- Why do the Chinese fake the products ? c- Does the world approve of the Chinese policy? Why? 5- Circle the letter that corresponds to the right answer.(0.5pt) The text is: a-a letter b- a conversation c- a report.-1-Text Exploration:( 7 points)Match words and definitions.( Definitions a- a decade b- headlines1- main points of the news on radio or TV.2- a period of ten years 2- Give the opposites of the following words keeping the same root.(1pt) Words Opposites a- expensive b- safec- approved- harmful3- Rewrite sentence (b) so that it means the same as sentence ( a) (1pt) 1- a) " People buy Chinese products because they are cheap.", he said. b) He said that …………………………………………….. 2- a) I won't buy Chinese products unless they adhere to safety standards. b) ……………………………… if …………………………….4- Classify the words according to the number of their syllables (2pts) Task – product - headline - consumption One syllable Two syllables Three syllables 6- Reorder the following sentences into a coherent paragraph.(2pts) a- but the man said it was fake b- He didn't declare his golden watch c- The officer said i twas genuine, d- The police arrested a man in the airport .Part Two: Written Expression:(6 points)Choose one of the following topics .Topic 1: Some people would prefer to buy genuine but expensive products rather than cheap but counterfeit products. Would you do the same? ic 2: Use the following notes to write about unethical behaviours at school.cheating in exams violence (verbal , physical ) breaking school regulations -2- ................

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